CLAY: This ridiculous situation going on in the Ivy League. Have you heard about this? There’s a transgender swimmer that is kicking the ass of all these women out there in the Ivy League. This transgender swimmer spent three years swimming as a man — three years swimming as a man — and then decided to become a woman and now is dominating in the Ivy League, kicking all these women’s asses.
Think about where we are right now with the woke agenda and its intersection with so much of our popular culture. You’ve got a guy who was a good enough swimmer to swim in college in the Ivy League for three years” Training; up early every morning; good, physical condition. If you’ve seen male swimmers, they’re big, broad shouldered, strong. I know this may be a little bit triggering, but men, as a group, are bigger, stronger and faster than woman.
I know, I know, I know. “Biology. ” Some of you out there listening, you’re, like, “Oh, my God, that is so sexist of you!” Don’t blame me. Blame biology. It is sexist. As a group, men are bigger, stronger and faster than women. And, so, male athletes — being bigger, faster and stronger than women — produce better athletic results than women. That is why we have men’s sports and women’s sports.
But the woke agenda has become so all-encompassing that we now have a male swimmer at the University of Pennsylvania for three years, that decides he wants to become a woman and he now has switched teams and he is kicking the crap out of all these Ivy League women swimmers. You know what? A lot of these women know this is wrong.
It violates the very sanctity of sport itself that men would compete against men and women would compete against women. All of these girls in these Ivy League schools have been waking up at 4AM. They’ve been swimming, they’ve been training their entire lives, and suddenly there’s a guy who decides to identify as a woman that is dominating all of them.
And many of these women, I guarantee you, do not feel like they can speak out, particularly in the Ivy League, because they are afraid that they might actually lose their ability to get a job, to be able to compete, because they will be branded as anti-transgender. I don’t care what gender you want to be if you’re an adult. I really don’t. Make yourself happy.
But the idea that a man who spends his entire life training as a male athlete can suddenly flip and become a woman and start dominating women, and we’re supposed to pretend that that is okay represents a complete repudiation of the entire goal of athletics, which is we want the best man or best woman to win. We don’t want the best man who used to be a man to be the best woman. It’s ridiculous.
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