
Clay and Buck

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Crazy Covid Rules at Buck’s Alma Mater

31 Aug 2021

BUCK: Amherst College, where I went to school — not to be confused with UMass Amherst, which was right down the road. It’s a different school; people always get them confused. I went to Amherst College, and the town, at one point, banned the use of nuclear weapons through the town council. That’s the kind of crazy. The U.N. flag was, I believe, flying above the American flag in the town square for a while. I may or may not have known somebody who pulled it down. I don’t know. I heard a rumor about a guy who did that, maybe. The U.N. flag.

CLAY: I don’t know the U.N. flag. Most people wouldn’t recognize the U.N. flag.

BUCK: It’s like a powder puff blue color. (impression) It’s like, “Oh, we have a flag, too.”

CLAY: It’s the Taliban’s new flag.

BUCK: So Amherst is three-square miles surrounded by reality, is what we say, a little town up in central Massachusetts. And, Clay, my alma mater now has a covid policy, where you must be vaccinated, okay?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: You have to be vaccinated to be a student there. No ifs, ands or buts, no exceptions. And they don’t allow any more people to walk into the town unless it is for a pharmacy run or banking purposes.

CLAY: How close is the town?

BUCK: And the dining hall is closed — you have to take the food out — and there are group restrictions. You can’t have more than 25 people together unless you’re all masked!

CLAY: How close is the town?

BUCK: A hundred yards.

CLAY: So they are not allowing people to walk into the little town at all.

BUCK: Yes. They’re like, “You are not allowed to go into town to get pizza, to go buy some comics” or whatever the kids do these days. Not allowed to do it.

CLAY: (laughing) Comics!

BUCK: Sorry. That was some old timey stuff right there.

CLAY: Yeah. They’re going to go get their record players and their comics.

BUCK: (laughing) How much dumber is it going to get, Clay, before everyone has to admit the lockdowners have lost their minds? I’m just wondering.

CLAY: I think a key move here… Have you seen Australia? Australia has basically just come out publicly and said, “Hey, we kind of blew it. Covid Zero isn’t a reality.” I just tweeted out the graphic. Look at all the lockdowns that are going on there. It’s crazy.

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