BUCK: And you see what California is doing, you see what some of these Democrat-run fiefdoms are up to. When energy prices are high, people are already feeling the pain, they double down. They just don’t care, everybody. You have to understand. The same people who want to lecture you about — by the way, there’s a story out there in the New York Times, speaking of the New York Times, Clay, about people that just have piles of bags now because they’re reusable — they just have all these reusable bags at home. Like, what are you supposed to do with all these reusable bags, right? You end up with a closet full of them. Maybe you get a guy who’s got some plastic bags. I don’t know. Maybe —
CLAY: The fact that you’ve got a plastic bag dealer —
BUCK: You know what I mean? Maybe you find a guy that knows a guy that can get you some plastic —
CLAY: You better be careful, the way they’re applying the federal laws these days, somebody may storm into the radio show and take you out for having too many plastic bags.
BUCK: You know, Clay, from my cold plastic bag filled hands. So, I gotta tell you. They don’t care about the suffering of other people. They don’t care about — you know, the same people that take the private jets want to lecture you about how you should be turning your thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter. There’s some who are recognizing, this is like a sickness, this is an illness of mind, the climate change catastrophe. Here’s a guy who was on one of the financial channels —
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: — who was just saying, this whole like, “Oh, we’re gonna save the world,” I mean, there’s a whole worship of Greta Thunberg who was a 16-year-old girl at the time who knew nothing and who was treated like a rock star by CNN. They had CNN anchors who said, “Oh, tell us more about the climate.” And at the time I was saying, why not ask a 10-year-old? Why stop at 16? Why not go ask a toddler, “What do you think about the climate?” Because it’s just as stupid. And the people that went along with this because she was turned into this, like, child demigod religious figure —
CLAY: — was criticized in addition to that, Buck, you were not being fair because she was just a kid —
BUCK: — either Mediaite or Media Matters did a story on me ’cause I said adults who listen to her are stupid. And he said he’s attacking the child. No, no, no. No, she’s a child, or she was. Now she’s an adult; so, we can say whatever we want. But the people that pushed that stuff are not very smart, and they’re emotionally unstable, and they do a lot of damage. Here’s what was said on CNBC about what these energy policies actually do.
BUCK: People will, especially poor people and poorer children of the world will lose their lives because of this climate change lunacy. This is not without major cost. California, meanwhile, oh, we’re gonna be the leaders in the climate change fight. Out of their minds, Clay. Completely lunatic in this.
CLAY: He was great on CNBC this morning making that argument because we’ve talked about this some on the show. The energy situation in Europe as we move into the winter and the cold weather months, it is gonna be a potential calamity. And I don’t think very many people are aware of how much of a collapse we may see in Europe over these surging prices.
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