
Woke Democrats Ruined the Cities They’re Now Fleeing

BUCK: Clay, we often talk about how things have been heading the wrong direction in a lot of cities, and we’re just gonna forget all about your little comment about the Northeast, the land of the Puritans and the Founding Fathers.

CLAY: I’m just saying, think broadly historically as if the world is an entirely different place, and we land in the Garden of Eden-like West Coast, how many people would have ended up living in the Northeast?

BUCK: I don’t know.

CLAY: Would there be a lot of people in Maine? Would there be a lot of people in Massachusetts?

BUCK: You are not even just blaspheming the Northeast, the whole mid-Atlantic seaboard, sir. Our Carolinas, Virginia, they want none of this nonsense.

CLAY: The weather is better there. I’m saying if we’d slowly moved across the country, would anyone have needed to live in blizzard conditions?

BUCK: I will say that turning over particularly the Pacific Northeast which is one of the most beautiful places you could find anywhere in the world — turning over the coastal portion of the country up there to the most insane leftist maniacs who ruin everything — was not a good idea.

CLAY: You know who’s doing it, too — I think this is important — the worst people in America today are white, woke. And the Pacific Northeast is infected with the white, woke virus. Because these are people who are saying defund the police. It ain’t the people living in the inner cities who actually need the police to help protect them and their families. It’s the white, woke people who have decided that they know better. They’re the ones saying, “Hey, we gotta make sure that Latinx is a thing.” They’re the ones who are saying, “Men can get pregnant.” The white, woke community — which is the heartbeat, the foundation now of the Democrat Party, that’s who I repudiate, those are the people who are destroying our country.

BUCK: There’s this story up linked on the Drudge Report about how: This Manhattan Park was Once a Gem. Now It’s a No-Man’s-Land. And I know this park. It’s the Sara Roosevelt Park, you know this one, Producer Ali is from down in the East Village. Down by Christie Street, kind of right where the East Village and the Lower East Side sort of diverge, and the whole story is about how it used to be a place where the community would come together, and they had —

CLAY: Yep.

BUCK: — sprinklers and playgrounds and the kids and it was beautiful and Shangrila, all the good things, and now it’s just a boarded up, graffitied hellhole where people are doing drugs all the time. There have been a number of murders in the last in the park. Among all parks across the five boroughs — this was amazing — it was 11th, 11th in terms of serious crime. It’s not a very big park, by the way.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: So I’m looking at this one saying, “Wow. This has turned into a rough place,” and it’s just you see the way this stuff grows, Clay, it starts with, “Oh, let people sleep in the park,” and public parks are interesting ’cause it’s a public space that are one of these places where the leftist mentality it starts chipping away. “Let people sleep there overnight, let people set up campsites, let people do drugs, let people sell drugs,” and just keeps going, “Let people sell obviously stolen items let people.”

It just keeps going. And then by the end of it you got people swinging crack around and shooting people because they’re fighting for who has supremacy on the corner to sell it. This is what has played out, this same phenomenon all across the country because the sentiment became, among the left-of-center brain — I don’t know why this is happening —

CLAY: The white, woke!

BUCK: — but it has happened.

CLAY: The white, woke!

BUCK: It’s white, woke people decided let’s just not enforce the law really.

CLAY: And I’ll give you an example. You were talking about the situation in Manhattan. I hadn’t been up. We came up for the one-year anniversary of the radio show. My wife was up with us, and like a lot of — get used to it, Buck. Like a lot of married men, you know what my wife likes to do when we’re not around the kids? Go shop. So we’re walking around I think Lower East Side, tons of great shops there, and she goes in — and a lot of times I don’t go into the shop ’cause I’m the awkward man who walks into a shop where —

BUCK: You gotta find the husband or boyfriend chair. That’s what I do. And then you sit there.

CLAY: It’s exactly right. You gotta find the place to sit where you’re, like, kind of out of the way but you’re not really drawing attention to yourself. But it was a perfect day, it was a perfect day in New York City, it was a Saturday. And so I was like, ‘Hey, you go shop. I’m just gonna go chill over here in the park and I’m gonna respond to a couple of emails, catch up on a little bit of work.” Every bit of the seats in this park — and I don’t even know what the name of the park was. A small, little park in the Lower East Side.

Every one of them was occupied by a homeless person. You couldn’t even sit in the park on one of the benches. It was completely taken over. Laying down, like, blankets, everything else. And I’m sitting here thinking, “If you lived in this community,” and there was a little play area, too, and I’ve got young kids and obviously taking your kids to go play I would imagine that New York City seen more important because you’re otherwise in a building and you want to have ’em outside running around, “you can’t even sit on the bench and watch your kid play in the park!” I’ve been to New York a lot of times. I’ve never seen it be like that where you couldn’t even be in the park and use it because the vagrant population had completely taken over every aspect of that park.

BUCK: Yeah. And this is what happens when you decide you’re going to turn over day-to-day life to the whims of the criminal element, and this is why these cities now are finally slowly waking up to this. It’s gonna take a long time, though, because they actually have to go in the other direction. It’s not enough to stop doing what they’ve been doing. They actually have to be active in enforcing the law, in understanding that we are all subject to the same laws, the same rules.

You don’t create different laws for different people, or considerations of historical injustice change the way that you’re enforcing criminal law today. Our friend Jesse Kelly, I sent this to you a moment ago… Jesse’s another Premiere Radio host, great guy. I would bet he’s in the Guinness Book of World Records as the tallest radio host in America, certainly tallest syndicated host. He’s like 6:10. He’s basically Bigfoot walking around.

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: But he had this where you had Starbucks put out from their official account, “Black Lives Matter. Starbucks update on standing against racial injustice.” That came after Starbucks also changed this policy where they were concerned about racial injustice as it pertained to people being able to sit in Starbucks and not buy anything — this is the Starbucks analysis of this — and then you fast-forward to yesterday, and the Starbucks CEO, Schultz, said:

“America has become unsafe,” and he is ripping politicians in cities where they’ve had to close 16 stores. So Starbucks says, “You don’t have to buy anything. We’re all about… You know, we’re all about social justice and racial justice and we don’t want the cops coming in here and telling anybody that they can’t sleep on the Starbucks benches or whatever,” and now it’s closing down stores and, oh, my gosh. It turns out nobody really wants to pay $6 for a milkafrappa whatever where it smells like a urinal.

CLAY: I’m gonna make a perfect use of a meme here, Buck. My kids almost exclusively communicate in memes, and so for a lot of you out there you’re gonna have annoyed what I’m talking about, but I’m gonna make you smart and you’re gonna be able to impress your kids or your grandkids with this reference. There is a meme that shows up that perfectly epitomizes what Democrats have done to this country and what you’re just talking about with the Starbucks.

That is the people who create the disastrous situation say, “Man, who could have possibly created this awful situation?” And it is a meme that is out there, there’s a guy dressed in a hot dog costume and he’s walking around saying, “We’re all trying to find the guy who did this.” It’s from a television show on Netflix where the driver of a hot dog mobile crashes it and everybody’s like, what happened? And the guy who was dressed as a hot dog is walking around, like, “Man, we’re all trying to find the person who did this.”

Democrats are the guy walking around outside of Starbucks like, “Hey, we’re all trying to find the people who created this situation where we had to close these 16 Starbucks.” It was you! It was your idiot policies! aNd you’re hearing now all these Democrats come out, they’re saying it, they’re so duplicitous about it, Buck, they’re coming out and they’re saying, “oh, man we’re really… it turns out that when schools shut down, there were a lot of people out there that ended up suffering in terms of their education. Boy, that was really unfortunate.” Yeah, you caused it!

BUCK: Yeah.

CLAY: You can’t just acknowledge what’s going on now and not accept the responsibility for what you created.

BUCK: They act like we don’t also have records of who was saying that this would happen.

CLAY: And we say defund the police, we mean defund the police. You know, abolish them.

BUCK: I was saying that this is absolute lunacy. And I remember there was the night of the purge in New York City where you had mobs running around the streets of New York shattering storefronts, stealing in the most well-known and wealthiest parts of the Manhattan.

CLAY: That happened in Chicago the most exclusive neighborhoods destroyed.

BUCK: Just ruining stores and stealing from people. And I mean, I’ll tell you this. I say this. I live pretty close to where we have our Clay and Buck studio in Midtown, Midtown Manhattan — and it’s not just my store or my corner. Every Duane Reed, which is like a CVS; I don’t know if they have it all over the country, but every CVS, Walgreens has everything under lock and key because there are so much theft.

There’s cameras, there’s security guards. Doesn’t matter. Everything is under lock and key. That’s embarrassing. The city should be embarrassed by that. There’s no reason for that to be — there’s no way that’s an acceptable status quo. But, Clay, just like it is the vagrancy in the parks. Oh, it’s someone — you know, you get morons like AOC saying, “They’re stealing to feed themselves.” No, actually they’re going in to stores and stealing hundreds, if not thousands of dollars of stuff to go sell on Amazon because they don’t want to do a job. That’s what’s actually happening on camera, in cities across the country, day in and day out.

CLAY: You want to feed yourself, go get one of the 11 million open jobs right now. Never have there been more open jobs available in the history of the United States economy than right now.


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