With the Midterms All But Lost, Schumer Looks to Raise Taxes

CLAY: Just today, Reuters, 42% approval rating for Joe Biden. Politico, 42% approval rating for Joe Biden. Rasmussen, 41% approval rating for Joe Biden. Pretty consistent, awful numbers for Joe Biden as we move closer and closer to summer when a lot of people stop paying attention because summer vacation, summer breaks, kids, Little League games — which is what I do with pretty much all my free time right now.

But Democrats really seriously, Buck, I’m afraid are going to try to pass a massive tax increase, because they know they’re gonna lose the Senate and they know they’re gonna lose the House, and this is their last opportunity — maybe for years — to control the White House and Congress. Here is Chuck Schumer now arguing, Buck — think about how many different arguments they’ve made — that the best way to fight inflation is by raising taxes. That’s really what he said.

Listen to this audio.

CLAY: So, Buck, basic economics here. You’re telling me if you’re a Democrat, if you are Chuck Schumer, that the only way to decline inflation, to bring it down, is to take more money from Americans — both corporations and individuals — for the federal government to immediately spend. This is madness! And, by the way, the corporate tax rate almost immediately gets passed on to everybody else, and the data has reflected that cutting the corporate tax rate actually increased massively the amount of revenue that you produce.

BUCK: I think we’re gonna see a pretty consistent theme here from Democrats for the next — I gotta do the math: May, June, July, August, September — six months.

CLAY: We got six months.

BUCK: Six months, yeah. That they’re just gonna double down on a lot of this stuff, because it’s too late to steer the ship in the other direction. They may lie a little bit or say they’re a little more moderate than they are, but to turn around policies? Not gonna do it, because they’re gonna need their base to turn out in the blue areas. I just think, Clay, there’s also a part of the Democrat mind that’s incapable now of self-correction. I really do.

CLAY: You may well be right, but when I hear arguments like that, which is just basic economic idiocy, it just makes me wonder: Who in the world is giving talking points to people like Schumer right now?


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