CLAY: Look, the inflation story is a very damaging one for the Democrat’s political prospects going forward, going into this midterm election. I keep wondering and waiting for there to be some narrative counterstrike that they can come up with anywhere, on immigration, on the border, on crime. On the economy. You name it. On inflation, specifically. Just having it go in the other direction. And it’s just not happening.
And, in fact, you’re starting to see sometimes all these things coming together. Inflation causing problems for law enforcement, law enforcement having problems because of defund and because of Democrat prosecutors. Here is an ABC reporter talking about how gas prices are so high, that in one Michigan county, the police department says, they can’t even respond to every 911 call anymore in person. They just don’t have the funds for it.
BUCK: Clay, this is the reality that we’re seeing here. People that are listening to us all over the country, in cities, in counties, towns. They are recognizing that. First of all, everything is more expensive for everyone everywhere. If you live in a place where there is any crime issues. Some people live in places where, you know, the worst criminal issue is like a rogue squirrel getting into their attic or something.
But a lot of folks are living in more, in more dense areas of the population, and so they have crime issues. You’re poorer. You’re less safe. You have a wide open border. You have more expensive groceries. You have more expensive gas and the likelihood of a recession here, which I think could really affect the employment picture too. There is nothing you can point to now. It just feels like you have a regime, a Democrat regime that is in full-on retreat. And it’s almost hard to believe, it’s so widespread.
CLAY: It’s, let’s be honest, it’s an unmitigated disaster. And I just keep thinking to myself, Buck, and you know this. We all knew that Joe Biden was not going to be a successful president. But I think the degree to which he has failed on all fronts. He came in and said, hey, I want to unite America. If you look at the poll numbers, Joe Biden has united America in the belief that he is not up for the job. We’re talking about the most recent Quinnipiac poll. You have a 33% approval rating.
That means basically almost 70% of Americans are saying, you know what, Joe Biden is not up for this job. And as bad as it’s already been for Biden, Buck, let’s think about what the next two years are going to be once Republicans take back the House and once they take back the Senate. I don’t know when or if Biden is going to try to announce that he’s going to run for reelection, at 82 years old. But if he does, it’s going to be a landslide election in the other direction. And I’m not even sure that his party is going to allow him to run, right? There might be people who say, I’m running against him.
BUCK: The best thing that could happen to Joe Biden, if we’re just looking at the economy, is Republicans completely annihilate the Democrats in the midterm elections. And then it’s, all right. Are you going to be having an adult conversation about the economy now? Are you going to actually do things? We’re not going to hear any more about the green new deal. We’re not going to hear anymore about how you’ll add an entitlement and spend another trillion dollars on child care for everybody. Whatever it is.
And just muttering nonsense all the time. And they were putting so much pressure on Joe Manchin. And we said, he’s probably saving the Democrats from themselves. And he did. I mean, inflation is already over 8% today, right? So, we’re going into this inflationary period, that looks like it’s not going to stop any time soon. Where would it be? You brought this up. If they added another 5 trillion on the books. Now, it wouldn’t be all at once. Well, even the expectations.
What does the Democrat Party look like with 10, 11% inflation? Ten or 11%, CPI? So, you know, paradoxically, the best thing I think that can happen to Biden for the economy, is if he’s forced to work with Republicans at some level. Or at least he can’t get anything through that would do more damage to the economy, but that obviously then raises what you brought up. Which is, yeah, but then why do you want this guy to be president for a second term? And I think that’s where things get really challenging for this White House.
CLAY: Yeah. And let me tell all the Republicans listening right now. When your enemy is self-destructing, just let him self-destruct. Don’t follow him into self-destruction mode. So, Joe Biden, let’s use an analogy, has basically lit himself and the entire Democratic Party on fire. They are burning right now. Republicans don’t need to run into the fire and start trying to make something happen inside of the fire. They just need to stay back, avoid that self-immolation that the Democrat Party has created right now.
And I would say this, whether you’re Kevin McCarthy, whether you are Mitch McConnell, whether you are Donald Trump, whoever it is: Don’t allow yourself to become the story. Let Democrats burn themselves down. Burn their house down. Burn their village down. And just stand back and say, as you watch that fire going on, talk about the things that people are really caring about. My concern. And this is clearly the attempt with January 6th, is Democrats are desperately trying to get Donald Trump to announce that he is going to run already.
So that they can try to make 2022 a referendum on Trump. Don’t fall into their trap. Don’t run into their fire. They are the story right now. Their failure. And I know this is tough for Trump. And I think because he’s so used to being the center of attention, they are so incompetent, you are gaining every single day and every single week and every single month, just by letting them burn, right? You don’t need to do hardly anything. Don’t interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake, obviously.
BUCK: Yes. Yes.
CLAY: So that’s the one thing we have to guard against, Buck. The idea of just following Democrats into that big conflagration, into that big fire pit, and so you get burned too. They destroyed themselves.
BUCK: So now everyone is talking more about recession, and also today. It’s surprising that inflation was higher, according to the experts. On our team, Clay, back in the middle of May. So about a month ago. I said, low growth. High inflation, also known as stagflation, or recession inflation that’s what we’re facing right now in America. They’re going to start to use the R word soon, Clay. Recession. I think everybody sees it coming. As you said, no doubt.
CLAY: And what’s amazing, Buck, is how did we get everything so right? All these — I’m air quoting. You’re watching on video, as part of the VIP 24/7. You can see it. All of the experts keep getting it wrong. How many months in a row, have the experts been wrong on their inflation expectations? At some point, if you’re always wrong in one direction, wouldn’t you adjust your expectations and make your expectations worse? I mean, the stock market is down — I’m looking right now. I mean, by the way, don’t check your 401(k)s, in the Biden years.
It’s down 750 points down as we talk right now, down 600. I’m talking about the Dow yesterday. 1300 points roughly, in the space of two days. All because inflation came in far worse than these guys were expecting. For all the Wall Street traders out there listening, expect it to be awful. Right? My wife said, we had our first kid. People were like, “Hey, what was the sleep situation like?” Like, you know, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. They were like, “Oh, he was a really good sleeper?” She said, “No. He was awful.” But I expected it to be awful. Right?
When you have a young baby, and you’re not going to get sleep, expect it’s going to be awful. We have the equivalent of a young baby president, except he’s an old man and he’s incompetent. Expect everything to be awful. Set your expectations for awfulness. That way if it’s just a little bit shy of awful, you’re not as disappointed. That’s where we are. And unfortunately, I think that’s where we have to be.
And we’ll talk about this throughout. But I need every Republican listening right now, all you Senate staffers, all you House staffers, all you politicians themselves. You need to raise your right hand and you need to pledge that you will not pass any additional spending, to make this inflation worse. And you’re not going to let Joe Biden and his administration try to fix this by lighting things even worse on fire.
BUCK: So non-economist Buck, I said, let’s see, because now you’ll hear a lot about inflation. When do we start talking about inflation, Clay? Eighteenth of October 2021. There are going to be shortages of products that you want to buy.
CLAY: How did they find all this information so quickly, by the way?
CLAY: No doubt. We’ll have a fancy election party in November down here in Nashville. I can’t wait for that. I think we’ll both get invited. It would be an upset if we weren’t allowed in our own party.
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