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Who’s Going to Bring Charges Against Hunter Biden?

12 Jul 2022

CLAY: Buck, I gotta be honest with you. I’m feeling more and more confident every single time there’s a new Hunter Biden laptop story about charges coming down the pike for your boy Hunter, and it may even be they may get — it may end up being like Al Capone-like where they get him for tax evasion or traveling across state lines with prostitutes ’cause it seemed like he was a one-man stimulus package for East Coast prostitutes.

BUCK: Clay, you gotta go back to the fundamental question here, though, which is who is going to bring those charges? Who in the federal prosecutorial service is going to decide that with a Biden administration that will still be in power for two more years, they will bring federal criminal charges? I still… Look, you have ’til the end of the year, by the way. There is a time limit on this, just to be clear, right?

CLAY: I think it needs to happen in the summer because I do think as it moves closer to the midterms, I don’t think in October they’re gonna suddenly indict Hunter Biden. I think that’s unlikely.

BUCK: Hunter is going to probably, you know, plead to some kind of minor offense, pay a fine, and they’ll say justice has been done. Remember, our bet is does he face criminal charges with possible prison time attached to it right?

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: So, if he pays, you know, late tax fee, et cetera, or, you know, he pleads to some kind of, you know, misuse of a computer misdemeanor or something, that doesn’t count. And I just think that right now — now, I will say, what’s moving in a direction, in my opinion, in this bet, more than anything else, is that Biden’s centrality to the Democrat Party is eroding every day.

CLAY: They’re done with him.

BUCK: So, if this were a situation where, let’s say like Hillary was in office, and Chelsea had all these terrible problems but Hillary was clearly the nominee, going to run for reelection, had decent poll numbers. I don’t care. They could have Hillary’s adult child on video taking bribes from sheikhs; it wouldn’t matter, okay? It wouldn’t matter at all. Full stop.

No prosecutor would bring those charges. What is moving in your direction is the possibility that they actually want to make it impossible for Joe Biden to run. So, it’s actually the change in the politics for the Democrats instead of a change in the actual investigation and criminal evidence that is piling up right now. So, that’s the only reason why I may be buying you a steak.

CLAY: It’s possible the kneecap on Joe Biden from Democrats — and I think that’s what they’ve been inching up towards — is going to be Hunter getting charged with crimes, because then they can say, in addition to being 80, your son is facing serious federal crimes and you are potentially implicated in them as well, you can’t run anymore.

It’s also possible there could be some horse trading, Buck, before it’s all said and done, and you know how dirty this whole process can be, where they say, hey, we’ll go easy to Hunter, but you have to announce that you’re not going to run for reelection. I could see some sort of situation like that going on. I mean, we know how dirty and complicit the DNC was in the Hillary Clinton versus Bernie Sanders great battle where they clearly were doing everything they could to help Hillary. I feel like they are doing and putting a political hit job on Joe Biden in the Democrat Party where they are going to figure out some way to force him out.

BUCK: Well, think about how much heavy lifting they’ve done up to this point to make it seem as though it’s always just, “Oh, Hunter Biden and his drug addiction. It’s just so sad.” How many people out there know somebody who has got an addiction to alcohol or pills or whatever and there’s all the sympathy for that because a lot of people do, right? Addiction is very real. It’s very challenging. The part of this that’s actually so troubling.

There’s also the porno videos, the strippers — I mean, the strippers that he impregnates and then denies — and then the prostitutes. That’s all bad too, but from a national policy perspective, it’s not about Hunter Biden does crack. It’s Hunter Biden does crack and is selling access to then the vice president, now the president of the United States to adversary countries. That’s a big deal. And they just don’t want anyone focusing on that. They want focusing on, oh, look at Hunter walking around in his tighty-whities with a boa on and taking videos of himself.

CLAY: Someone at the New York Post — I’m not sure exactly who it was — tweeted out a question that I hadn’t thought about but makes total sense. How does Hunter Biden still have clearance to visit the White House? Given all of the things in his background, given the fact that he’s clearly under federal investigation, how in the world is he getting clearance?

BUCK: You don’t need a security clearance to go to the White House.

CLAY: To visit and be unrestricted wherever he can go all through it? I mean, you have to put your name in to be able to get into the White House.

BUCK: It’s the president’s son, man. It’s the president’s house right now so he’s gonna go. I don’t know.

CLAY: He can visit The Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, place; but are you comfortable that Hunter Biden isn’t being used as an asset in China?

BUCK: Oh, you mean as a counterintelligence risk in the White House.

CLAY: That’s what I’m talking about.


CLAY: I’m not convinced that he’s not being used right now as a way to try to influence American policy.

BUCK: Like the Manchurian Candidate but with a lot more crack.

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