
Where in the World Is Tiny Fauci?

BUCK: I’ve got a question for all of you, and that is: Where is tiny Fauci? Is he hiding in a drawer somewhere at the CDC? Has he fallen into a thimble and is now yelling out that everyone still (impression) “needs to be masking up? Why aren’t you all wearing masks?”

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: I’m just wondering how it’s possible that suddenly they announce this for the State of the Union that all these mask mandates are going away, and little Fauci, the mask fundamentalist, disappears somewhere. I know he’s easy to lose in a crowd, but where did he go, Clay?

CLAY: He’s been on every media outlet except this one for basically two straight years. He’ll go talk to anybody’s podcast. This guy is the number-one guest. He was on basically every morning show, it feels like, for the last two years. You haven’t been able to escape him. Every time I look up, he’s on CNN or MSNBC telling you about how you’re all gonna die and how important it is for you to go get your eighth booster.

And all of a sudden, in what is fairly significant CDC activity, starting on Friday ending masking, and the effectively last night State of the Union, nobody’s wearing a mask… Every state even now including Hawaii, California, Washington, and Oregon, states that have lost their minds — New York, New York City, all these places — doing away with their mask mandates.

I saw where Philadelphia is letting their kids now not have to wear masks anymore. All these places, and Fauci isn’t to be heard from at all. And again, I don’t know who ordered the Code Red. I don’t know who in the Biden White House walked in and said, “Guys, our polling numbers are absolutely atrocious,” but somebody did, and that Code Red got ordered, and they basically kicked Fauci right out of any media appearances, and they since then have totally pivoted in every direction, Buck.

It is like light switch-like. You know, you’re sitting in darkness and then they suddenly flip the light on and they are pretending, “Oh, yeah, well, the science changed,” but it didn’t. They just recognized that they were getting crushed, and they’re every day, and they’re running scared, and they changed everything overnight.


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