
What Was the Dumbest Covid Regulation?

CLAY: I said as we went to break, I was gonna share you what I thought was the single dumbest decision as it pertains to covid — and, to me, there are a bunch of nominees, right? You could say the guy in California who was paddleboarding legitimately in the ocean with no one else around him when they decided they had to arrest him because the beaches were shut down.

You could say taking the rims off of basketball hoops, which was crazy; filling in skate parks with sand as they did in California; the stupid circles that you guys had in New York City parks. But for me as a parent of young children, the idea that they shut down parks — and then also, even inside of the parks. They put crime scene tape around the playgrounds to prevent any parent from taking their child in the middle of March and April and May of 2020.

And on into a longer period than that, you got to a playground, and it was covered in crime scene tape so you could protect your children who were under no risk from covid from getting covid from objects which we know is not actually a threat outdoors. That was, to me, the single dumbest thing that we did. You?

BUCK: Those are great ones. Those some of the greatest hits. I’ll say it right now. Certainly, Fauci and the “Wipe down your groceries with Lysol!” There are even news stories, “Oh, my gosh. Products from China! That baby rattle you bought on Amazon may have covid on it from China.” There was also this crazy stuff that was happening.

CLAY: Covid on it.

BUCK: For me, the most indefensible and inexplicable would have to be the creation of these limited physical boundaries between people, i.e., the plexiglass divider phenomenon.

CLAY: Oh, yeah.

BUCK: As if aerosolized virus in a superfine mist in the air is going to respect the 24-inch-high plexiglass thing you put in front of your desk and you are safe now. People adopted it because, remember, one of the core… You know how first rule of Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club? The first rule of Fauciism is never question Fauciism. But the second rule of Fauciism is there’s nothing that’s too stupid if we tell you to do it.

So in the very early stages of this, I remember thinking to myself, “This will be one of those things that people do and then realize,” Clay, with the plexiglass dividers, “‘Oh, my gosh. We’ve gone too far.'” They brought them back recently. They’re back again, even though the actual science on it shows it limits natural airflow, which is likely to create pockets of concentrated virus in an indoor environment. Well done, everybody! Your plexiglass dividers probably made the covid worse.

CLAY: I can’t wait for all of the people who think that they are the smartest — as the years tick by into the future — and people go back and reexamine all of this. People are going to pretend that they never bought in. Just wait. That’s what’s we’re already starting to see a little bit of this now. “Oh, I was never one of those people who said schools should shut down.” It’s like how quickly everybody bailed on defund the police. That’s how quickly people are gonna bail on the absurdity of these stupid covid regulations.


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