What Sen. Ron Johnson Will Do with the Power He’ll Have If GOP Wins
12 Oct 2022
CLAY: Senator Ron Johnson joins us now in Wisconsin. And, Senator, since we last talked to you it appears that your opponent, people are realizing, is a defund-the-police, left-wing stalwart, and it doesn’t sound like the state of Wisconsin is responding very well to him.
SEN. JOHNSON: Well, good morning, guys. You’re exactly right. It’s taken us a few weeks to get the truth out about Mandela Barnes — and quite honestly, Governor Evers there. They’re a tag team. They came into office with the goal of reducing our prison population by 50%. It’s down 15%. They paroled 884 criminals; only 100 were nonviolent. The other 784 were violent criminals, including 44 child rapists and 270 criminals who primarily committed or at least attempted murder — and they were horrific murders. I mean, just horrific. Wisconsin Right Now is a great publication, putting it all out there if people want to read just how awful these criminals are and they’re released from the streets. So, you know, they are soft on crime, to say the least, and were proud. Thanks for reading to understand the truth about Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes and Governor Evers.
U.S. Senate
Ron Johnson: 52%
Mandela Barnes: 46%-Marquette Law School Poll, October 2022
— Jason Calvi (@JasonCalvi) October 12, 2022
BUCK: Senator Johnson, it’s Buck. I’m wondering, when people come up to you and they’re talking to you about what faces them right now in their day-to-day lives… Even CNN is seeing the overwhelming issues. I mean, crime is probably number two right now, which is why the Democrats are panicked. But they’re also a little panicked because the economy is the number-one issue for everyone. What is it feeling like to people in your state when it comes to price of gas, inflation and just their sense of their economic future for people who are trying to make ends meet?
SEN. JOHNSON: Well, it’s crushing everybody in Wisconsin, it’s costing consumers about $673 per month in terms of household expenses. That’s about $8,000 a year. I keep pointing out a dollar you held at the start of the Biden administration is only worth 88.3 cents. So, yeah, they’re being crushed by record inflation, a 40-year high inflation, record gas prices, the skyrocketing crime. You know, the open border primarily affects Wisconsin because of the flood of deadly drugs.
And we used to have to shut down meth labs. Now they’ve all been put out of business by the open borders. It’s so much cheaper to get the methamphetamine and fentanyl from our open border. So they’re being crushed by this fundamental destruction of America. That’s what’s happening here. But it’s actually more fundamental than those issues. People, at least on our side of the aisle, they’re just concerned about us losing our country. It’s being torn apart by the left. You know, we’re not the divisive side. It’s the left, this divisive shoving, all this weird stuff down our throats and it concerns people.
CLAY: So, Senator, Buck and I were just talking about this covid data that continues to come out. The Pfizer executive testifying in front of the European Commission says now (summarized), “Hey, Pfizer never actually conducted any sort of test to see whether the covid shot would stop transmission.” That runs counter to everything that we were told by the Biden administration, by many of our public health authorities.
We want you back in the Senate because we think you’re one of the guys that can lead this charge. But when are these drug companies going to be held accountable? When are the people who told us that these mandates had to happen going to be held accountable? What can the Senate do with a Republican majority to hold all these people accountable come January if you win and if we continue to have more Republican senators so that we end up with the majority?
SEN. JOHNSON: Well, if I win and we get the majority, I’d become chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. I would have stronger subpoena power than I have as chairman of the full committee. I’ve written more than 45 oversight letters in some aspects of covid. So you understand this would be a top priority of mine to get to the bottom of all these things, because our federal health agencies have not been honest with us. They have not been transparent. They’ve ignored vaccine injuries. They disparage anybody who would even bring it up. So this is obviously one of the reasons I’m running is we need to get to the bottom of this. We can’t let something like this happen again in the future.
BUCK: You know, Senator Johnson… We’re speaking to Senator Ron Johnson for anyone joining us of Wisconsin right now. Senator, we talked earlier in the program about this. I did want to ask you, are there Republicans…? Would you say this as a policy promise that Republicans are going to try to push to have certainly anybody who was fired from federal service rehired as a result of these completely insane, draconian, and pointless vaccine mandates? Clay and I are both surprised we haven’t heard more Republicans say, “Every person who works in the federal government who lost their job should be rehired resulting from these vaccine mandates.”
SEN. JOHNSON: Well, we’ve had Republicans like Senator Paul and others looking at the origins of covid. I think we were all universally opposed to the mandates. But in terms of, you know, what I’ve been trying to do — advocate for the vaccine injured, trying to provide information to the public so they can have informed choices — it’s been a pretty lonely position I’ve been in. But you understand why. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel just came out with a screed against me. One of the points against me is that I was “a super-spreader of disinformation during the pandemic.”
CLAY: Join the team.
BUCK: Yeah, I was going to say, Clay and I are high fiving right now.
CLAY: (laughing) Yeah.
SEN. JOHNSON: You know, I mean, they lay out all the stuff, but everything I said was true.
CLAY: Yep.
SEN. JOHNSON: Not once has somebody been able to come up to me and say, “This is what you said that was misinformation.” I mean, I provided data from the CDC, the NIH. Maybe they didn’t like the way I presented it, comparing the deaths of ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine to now the 31,400 deaths that we’ve had with the covid 19 vaccine. So I know people haven’t like the truth. I’ve been spreading, but it’s been the truth.
BUCK: But what about on the rehiring point of those who got fired for the mandate?
SEN. JOHNSON: Oh, absolutely, and I honestly hope… You know, this is where the judicial system could come in pretty handy. I’m a private sector guy. I try to avoid lawyers in the judicial system like a plague. But this is where you need a strong judicial system and I think strong lawsuits because people have been injured improperly, as you were pointing out earlier in the show. I mean, and by the way, we’ve known this since the summer of 2021 that the vaccine was not as effective as we all hope and prayed it would be, that it did not prevent infection.
It did not prevent transmission. All you do is look to England or Israel. You couldn’t look at U.S. data because CDC wasn’t publishing it. But overseas it was obvious these vaccines were not as safe and as effective as we all hoped and prayed they would be. But the mainstream media is all part of that covid cartel. They’ve been covering it up just as well as the Biden administration and the health agencies have been.
CLAY: Senator Johnson, I saw — much less serious — you drank a beer as part of your endorsement by — I think you can tell me who the endorsement was from up in Wisconsin — way faster than Aaron Rodgers drink a beer and I just I saw it and I said, “My goodness, this is a man who knows how to put down a beer.” What was the endorsement and what was the reaction? I think you timed it under four seconds to put down the entire beer.
SEN. JOHNSON: That that was the Tavern League of Wisconsin. And yeah, that’s one of my talents.
CLAY: (laughing)
SEN. JOHNSON: When I get thirsty, especially if I’ve been playing sport or something, I can down a beer pretty fast.
BUCK: Senator Johnson is a renaissance man, everybody.
CLAY: I mean, have you seen the video? We need to put it side by side of you versus Aaron Rodgers. I mean, this may be the one thing athletically that you can take Aaron Rodgers down on.
Ron Johnson working hard on the campaign trail today. pic.twitter.com/atNklhrrlE
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) October 8, 2022
Asking Aaron Rodgers to chug a beer. pic.twitter.com/Way3glWHV0— Ⓑⓔⓣⓗ (@Halloween_75) September 30, 2019
SEN. JOHNSON: I haven’t been beat yet. I know there are other people that I’m sure can beat me, but I’ve got a pretty sterling record when it comes to targeting. Plus, I’m in the book in the Marine barracks, 4 seconds or under, and that was about practice.
CLAY: That is impressive. So, when you’re out… Last question for you here. When you’re out and about and I talk about this is an election on inflation, the economy, crime. Is that almost exclusively what you are hearing from Wisconsin voters, what they want to talk about and what they want addressed in their lives?
SEN. JOHNSON: Yeah, those are the issues. But again, it’s more fundamental than that for people who support me. They are tired of the anger and division. They literally see this country being torn apart, and they’re concerned that we are losing our country. They want to save this country. Again, they have far greater concerns over the economic ones — although let’s face it: The Biden economy, Biden inflation is crushing everybody.
CLAY: No doubt that’s 100% true. I said last question, but I’m actually curious here. The January 6th hearings coming on tomorrow as they continue them on the same day that we get the latest data on inflation. How tone deaf is that?
SEN. JOHNSON: (chuckles) Pretty tone deaf, you know, as tone deaf as the media, just ignoring 570 riots during the summer of 2020 that injured 2,000 law enforcement officials. A couple dozen people lost their lives, one to $2 billion of property damage. Oh, and by the way, my opponent incited the Kenosha riots by saying the police action looked like a vendetta being carried out against a member of their community. So, no, I mean, the media is completely tone deaf because they are part and parcel of the radical left themselves.
CLAY: Amen. Where can people go to donate money?
SEN. JOHNSON: RonJohnsonForSenate.com. People can help, but Mandela Barnes raised $20 million last quarter. I can’t let him out-spend me. We’ve got to put him away. We simply cannot — cannot — let him become a U.S. senator.
CLAY: Amen. Senator Ron Johnson from the great state of Wisconsin, appreciate him joining us, encourage all of you out there listening to us right now in Wisconsin. Make sure he returns to the Senate.
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