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What Kamala’s Disastrous Charlamagne Interview Exposed

20 Dec 2021

BUCK: I promised you we would talk about Kamala’s interview here over the weekend with a fellow who is perhaps best known I think for a morning radio show he does, The Breakfast Club, Mr. Charlamagne tha God. And he, to his credit, pushed back a little bit, asked Kamala a real question and he has the access to Kamala to do this, right?

Kamala Harris not gonna come on this show. And I always say this. Yeah, I know the commentary here, you hear what I say about Fauci, I mean every word of it. But if one has the bravery and the courage of their convictions from the other side to come on this program, I will treat them with — we will treat them with respect, will ask them respectful questions. It might get a little heated. I mean, it might get a little tense. But, you know, no name-calling, none of that kind of stuff here. Kamala Harris, the vice president, is never, ever coming on this show. We all know that. Right? Neither will Fauci. (impression) “I’m scared of Buck with his poofy hair, you never know what he’s gonna do.”

So Fauci’s not gonna come on the show, you know, the whole situation of even asking at this point has just become an inside joke here. But Kamala — okay. Kamala’s on Charlamagne tha God’s show. And I want you to listen to closely. It’s about a minute I want you to listen to this clip. I’m trying to set this up so you understand the full context here of listen for one of Kamala’s PR people, you know, PR handler situation try to jump in and do the, oh, wait, we gotta go, it’s kind of busy here, and, oh, you know, can’t hear anything, bad connection, doing that whole routine. I mean, it’s so obvious because they’re like, oh, no, we can’t have Kamala answer this question ’cause it might not go very well because, you know, Kamala Harris in an interview unscripted being asked a real question, here’s how it went. Listen in for this one.

CHARLAMAGNE: Speak to Joe Manchin — I want to know who’s the real president of this country. Is it Joe Biden or Joe Manchin?

SYMONE SANDERS: I’m sorry. I interrupted, it’s Simone. I’m so sorry, Charlamagne. We have to wrap.

CHARLAMAGNE: She can hear me.

SYMONE SANDERS: — wrap up. Can you hear me now?

CHARLAMAGNE: Can you hear me now, vice president?

SYMONE SANDERS: Okay. I’m sorry. We gotta wrap. So I’m sorry to interrupt.

CHARLAMAGNE: They’re acting like they can’t hear me.

HARRIS: I can hear you. I can hear you.

CHARLAMAGNE: So who’s the real president of this country? Is it Joe Manchin or Joe Biden, Madam Vice President?

HARRIS: Come on, Charlamagne. It’s Joe Biden. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. It’s Joe Biden. And don’t start talking like a Republican about asking whether or not he’s president.

CHARLAMAGNE: Do you think Joe Manchin is a problem?

HARRIS: And it’s Joe — and it’s Joe Biden, and I’m vice president, and my name is Kamala Harris.

BUCK: Well, thank you for the reminder. Let’s just start with this. Credit to Mr. Tha God for asking the real question here, for being willing to just push back a little bit at this administration, which, even if you are a Democrat, is not fulfilling its promises. Right? If you are a Democrat, they said they’re gonna get this stuff done. They are not getting it done.

Hence why when Mr. Tha God pushes back on Kamala you can tell that she gets all flustered and that is why you automatically have this, oh, we can’t hear you, oh, we have to go, they’re trying to get we are hammer this interview because they can only do the friendliest of interviews they can only do, you know, puff piece journalism involving Kamala Harris at this point because otherwise it’s just too much of a risk. Otherwise at any moment she may say something that makes her seem out of touch, not particularly competent, like she’s a little bit difficult to deal with. You know, like she gets aggressive when posed with an actual question.

It’s noteworthy any way that the vice president right now clearly — and like I said he’s saying, Charlamagne is saying she can hear me — I mean, he knows what’s going on, everyone knows what’s going on. But you can tell there’s a moment of panic because they have to manage every aspect of the vice president’s interactions, even with friendly media, with relatively friendly media.

Let’s remember, Mr. Tha God is the one who also asked Joe Biden the question back during the election and Joe Biden made that comment, you know, “if you don’t vote for me,” quote, “you ain’t black,” end quote, remember Joe Biden said that? And people all across the country went whoa, you know? But Joe Biden, you know, still managed to be the president of the United States, still managed to be in this position right now. And Kamala Harris is the one who’s supposed to take up the mantle at one time or another in order to push the Democrat agenda forward. And I think what they’re realizing here is, she doesn’t have it, folks, she can’t really do it, doesn’t have the political skill set.

She’s somebody who has been pushed along in politics through her connections to powerful people — leave it there — and through her box checking, as somebody who represents to the Democrat obsession with identity politics inherent problem by virtue of her mere presence in certain roles. Right? She’s to be celebrated because she is — and you fill in all the blanks with the different diversity and inclusion buzzwords. But is she somebody who actually can carry the Democrat agenda forward? Could she handle a debate?

Imagine if she really had to deal with a hostile press. Think back for a moment just by way of comparison to what it was like when Donald Trump was in office and he was like Gulliver with the Lilliputians constantly having to swat away all these, you know, “Wow, you’re a Russian agent, oh, you know, you did this, you’re a criminal, and the emoluments clause,” and it was just — Trump was like the cleanup crew for all their nonsense all the time, just swatting them around. And they hated him for it.

People think that the Democrat media hated Trump because of what he stood for. That’s certainly true in part. But the thing that they hated him the most for was that he made them seem like the incompetent phonies they are. It was their egos that Trump bruised more than anything else. It was the egos of the White House press corps, by and large, that were so wounded in all this. The policy stuff, you know, Democrats pretend to care about a lot of things that don’t really affect them. But it affects the perception of them among their peer group. And that really matters to all of them, especially in journalism and Trump shattered that perception. He was somebody who made them less than they had gotten used to feeling about themselves. They will never forgive him for that.

But imagine for a second you had Kamala Harris with a press corps that was — to say that they’re supportive, it’s not as though they’re supportive of her agenda. They are desperate to like her and to get the American people to like her, desperate, because they know what the stakes are, Joe Biden’s too old, he’s not very good at this, they foisted somebody who is clearly declining on the American people. They have an agenda that is now in tatters. Joe Manchin — the question that Charlamagne asks, is Joe Manchin the president or is Joe Biden the president? Now, he’s either playing with words there a bit, I understand the implication. Of course, Joe Manchin’s in the Senate, and so it doesn’t really, as a matter of process. But Biden’s supposed to get the deal done.

Biden’s supposed to be the guy who sells it. And we’ve been told, oh, he’s such a great deal maker. Not so much. But this is what I have to remind you all. Just because they, the left, are not good at this, governing. Just because they’re not good at governing– and we’ll talk more about this in the next hour with look at what different states are doing and what the metrics, the numbers, reality is for California and New York versus, say, Tennessee, Florida, and Texas. You know, the big population states that are very red versus big population states that are very blue, look at how this is all playing out?

If you think, though, the Democrats will be chastened by their failures, I’m here to tell you, think again. They’ll double down. Just like with covid right now you see that what they said wasn’t true, didn’t work. Their response isn’t hold on a second, maybe the people who have been criticizing us have a point. We don’t have to agree with them on everything, but maybe we will actually listen to them. That is not how they will respond. No, they double down. And they will double down to the left wing agenda going forward on a number of issues when it comes to spending, when it comes to free stuff, they’re gonna have back away on defund the police, they’re gonna have to back away on some of those areas but what they’re really planning is just a blitzkrieg of lies, smears, and hysteria going to the midterms.

They’re gonna get really ugly against their Republican opponents and say whatever they have to say as they always do. So don’t think that reality and results are enough to make them lose power. They will claw at and keep their fingers on power as long as they possibly can no matter what they have to do.

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