BUCK: Chuck Schumer:
BUCK: Of course, Chuck Schumer huge proponent of abortion. If you’re a Democrat politician in — oh, my — New York, in California, you have to be. But he is telling you exactly what we all should have expected here, which is that they’re gonna try to mobilize politically. They’re gonna mobilize politically against this. This will become a rallying cry for the Democrat base going into the midterm.
No question about that, again, all assuming that this is how the final tally comes out. I am not 100% convinced that it will. I think that that’s why the leak happened in this way, because they want to bring the pressure to bear, because they think until it’s done, it’s not done. And they’re at some level correct in that assessment, in that analysis. Alan Dershowitz. I mentioned another professor emeritus at Harvard Law School. Here’s Alan Dershowitz on, yeah, the leaker did this to change the outcome, probably.
BUCK: By the way, it should not be held up using the Commerce Clause, the many-headed hydra of the Wickard v. Filburn decision that not only could the federal government decide what regulations were okay for wheat you would sell across state lines. But wheat even sold within the state or used for individual purpose could be regulated because it would affect, in some way, that interstate commerce; therefore, they can regulate everything.
That’s a quick Wickard v. Filburn rundown for you. And then the government decides, Democrats, the leftists, the authoritarians, “Oh, we’re gonna have federal laws about everything” that they want at least. “We’re gonna federalize whatever because, you know, it affects commerce in some way.” The most tangential, the most flimsy connection to interstate commerce is used as a justification for federal overreach.
It’s just been growing and growing over time. So that may be where this goes. But keep in mind even if they were to codify at the federal level a right to abortion, what happens when Republicans are in the majority? Hmm, right? Which we all know is probably coming soon. So imagine how that will go. Clearly this should be left to the states, which is what the draft opinion says.
This was Scalia, a devout Catholic. This was an actual devout Catholic, unlike Joe Biden who is a phony devout Catholic — and Nancy Pelosi, too. Big proponents in public life and as legislators and in Biden’s case, of course, chief of the executive branch, big proponents of abortion for all. That’s supposed to be the basis… I went to not just Catholic school, I went to Jesuit school growing up.
That’s supposed to be the basis for excommunication, but unfortunately the Catholic Church has been infiltrated with a lot of social justice warriors; so it’s a conversation for another time. A lot of leftists are running around who go against church teaching and bow at the altar of the authoritarian left while they’re their Roman collar. The reality here for us, friends, is that this is gonna get very tense and heated no matter what.
This is an enormously consequential decision, and it does start to answer — we’ll spend a little more time on this in the next hour — what the Democrat playbook is here. As you know I’ve been asking that. And a few months ago — ’cause I like to have some accountability for what our predictions are and to follow where we thought things were going so we can always be refining.
But one thing we’ve known that the fight over this was going to be absolutely vicious. So we’ve known that this would be a mobilization point out for the left for some time and that this would be the result of hysteria, right? If they actually had this decision, they would react to it in this way. Okay, so first I’ll start with this one, with the fight that we are going to experience here.
This was on September 2nd I said this of last year.
BUCK: And the reality here is the left is going to go absolutely all out. I mean, there’s this whole machinery of the abortion industry that is enormously influential and powerful. It’s really the only thing, as a Democrat, that you have to sign on. To be a Democrat, you must be pro-choice, pro-abortion.
BUCK: There’s no room for other things, really, as a Democrat in today’s party or in their party. And they’re going to put a pressure campaign together against sitting Supreme Court justices, the likes of which we have never really seen before. It will be somewhat similar to the ferocity of the smearing Kavanaugh campaign, but it will be much more drawn out. And the stakes, in their mind, will be even higher.
BUCK: So it will be even higher I said. So that was back in September, and here we are on where we thought this was going. This was October 22nd of last year.
CLAY: I think Mississippi, they will say it’s legal, but that Texas went too far, and they will then argue that there is some new standard for how Roe v. Wade is implemented in the twenty-first century. That’s my bet.
BUCK: I think for the first time in 50 years we could see Roe go down. I think that’s what the court is in terms of the makeup ’cause Roberts will try to save it. I don’t think Roberts will be able to save it.
BUCK: It turns out, that was correct. So Roberts tried to save it, Roberts can’t save it, 5-4, Roe goes down — unless the pressure campaign works.
So, yeah, like I said, that was back in October of last year. So we saw this coming, friends. We saw where the fight was heading, where the decision was heading. The leak I did not see coming, but it all make sense when you understand how they view this and how critical it is to the left.
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