We Need a Special Counsel to Probe the Biden Crime Family

BUCK: Welcome back to the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show, everybody.

BUCK: I was gonna say, I think it’s gonna be fascinating to see how the media handled the growing revelations about the Bidens. It’s being called “Biden Inc.” Others are calling it “The Biden Crime Family,” because you’ve got Hunter who is obviously — this is now beyond any doubt — running around doing the shadiest, most corrupt influence peddling business deals possible, allegedly not paying taxes on millions of dollars that came in.

He already… I shouldn’t even say “allegedly.” He had to pay a million dollars in back taxes, so clearly he has not paid all of his taxes. That was clear. Will there be criminal reckoning for it? Clay and I see the likelihood of that slightly different, but there was certainly criminal activity occurred. It’s a question of how it is dealt with, how it is handled. Today, the main story on Fox News:

“Biden Inc.: Biden’s Sister to Keep Cashing in on Brother’s Career with New Memoir, Following Family Tradition.” The Biden brother, Joe Biden’s brother, is also now — and who was doing business deals with Hunter Biden? The whole family was setting up this web of influence peddling and all these different ways to just take money.

Clay, if I was trying to come up with a farcical parody version of influence peddling, having the sitting president’s son do finger paintings, basically, and sell them for $50,000 anonymously each, that would be… I used to say this about the Clinton Foundation. I’d say, “Why not just pay Hillary a million dollars for her to trace her hand on a piece of paper?” ’cause that’s basically what they’re doing with these speeches. That’s exactly what Hunter Biden’s doing right now. You almost can’t make this stuff up.

CLAY: Well, and this is a really specific denial. For Joe Biden, who, by and large, has said, “Oh, I didn’t know anything about Hunter Biden’s business interests,” to have Jen Psaki specifically saying that the email that they were sharing office space where Hunter is requesting new keys being made? For her to say that’s not accurate, they weren’t officemates, is a pretty specific level of denial. It’s not even Joe Biden denying, it’s Jen Psaki, meaning they had to have a meeting where he said, “That report’s not true,” meaning they’re now diving into some of these details.

BUCK: Can I ask you…? We didn’t talk about this. Special counsel. Isn’t this why the special counsel statute exists when you have something like this where you cannot trust the executive branch to do the due diligence on itself?

CLAY: I think so, and there’s a couple of other things that are standing out here that I’ll bring up when we come back in this next segment. There’s a front-page article — we didn’t talk about it — in the Sunday New York Times about the attorney general, Merrick Garland. Also, when you’re dodging these kind of taxes, there’s a significant fact here. He didn’t want people to know that he was getting this money.


CLAY: We’re just talking as we went to break, listening to Jen Psaki specifically deny that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and Jill Biden were officemates, which is a very specific rejection of a story that is out there which is based on Hunter Biden’s own emails he sent. And, Buck, I don’t think we necessarily talked enough about the tax-avoidance aspect of this Hunter Biden story because everybody knows Tax Day is not too far away and there are multiple different storylines that are out there about why you could be charged with tax evasion.

One way you could be charged with tax evasion, for instance, is if you have a different interpretation than the IRS for what you might end up owing. What I believe Hunter Biden has done is… Buck, we need to have a real investigation here because I think what’s likely to have happened with much of the money that Hunter Biden didn’t pay taxes on is, he didn’t want the IRS to know he had made this money at all.

And that’s a significant fact here because it would suggest that Hunter Biden may well have known that some of the money he was getting was improper for him to be receiving. For instance, everybody out there, if you’re an employee, you get a tax return by the end of January letting you know how much your employer paid in tax, how much you paid in tax.

You might get a 1099. There’s a variety of different forms that you’re gonna get. Do we think these Chinese and Ukrainian interests were reporting to the United States IRS the money that they were sending to Hunter Biden? Of course, they probably were not, which means that what Hunter Biden was doing was not only avoiding paying taxes.

He was hoping the IRS would never know that he got this money in the first place ’cause it might have been illegal, some of the money that he was getting. And I don’t think that gets talked about enough. Tax avoidance, there’s a variety of different reasons why you could have a tax dispute with the IRS. This is among the most significant.

BUCK: Oh, absolutely. When you’re talking about hiding income, that tends to be the thing that gets the IRS’s attention the most as we’re all heading into Tax Day — and, yes, I despise or tax code.

CLAY: Amen.

BUCK: I think the IRS is often… The whole thing is just a sham, it feels like. I mean, “Oh, yeah, we’re gonna sit down and go through…” They can’t even tell you. Remember Donald Rumsfeld when for many years — not when he was just secretary of defenses — he always included a letter in his taxes, “Look, my accountants and I tried, you want me to sign that all this is correct? I’m hoping this is correct but I’m just letting you know that nobody knows what’s correct.”

The whole thing is absurd. The one thing, though, where they actually do kind of get you and they gotcha is when you’re getting millions of dollars in wire transfers to shell companies or LLCs or whatever and you hide that. And you do that because, as you said, you don’t want people to know about it. Also, you don’t want to pay taxes on it. That’s the other part of it, right? And that’s very, very illegal.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: So Hunter Biden had to borrow, apparently, from a donor a million dollars to pay back — and here’s part of this was where they’re gonna really circle the wagons. Here’s where the firewall, Clay, really goes up. It will be on the issue of any connection — this goes to the office; it goes to everything — every connection between Hunter and Joe. They’re very close. They’d talk all the time. This is the president’s son who’s not running a side business. He’s not running a hotel business. He’s running a “Hey, I’ll get you access to my dad when it really matters” business.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: So this is where all of a sudden when you start to pull all the pieces together, you find yourself in a situation where you can say, “Hold on a minute. This actually implicates…” As much as Anne Applebaum may say this isn’t an interesting story, this has implications for the sitting president of the United States in ways that all the investigations of Donald Trump and his children never actually did.

Nobody was selling, nobody was taking wire transfers from Chinese Communist Party connected or Chinese Communist Party member businessmen, Clay, so they could give 10% to The Big Guy. This is just getting started. I’m telling you, we’re not done here by a long shot.

CLAY: You raise a good idea, the idea of an independent counsel investigation into Hunter Biden. Sunday’s New York Times, front-page story, third paragraph, Buck — because they try to say, “Oh, Merrick Garland is independent!” The third paragraph of the front-page New York Times story which is focused on him. The headline is: “Garland Faces Growing Pressure as January 6th Investigation Widens.”

They’re try to put pressure on him. Third paragraph, Buck. “The attorney general’s deliberative approach has come to frustrate Democratic allies of the White House and, at times, President Biden himself. As recently as late last year, Mr. Biden confided to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J. Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted, according to two people familiar with his comments.

“And while the president has never communicated his frustrations directly to Mr. Garland, he has said privately that he wanted Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action over the events of Jan. 6.” Buck, that paragraph is an amazing paragraph for the New York Times to write because effectively what they’re doing is putting what Joe Biden wants to say to his attorney general directly to his attorney general, who one billion percent read this article without Joe Biden having to say it himself.

This is… I read that, and my jaw dropped because it is the New York Times carrying water for the Biden White House to put pressure on Garland while saying, “Oh, we never had conversations with him where we’ve said that!” No. You got the New York Times to write exactly what you think so he would read it without you having to say it yourself.

BUCK: And here’s a reminder that — it’s a rule, really — Democrats accuse the other side of doing exactly what they themselves either have done, are doing, or will do. They accuse Republicans of what’s actually going on within their tent. This happens on countless issues. And, Clay, as we’re watching this play out right now, let’s just remember that Donald Trump having any kind of conversation with…

First of all, his Ukrainian counterpart, Zelensky at the time, remember that? They impeached him over that. Speaking about Hunter. There was Hunter Biden corruption, obviously. There were illegal things going on, clearly. So, sorry. There’s not some special immunity. Now, you could say that you think that political hardball and you may or may not want a president to push the buttons in that way.

But there’s nothing illegal about saying, “Hey, there’s something sketchy going on. You gotta tell us what’s going on here, have your prosecutor look into it.” That’s one part of it. And the other part of it is any conversations that Trump had with anyone within the DOJ sphere having to do with Russia collusion, which was all a lie, all of that stuff, they used that.

Remember the 10 counts of possible obstruction of justice that the Mueller probe came out with? Nothing about Russia, by the way, in terms of Russia collusion. Ten counts of obstruction? Why is it different for Democrats to say, “Yeah, you know, Biden thinks that Merrick Garland should prosecute the former president.”

CLAY: It’s crazy to the degree to which — I read that on Sunday, and it just was such the New York Times carrying water.


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