CLAY: We want to talk now about some of this Hunter Biden story. So for those of you out there who haven’t read it yet, the Washington Post just before we came on air — about an hour before we came on air — suddenly comes out with a story and says (summarized), “Oh, we validated, confirmed that the Hunter Biden laptop emails are real,” and they now have a big story up about the millions of dollars that Hunter Biden got from Chinese interests, essentially selling access to his family.
And CNN yesterday, out of basically nowhere, Buck — I mean, because ABC, NBC, and CBS had not even covered Hunter Biden at all in 259 days — suddenly they get around to covering it. A CNN senior legal analyst, she says, “Well, you know, there’s a potentially really serious federal crimes at play here.” Thank you! Been saying it for 18 months or more. Listen to the CNN legal analyst yesterday.
BUCK: So let’s just understand a few things, and, Mr. Travis, there’s a certain momentum right now.
CLAY: Good vibes. If we were setting odds, the numbers would be moving in my direction.
BUCK: It’s never been a question, in my mind, of whether Hunter broke the law. The guy had to pay a million dollars in owed taxes, for example, right in and it’s not ’cause he “made a mistake.” It’s not ’cause he wrote off a couple office chairs or something when he wasn’t supposed to. He was hiding income from the IRS.
I mean, hiding large sums of money from the IRS is actually the one thing that they do tend to prosecute people for. You know, “What do you mean? I didn’t make a million dollars from a corrupt Ukrainian gas company or whatever,” that’s where they’re gonna get people. But up to this point we know there are different rules for Democrats, different rules for Republicans.
Whenever there’s a politically charged moment that prosecutors can weigh in on, Democrats get more than the benefit of the doubt. They get special treatment. Hillary Clinton’s a great example. There are countless others that we can talk about. Has it shifted? And this is the part of it that would be — ’cause I still believe that they would make it go away for Hunter Biden, to make it necessary for Joe Biden, and they care enough about Joe Biden’s political future.
He’s already the president. So this isn’t going to affect him in office. He stays in office. But does this wound him for the next go round, and is that why they’re willing…? We’re gonna have to dive into this. This is a big question with all this. Plus, I want to tell everybody about the China connection here to all this.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: The Washington Post goes into some detail. Turns out Hunter Biden did get millions of dollars from China, everybody. Affirmed, confirmed reality here. We’ll get into this in just a moment. There’s a lot, a lot going on.
BUCK: Remember back when Trump was talking about this issue with the Bidens getting money from people, Hunter Biden getting money? If you even breathed a word of corruption around… Let’s think about this, folks: Hunter Biden, somebody whose adult choices, unfortunately, have become a case study in what not to do on a whole variety of fronts.
But if you brought this up, if you said the laptop was real, if you said Hunter was getting payouts from foreign governments — shady and even optional foreign governments in the case of, say, China — you were told to shut up, you were told that you were a liar, you were told you were a spicier theorist, and this is by the most supposedly reputed journalists.
Just so you understand, we have warring media propaganda machines going on all the time, all right? This notion of neutral journalism is a farce. Nobody should be speaking about it with a straight face. But here you have the would explain finally coming out and admitting one thing, Clay. There’s really I think a two-step process here.
One is they — the Washington Post, CNN, the New York Times, the Democrat Party, and everybody who’s in that mix — lied to the American people in the most obvious and cynical fashion right before an election because they wanted senile Joe Biden, who’s clearly not up for the job, to be the next president because they’re obsessed with power and they don’t care what it actually meant they had to do.
Okay. So start with that. They lied. That is now a fact. There is no getting around this. CNN lied. The New York Times lied, the Washington Post. Twitter with its ban of this story. Remember, there’s no apology to the New York Post, there’s no apology that’s been out there. So we have established that. You’ve all been lied to. Now, I know you know you were lied to.
That’s why you’re listening to this show, because we tell you the truth. But let’s just be clear that’s now on the record. Now, Clay, the interesting part about this I think the next step is, what are the details here? And what really has occurred? What’s really happened when it comes to Hunter Biden? That takes us to this Washington Post story which is just confirming what a lot of has already been said by conservative analysts, pundits, reporters.
So here’s how they write this piece: “Inside Hunter Biden’s Multimillion-Dollar Deals with a Chinese Energy Company — A Washington Post review confirms key details and offers new documentation of Biden family interactions with Chinese executives,” and then it goes into it. I’ll just give you one thing here.
“Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate [CEFC] and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly,” they say, “once belonged to Hunter Biden.” Clay, what Trump was saying about the Biden family, what the right was saying about the Biden family, it was all true.
CLAY: It was all true. The Bidens are what the fever’s dream version of the Trump family allegations were out there over the last five years. Over $4 million, almost $5 million. What is I think paramount now that all of you need to be thinking about, “Why now? Why, after 18 months?” Certainly, they covered this up in October when the New York Post story came out because they wanted Joe Biden to be elected.
Why now are they covering it? I think there’s a couple of things worth discussing, Buck. First of all, I believe there are going to be charges brought against Hunter Biden, and some people think that’s crazy. Obviously our steak bet is over it. But the reason why I think there are gonna be charges brought is, one, I agree with you that Hunter Biden has committed several felonies.
But I don’t think this is gonna be at the discretion of the district attorneys, of the U.S. attorneys, of anybody who’s investigating. They’re in front of the grand jury right now. I think they’re going to claim that it is not their choice to bring charges. They’re going to put it in front of the grand jury and let garage decide whether charges are brought so they can argue, “Hey, this is not a political decision.
“We followed protocol, and this is what the grand jury decided,” and I think based on all the evidence out there, it’s hard to believe, just based off what we’ve seen, that at a minimum Hunter Biden hasn’t committed tax fraud. I mean, we know that he paid a million dollars back. And that’s fine. It’s great to pay your tax bills when they’re owed.
But it doesn’t mean you didn’t commit the crime when it occurred of not having paid. Why would he not have paid, Buck? I think because he knew that a lot of the money that he was getting from these international corporations in Ukraine and in China was gonna look really, really bad. And he was trying to not provide notice in his tax return of all the money and where it was coming from.
BUCK: And can we just understand, everyone, why do you pay $500,000 for a Hunter Biden finger painting, for example? The fact that this is even going on — and it is, or 50 grand or whatever the payments are —
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: — just goes to show you this is another version of what the Clintons did, which is find ways to create a fig leaf of legality for the buying of access to U.S. government decision-makers and the Rol-O-Dexes of the most powerful Democrat officials in the country and therefore in the world. That’s what this is really all about. Burisma was paying off Hunter Biden.
First of all, they were doing that. We’re talking about China now. This was in 2017. Burisma was doing it when his dad was running U.S. foreign policy in Ukraine, okay? This is clearly corrupt. If you go back and read about the Bob McDonnell prosecution brought by the Feds in Virginia who was the governor of Virginia at the time, not only did they want to send him to prison…
He never took a single official act; they never claimed he did. It just looked bad, they said, that he was taking gifts. It was unseemly. As he was governor, he was taking gifts. It looked corrupt. Clay, they wanted to send his wife to prison for two years. She wasn’t even an official. That’s how the Democrats play the game. I believe the Supreme Court actually had overturn one of the charges against McDonnell because it was so broad and there was overreach.
They were all, “Oh, (mewling), you don’t know anything.” Yeah, of course. And it turned out that that was obvious. And now here with Hunter Biden, you had Burisma when his dad was vice president. But even when Biden is not technically in office, the whole point of this is to give access. Hunter Biden was gonna provide access to Democrat Party decision makers that he knew through his dad, and they view it as a good investment to throw money at this ne’er-do-well because he might be able to get policy in the U.S. to go in their direction — and we’re talking about China here, folks.
CLAY: They know they can talk to his dad. That’s what you’re paying for. You’re paying for the access.
BUCK: Yeah. That’s right.
CLAY: And, by the way, it moved even beyond this because, remember, the emails reflect “10% for The Big Guy.” So I think what happened was when Trump won in ’16, Joe Biden thought his political career was over. I don’t think he ever really thought, “Hey, I’m gonna run again in 2020.” He knew how old he was, and he decided to shift to, “Let’s make as much money as we can while we still can. ”
And that is, to me, where we get Joe Biden complicity. But the reason why that I believe that all of this is suddenly coming out now… Remember, Buck, CBS, NBC, and ABC, big newscasts. Your mom and your dad, grandma and grandpa may still watch the evening news on those big networks. They didn’t mention Hunter Biden for over 260 straight days!
If they do — and I think there’s probably a good chance that they’re going to have to cover it now — what it is emblematic of in my opinion is Democrats have realized that Joe Biden is done. They are effectively throwing him off the boat and letting him flounder in the ocean on his own. It’s time to move on. Maybe it’s to Hillary. Maybe it’s to Kamala. It’s going to be to an open primary. I think they’re telling Joe Biden, “We don’t have your back anymore. You’re dead to us.”
BUCK: So let me ask you, southern Nostradamus here, the Nashville Nostradamus.
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: If there are criminal charges brought — which I still think will not happen. I think there will be a deferred prosecution agreement that he will not actually face a criminal trial or have to take a plea agreement for criminal charges. But I’m gonna say, I’m saving up money just in case.
CLAY: Yes. Yes.
BUCK: I’m creating a little steak fund.
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