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UC Berkeley Professor Calls for Elimination of White People

1 Mar 2022

BUCK: I want to note that it’s possible you might hear something tonight in the State of Union address and in terms of how Democrats are gonna try to frame the issue of the parental revolt against CRT in schools, and the way that this was a mobilizing, unifying force going into the Virginia election. Remember, the Democrat governor’s race in New Jersey was actually pretty close, which was remarkable —

CLAY: Oh, yeah.

BUCK: — when you think about it, it’s a very blue state — because of this phenomenon. So, yes, the Democrats recognize that this is a major challenge to them, and it continues on. Whenever you see debates over CRT, you have a lot of leftists who get very snide, and they say, “Oh, you don’t know what it is,” or “Oh, that’s not CRT” or “CRT’s not being taught.” And then it turns out they have to back off because parents go, “Well, hold on a second, look at this. Hold on a second, this video exists, or that video shows what they’re teaching in schools.”

This is… If you pay enough attention, you’ll just see it crossing a radar on social media at some point, the video or either teaching materials. The UC Berkeley professor Zeus Leonardo — Clay did you say this, by the way? It’s on CRT. Did you see what this guy has to say about —

CLAY: I saw the headline, but I haven’t heard the audio?

BUCK: Why are parents so fired up about stuff being caught to their kids? Well, when you get to the get level of CRT being taught to kids, you’ll hear things — this is UC Berkeley who is supposed to be an elite school though all the elite schools now are basically social justice factors of lunacy.

BUCK: Did you hear what the pathetic little Marxist said there, Clay? “To abolish whiteness is to abolish white people.” Oh! Okay.

CLAY: Seems kind of like a bad thing to abolish a race of people, but I don’t know. Kind of a genocide. Big picture, there is no good response here, which is why we’re eight months, basically… By the way, today is the first primary that I’m aware of, state of Texas. Many of you out there listening right now are going to vote in the Texas Democrat and Republican primaries today.

But if you are paying attention, what you cannot allow to happen is for eight months of whitewashing on covid to convince you that somehow the Democrats solved covid, because that’s their opening fusillade that they’re going to have — interesting word — that they’re going to have tonight in the State of the Union.

They are going to begin the argument of “Joe Biden beat covid” because they are aware that there’s nothing else that they can argue on behalf of Joe Biden. Inflation’s a disaster. Murder rate’s skyrocketing. Border’s a mess. Afghanistan, Ukraine, all of it’s a failure. Only thing they can argue and covid and they’re gonna try to argue — with every fiber of their being — that they solved covid.

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