CLAY: Our good friend, the esteemed man of science, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has decided to pronounce… I believe this is in a PBS interview, if I’m not mistaken, Buck. He can literally do every outlet on the planet except for the Clay and Buck show. Dr. Fauci has come down from the heavens to now pronounce after two years that the pandemic is over. Listen.
BUCK: I was gonna say, by the way, when he says “might be longer,” how can it be longer than “every year”?
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: I guess maybe he meant…. ‘Cause I really think it actually is significant. Did he mean more than once a year? ‘Cause I think that’s also possible too. ‘Cause if you want to be… Clay, we all know, if you want to be maximum protection… I mean, look at poor Kamala Harris. Four shots. Still got covid, apparently is getting some treatment for covid right now. You really need to get to that eighth or ninth shot, and then things start to really line up for you. You know, then all of a sudden, your sniffle that’s gonna last three days will last two days and 22 hours. So it’s gonna be good.
CLAY: How many times have you been told, “Hey, the first four shots didn’t do it but the fifth shot will do it”? I mean, it’s just crazy. Now, I do think that those pronouncements, by the way — just like he comes down from Mount Olympus to deliver these proclamations — I do think that these are significant.
Because if he’s right and the pandemic phase is over, how is it possible to still argue that you have to wear masks on airplanes? Because this is what’s being argued right now by the CDC via the Biden Department of Justice. So Anthony Fauci, the King Smurf, as it were, may have actually undercut the administration’s legal argument by saying the pandemic phase of covid is over because they are arguing it’s still necessary because the pandemic phase isn’t over.
BUCK: He prefers “Tyrant King Smurf,” Clay —
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: — just so everybody knows that he gets to call all the shots. Look, we’re gonna continue to try to hold all of the lockdowners and Fauciites accountable here going forward because (chuckles) until the American people have voted after two years of the madness, we haven’t actually seen what they actually think of all this, and it needs to be an enormous repudiation.
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Miss Clay on Hannity? Watch it here.
Miss Buck on The Story with Martha MacCallum? Watch it here.