Twitter Throttles Buck Over Truthful Mask Tweet
11 Nov 2021
BUCK: I told Clay in the break, Twitter is now throttling me so you can’t like or respond to or do anything to a tweet I put out. I just want everyone to know, you’ve heard so many people here talking about — on this show, including doctors — how cloth masks don’t do anything. So, I shared earlier today, “It’s stunning there are still so many people walking around with cloth masks on as though it will protect anyone from covid.
“We’re in the era of iPhones and SpaceX, but millions still obey mask superstitions like medieval peasants terrified of the number 13,” which, you know, I’m obviously having a little fun with it too. But it is true. And now you can’t like it! Twitter saying this is misleading and they have a warning on my tweet and all this other stuff.
All these people, Clay, in my thread, say, “Look at the studies! They have proven! The studies have proven.” They absolutely have not! I will die on this hill if need be. They are wrong. There is no study that proves this. Cloth masks are a waste of everyone’s time. It is about compliance. They can drag me off to the gulag. I’m not backing down off of this one.
It’s stunning that there are still so many people walking around with cloth masks on as though it will protect anyone from COVID
We’re in the era of iPhones and SpaceX, but millions still obey mask superstition like medieval peasants terrified of the number 13
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) November 11, 2021
CLAY: Nothing that we have done has substantially changed covid in this country. In fact, you can argue that all we’ve done is prolong it. Just looking during the break, Buck — I was just talking with you — Maine is about to set a hospitalization record for covid. Maine has 100% of people 65 and up vaccinated. The states of Maine, Vermont, New Mexico, these are some of the states that have been the most proactive embracing masks.
Vaccine mandates, social distancing, all of those things have failed, and increasingly the vaccines are becoming readily apparent that they do not provide very substantial protection from getting covid for very long at all, and that is why I’m afraid that we are headed for a really tough winter when it comes to covid because so many people out there have convinced themselves that we aren’t.
BUCK: There’s also a data point that I would like to chase down a little bit more ’cause we do like to base what we talk about here in the numbers and in reality and that is I wonder they keep saying, well, it prevents hospitalization and death. That’s the final, if you will, the final pitch in favor of the vaccines. It does not reliably protect getting infected and spreading the virus to other people. It does not reliably protect from that we know that is a fact they’ve had to admit, ‘Okay. That’s done.”
But now they say, “Oh, with boosters” and “It’ll prevent you from going to the hospital or dying.” I want to know what the numbers are of those who have… You know, they need to disaggregate natural immunity and vaccination from just vaccination, because I think that would be very, very instructive, right? I think there are a lot of people may think, “Oh, I got a mild case of covid because I got the vaccine.”
Okay, maybe. But also, what about the people that already had the virus who have natural immunity like you and me with natural antibodies and have the vaccine on top of that? What’s really protecting them at this point? Over 150 million Americans, easily, have gotten covid, right? And that’s natural immunity based, never mind the vaccines on top of that. So there’s a lot of factors here, folks. But something’s not right. Something’s not adding up.
CLAY: Well, we had Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin on, and he said that in the last month in England, 78% of the people who are dying are double vaccinated for covid. And that would suggest… Again, we talked about it earlier in the show, Buck: Germany just hit a new high. Looking at what’s going on in many of these European countries that often have high vaccine rates is not making me very comfortable, is that we’re not gonna get really bad again in terms of cases this winter.
BUCK: And I think everyone… You know, you get on edge a little bit here when you see things like Berlin right now is barring unvaccinated people from even entering restaurants, bars, sports. So this is now… You’re not allowed to enter if you’re unvaccinated. You got the same thing here in New York City. You’re gonna see more of this where they just go with more and more extreme restrictions. But somehow, Clay, when the restriction doesn’t work, the answer is always more of it and more similar to it. It’s never, “Maybe we need to rethink our posture here.”
CLAY: Well, somebody’s gotta be to blame, and what the Biden administration has been trying to blame for a long time is, “Oh, these unvaccinated people, if they would just get vaccinated,” and that’s why I’m sharing the data from Vermont and Maine. Because, basically, I think, 92% of adults in Vermont are vaccinated. If you’re still setting all-time covid records in Vermont for cases despite the fact that 92% of people are vaccinated, then you can’t vaccine your way out of covid. It’s not happening. Not at least with these vaccines.
BUCK: Think also of how much more clear the messaging could have been and should have been all along here. The reality is that if you’re being honest about these vaccines, that since they do not stop transmission, they do not stop infections — if they’re being honest, if they’re useful for something — what are they useful for? Protecting those at high risk from going to the hospital?
Clay, let’s just think for a second. If instead of the idea that that we were gonna somehow get a hundred percent of America, which really now is what the expectation has turned into, right? Five-year-olds, everybody, 20-year-olds, professional athletes. If instead of the Fauciites running around like lunatics thinking that everyone’s gonna get the shot, what if everyone had just agreed, “You know what?
“We need to get every single citizen in America — 100% of them — vaccinated,” and what would the hospitalization and death rate from covid be then, right? That’s essentially an extension of the Great Barrington Declaration’s focused protection, but using vaccines instead of just when they came out they were talking about the general mitigation measures focused only on the elderly. That’s what should have been done. Instead, they’re putting the shots in 5-year-olds.
CLAY: Yeah, and remember Dr. Makary said yesterday that there’s a strong chance 50 to 60% of your 5- to 11-year-olds have already had covid, even if they didn’t test positive for it. That’s what the overall incidence rate would be likely to suggest.
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