Journos Will Never Apologize for Ignoring Hunter’s Laptop
18 Mar 2022
BUCK: We will get into the Trump habit of saying things that turn out to be almost prophetic, right? He says things that are true that they hate. He says things that will be true, and they shut him down. They say, “No.” Remember Trump said that there’d be $7 gas under Biden? Sure enough, California, last week, $7 gas in some places. I think it might have even been higher than that. Might have been like eight bucks or something.
It was very, very high. The Hunter Biden laptop it was buried as part of a much larger… They are still looking at Hunter Biden. This is called laundering the narrative through the pretense of journalism. Here’s what they’re doing. This New York Times piece, it was, “Oh, there’s a big, long investigation of Hunter Biden. Let’s write a long piece where we get into some of the details.” They’re looking at Hunter. This is a little true. That’s maybe.
We don’t know. It’s all so they can say, “See, we covered it. We tell you the truth.” Remember, a good propagandist always has a lot of accurate facts. It’s the narratives, it’s usually the conclusions that are the biggest lies and omissions of fact that are necessary to get you to those conclusions. Those are the ways that talented, skilled propagandists try to get the public to think certain things and think things that are not true.
And so that then brings me to what Trump said about the media, to the media just back in 2020 when the Hunter laptop story broke — and remember, they went on a full-scale, scorched earth suppression campaign. “It’s not true. It’s Russian disinformation.” They trotted out clowns from the intel community who used to run it, which people ask why’d you leave the intel community, Buck? Well, ’cause there are a lot of morons running it to be honest with you. And here’s Trump saying in 2020 that the Hunter laptop story is true and the media is disgusting.
Trump Was Right.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) March 18, 2022
BUCK: Can we just take a step back here for a moment? We are being told that, increasingly, it is our responsibility… The elites certainly in the foreign policy, national security apparatus, are saying that the war in Ukraine is a U.S. and NATO responsibility. “We have to do something to end this,” and they keep pushing further and further just shy of U.S. military intervention.
This just happens to be in a country that the former vice president and current president’s son was getting paid off in so that there was at least a perception of access directly to the very top of the U.S. government, and the media’s entirely disinterested in this. In fact, they lied about it. They said it didn’t happen. As we know, that was not true. But I’ll remind you of this as well. They are never… Don’t ever mistake this.
New York Times, CNN, you name it. Any of the libs you see running around on social media who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation, who cheered as Big Tech shut down the New York Post Twitter account to suppress that story — an entirely true and very newsworthy story. They’re not embarrassed. They succeeded. The lie was what they were going for.
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