
Clay and Buck

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Trump: They Want to Replace Jefferson with Sharpton

5 Jul 2021

Clay and Buck gave thanks to the nation — and to Donald Trump — on this Independence Day, otherwise filled with liberal doses of lib hate. On Trump’s fiery remarks to those with enough hatred to suggest bulldozing the Jefferson Memorial (or at least Thomas Jefferson himself from the monument), Buck was grateful: “That was Trump. And, oh, my, there is no one with the reach, the megaphone, and the sheer fearlessness, at least on the political scene, the sheer fearlessness to weigh into political correctness.”

What got the guys so especially gung-ho about Trump as we celebrate America’s birthday? Here’s what the much-missed leader declared at a campaign-style rally in Sarasota:

“They want to take down the Jefferson Memorial. They probably don’t want to take it down. They want to take the statute of Thomas Jefferson out, and replace it with somebody. By the way, let me tell, you’re not going to be happy with the person they want to replace him with. Ladies and gentleman, Thomas Jefferson is being removed from the Jefferson Memorial, and being replaced with Reverend Al Sharpton. I don’t think so. Now, nobody would have a problem with that. Now, I can name plenty, that they want to replace him with. And it’s not good. It’s not good. It’s not acceptable.”

Buck continued with his doling out of well-earned compliments, especially attempting to strike down what amounts to preposterous political correctness: “Clay, there can be times where people feel like they’re walking around a minefield of PC. Trump is like the minesweeper. He does not care. He does not hold back. And it’s one of the things that honestly I miss most about having — it’s good that he is out there back on the national scene.”

Clay also found Trump downright inspirational –- much like the never-not-feisty Rush Limbaugh. “Look,” he stressed, “we’re trying to do that, like Trump, and continue to uphold the legacy of Rush Limbaugh, in that respect, as robust believers in the First Amendment. You may not agree with us. You may sometimes think we’re crazy. But unlike much of the modern media apparatus that is out there, we’re not going to run scared from telling you, three hours every day, exactly what we believe. And I think, to a large extent, that’s why Trump cut through so much of the BS that exists in the political universe.”

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