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Tomi Lahren Tells Us About Taking on a Violent Liberal Mob

16 Sep 2022

CLAY: We are joined now however by OutKick’s Tomi Lahren. We’re super happy to have her as a part of our team at OutKick.com. She is doing regular shows every single evening with us, also appearing on Fox News all the time, Tomi Lahren. Also, Tomi, I don’t know if you’re still in New Mexico or not, but your speech, your talk at the University of New Mexico was shut down by protesters last night. Police had to be called in to provide safe escort to you and the others that were there. This is a crazy story, emblematic of the shutdown of free speech that is existing all over the country. First, we’re glad you’re okay. Second, tell us about what happened at the University of New Mexico.

LAHREN: Well, anytime I go to a campus I expect some resistance from what I call the green hairs, the green-haired liberals who don’t like conservatives on campus. You know, they’re more than welcome to protest. But what happened last night was not a protest. It was a mob, and it was a riot. And we were in a room, in a student union room. I was about to deliver my speech. Of course we knew that there was protests supposed to be happening. It had to be advertised for days. It was all over the social media. You know, the Antifa of campus got involved.

But I didn’t expect it to be like it was. I mean, they were banging down — trying to bang down — the door, they are screaming, chanting — I don’t think they were even supposed to be in the student union. They were supposed to be in the courtyard but they busted their way through. I mean, campus PD, they had a few officers there, but they were being pushed and shoved to the side. I mean, it got to a point where the doors were rattling, and people were starting to push their way in and that’s the point when they decided that I probably better get back to the kitchen because we didn’t know what was gonna happen after that. So it was absolute chaos and madness. And the liberals have their rabid banshees and it’s only gonna get worse, I fear.

BUCK: Tomi, I’m just curious. The first thing when I Googled this story, the first news story that came up reads this way. I just want to share this with you. “Nearly a hundred people gathered on the University of New Mexico’s campus in Albuquerque to protest a conservative political commentator, Tomi Lahren.” They go right into this quote: “‘I think it’s really bad for the university to be having someone who comes out and says hate all the time, especially when they push ‘love everyone’ and they’re really big on inclusion,’ says one student.”

So, I like that. This is the way news stories are set up now. There will basically be one line about what happened and then it’s already pushing hate all the time. But what is it that you push that makes them so upset? I’m just curious. When they’re screaming and as you see the banshees are shrieking about all this stuff. I mean, you’re very nice and pleasant. I don’t understand why they are so mad at you. What did you do?

LAHREN: (laughing) You know, they like the conservatives that apologize, you know, the Republicans apologize. I think maybe those are palatable to liberals. But if you’re somebody that stands their ground like, you know, the three of us are and many other conservatives out there, they don’t like that. And what they really want to do on these college campuses is unfortunate. Not only do they want to get the campuses to disinvite people like me — I think that’s the first goal — if that doesn’t happen, what they try to do is create madness like this even to the point of violence so that universities don’t hold student events like this in the future but also so it runs up the security costs so high that groups like TPUSA can’t afford it.

That’s what they really want to do here. And now what they’re gonna do next time the University of New Mexico wants to welcome a conservative speaker through PTUSA Today, the university gonna say, ‘Oh, no, well, the state police had to be called in and the SWAT team had to be called in so we have to deny that.” So that’s what they do to true shut down conservative speech. They’re either gonna physically attack you or they’re gonna find a way to silence you in whatever way necessary. And they will go to necessity lengths. What I saw last night might be one of the worst displays that I’ve seen, and I’ve been doing this for a while and have been with a lot of protests. But what was happening last night wasn’t protests, like I told you. It was a mob, it was a riot.

CLAY: Who’s organizing this, Tomi? I mean, in your mind. Because let’s be honest. First of all, if you show up and you protest a speaker on a campus —

BUCK: Who’s organizing the riot, just to be clear. Right.

CLAY: Yeah, yeah. But I’m saying, you’re a total and complete loser. Most people on college campus, you know, they’re trying to find out where the next party is gonna be; they may be worried about their school. It’s inconceivable to me that these could be real, normal students that are showing up and protesting. So somebody is trying to organize them and antagonize them. It’s an organized group in some way, Tomi.


CLAY: Do you have any sense of who is trying to make this happen?

LAHREN: Well, funny story. It’s actually somebody that’s a self-proclaimed Antifa, also a self-proclaimed journalist was kind of the guy behind it. He actually exchanged some words with my fiance, JP. on Twitter yesterday, which was interesting and then come to find out this is the man that organized the whole thing. I believe his name is Andrew Gun. And if you want to take a little look see at Andrew Gun’s history he has also been arrested previously for threatening to put his girlfriend in a meat grinder. So that just gives you a little sense of what we’re dealing with here.

These are vile, disgusting, mama’s basement-living Antifa liberals who are emboldened and believe they can do whatever they want. As far as I know no arrests were made last night despite the fact that they vandalized the university, kicked holes in the wall and then, of course, endangered me and the students who were attending. But no arrests made. They just had to call in the SWAT team because apparently these people were so righteous. That’s usually why you have to call in the state police to a conservative speaker.

BUCK: Talking to Tomi Lahren of Outkick.com right now. Our friend Tomi had to deal with some psycho libs last night, and this is just the way things tend to go whenever they’re gonna be subjected to words that hurts their feelings. But, you know, Tomi, we’ve also been having… I just need your take on this. We’ve been having quite a day here with the 50 migrants sent to Martha’s Vineyard, now shipped off to a military base right away because the Vineyard loves illegal migrants so much that they couldn’t find a would I to feed and house them for 24 hours. What do you think of this whole situation?

LAHREN: Well, I’m with you guys. I think that these liberals should be opening up their mansions. Doesn’t Obama have quite a nice mansion in Martha’s Vineyard? They should be opening up the doors. They’ve got plenty of room. I mean, isn’t that the benchmark of socialism that we invite everybody in and those who have a lot are able to give what they have? And if they’re gonna really open it up, I say we start sending them to the French Laundry. You know, anywhere that these rich white liberals gather, they should all get illegal immigrants. We should be like Oprah with the illegal immigrants, just send them everywhere and spread the love.

CLAY: (laughing) Tomi, you’ve been talking about the border for a long time. I don’t remember more discussion about what’s going on at the border than in the last few weeks as New York, as D.C., as Chicago — and certainly over the last 24 hours or so since this happened, at Martha’s Vineyard — this is changing the story. Is it going to be impactful in the long run, or is it a distraction that kind of disappears again as they try to disappear anything having to do with border security?

LAHREN: I think it’s in your face when you start seeing busloads and you’re not able to ignore it. But let’s be clear: These sanctuary cities and states they’ve got their share of illegal immigrants. They’re just they’re just living in the shadows and the residents that are there they’re not seeing it coming off of a bus which really shocks the system. That’s why this needs to continue. You know, we’ve got the population equivalent of Ireland that’s invaded our southern border since Joe Brandon took office. So we got plenty of people. To go around. So at these facilities, they’re not able to house them? I say keep sending them to these liberal cities until they can’t ignore it any longer ’cause that whole excuse of this is a racist move or using people as political props, that only works for so long when your residents are gonna start getting pretty pissed off. So keep doing it. I think that this is masterful, and I hope that they continue.

BUCK: Speaking to Tomi Lahren of OutKick. Tomi, I know you’ve talked to Border Patrol many times, been down there many times. I’ve spend some time at different points along the border. I’m wondering what they tell you they think, ’cause I’m asking people for their estimates. How many illegals are actually in the country, because as you’ve been discussing, the senses number is 11.7 million, I think, maybe at 12 million now. But we’ve had five million in two years, and that’s not including got-aways.


BUCK: So what are you hearing about the total number? I’m always curious.

LAHREN: They’ve been telling us 10 million illegals for the last 20 years, okay? So there’s no palpable way the numbers add up there. I would think, my estimate there’s gotta be close to 20 million at this point. Because they’ve been saying 10 for quite a long time now. That’s the problem. We don’t know. We don’t know where they end. We don’t know. By the way, when they get here, we don’t know how many kids that they’re having. We don’t know how many on government assistance. The last number’s a very high number of these immigrant families that are on government assistance.

You know California hands out those perks like candy. So at this point there’s far more, but talking to Border Patrol honestly they just like any other law enforcement in this country, they are so demoralized. They signed up for this job for a reason: To protect the border. They’re not able to do that. And the amount of time that and he spend babysitting is unbelievable to me. Every time these migrants come in, of course, they have to take them to the hospital to get their checks and any that have medical problems. They have to be serviced on our dime. And these fellow Border Patrol agents have to sit outside of the waiting room and wait for these people like they’re their nannies. It is unbelievable. We’re paying for all of it, by the way! This is a resource suck like we’ve never seen before.

CLAY: Tomi, for everybody out there who loves what they’ve just heard from you, maybe they haven’t gotten to experience a lot of your content before, where can they find it?

LAHREN: Well, of course, Fox News and then OutKick.com, Tomi Lahren Is Fearless — Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7 p.m. Eastern — and I’m so happy to be part of the OutKick family, and it’s great to talk to you guys as well.

CLAY: Good stuff. We’re glad you’re great, Tomi. And, by the way, congratulations the wedding next month, right?

LAHREN: Yes. We will be having security. If anybody was wondering. (laughing) But as you know, Clay, this kind of stuff doesn’t happen in Nashville. At least I hope not.

CLAY: At least not so far where we live. Tell J.P. I said hi, and thanks for making the time.

LAHREN: Thank you, guys. Have a good one.

BUCK: Take care.

CLAY: It’s Tomi Lahren.

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