BUCK: A smackdown for the ages on Twitter. Welcome back to the Clay and Buck show. Oh, my gosh. I was looking forward to sending this one around to the team here ’cause it will spur a few discussions, I believe. But one of them is… Well, let me first tell you what the throwdown was before I get all excited about the takeaways here. Clay, this was amazing.
Elizabeth Warren, who’s constantly talking about paying your fair share — you know, she’s very wealthy. She’s worth about $7 million to $12 million herself. But she tweeted out this:
Elon — who has, I think, 66 million Twitter followers — responded. This is awesome.
Then he shared an article.
Then he added and finished it off, Clay, with:
CLAY: It’s really funny. First of all, Elon Musk may be — may be — a great hope of people who believe in capitalism, people who believe in free markets, people who believe in the First Amendment. I think he may be snarky, Buck — maybe not even snarky anymore, ’cause he came back against Build Back Better, and I believe he may be the best asset to freedom of thought in America today, right?
I think he has a lot of… Now, I’m not saying he has the exact same political opinions as you and I, Buck, and we obviously have different opinions on a variety of different issues, too, like everybody else out there. But I do think when you consider that he has $250 billion, I think he has seen how dishonesty and untrustworthy much of the media is in the way that they have covered him.
And so I think he is inclined to build — and you had a great tweet thread about this, I think, last year about how the billionaires out there need to be actually committing their money instead of to think tanks to actually getting involved in real battles. And, frankly, it tied in yesterday with what Abigail Shrier said when she mentioned J. K. Rowling. If you have a billion dollars and you aren’t willing to say what you really think, what’s the point of having a billion dollars?
BUCK: You can’t really be canceled when you have a billion dollars.
CLAY: Yeah, at all.
BUCK: It’s not something that you have to worry about the same way. You’re not gonna not have a job and a way to pay your mortgage. So it is different. And, by the way, you mentioned that thread. I might play some of it next week, some of the audio, because that tweet thread — Rush read it all on air in June of 2020. So Rush read… I think. I’m trying to make sure I got that date right.
CLAY: I think it was June of 2020 ’cause you sent me the thread.
BUCK: That’s right.
BUCK: This is the huge challenge that we keep seeing, and that is, “If they own so much more of the battlefield machinery, so to speak, in the war of ideas,” which they do, “even though we sit here and we talk about how we are the frontline defenders of reality in this crazy media world we live in…” And that’s really what we try to do, just try to tell the people the truth and what we’re actually seeing and what’s actually happening every day.
But you can be overwhelmed with lies, right? You can be overwhelmed with the propaganda machinery that’s out there. The Democrats… As much as people listening to this show because they have the discernment to know they’re not getting the truth elsewhere, that’s why they listen. They understand that. A lot of other folks are busy. They got other things going on.
They don’t know enough, they’re not exposed to it enough, and they’ll believe Jen Psaki when she says things like, you know, “We were never in favor of defund the police,” or they’ll believe her when she says that inflation’s not that bad. “What’s the big deal! Sorry your Peloton is late.” That’s the problem we’re against.
CLAY: Well, and you could think about this, Buck — and we’ve talked about it some on the show. Imagine if Rupert Murdoch and his family don’t exist. They are basically standing on the ramparts fighting against a horde of otherwise left-wing attackers. The Wall Street Journal editorial page, God bless them. I think it’s the most important two pages in almost all of media if you’re a reader, and Fox News — and, frankly, thank the Lord for Premiere and Julie Talbott and putting shows like this on so we can talk to the biggest audience every single day all over the country.
CLAY: There’s no doubt.
BUCK: So, it’s not like they want a free and fair and open debate. There’s a reason for that, folks. It’s why also any of the libs out there — New York Times, CNN — got a problem with what we say, why don’t you call in sometimes? We could talk about it.
CLAY: We should invite some of those people on.
BUCK: To the CNN commies and libs at the New York Times, “Call in. Tell us why we’re wrong. Let’s see what you got.”
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