BUCK: I just want to bring folks up to speed because the White House just put this out apparently. You got kids, so you’re actually somebody who has to deal with this decision. I know a lot of our listeners have children that are dealing this decision. This is from the New York Post just now: “The White House said Wednesday that the covid-19 vaccine regime for kids younger than 4 years old will likely be three doses when it’s approved …
“Two clinical trials of the Pfizer vaccine on children ages 6 months to 2 years old, and ages 2 to 4 are underway, but the older group hasn’t yet met standards, White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said at a press conference. ‘Dose and regimen for children 6 months to 24 months worked well, but it turned out the other group from 24 months to 4 years did not yet reach the level of non-inferiority, so the studies are continued,’ Fauci said.” Clay, three shots for your 3-year-old?
CLAY: Well, and don’t mistake what he’s saying there. The shots didn’t work, and so now they are saying, “You need to get more shots.” Let me just say, I have a 13-year-old actually turning 14 tomorrow. Happy early birthday to my oldest son. We went out to dinner with the family last night to help celebrate. I’ve got a 11-year-old, and I’ve got a 7-year-old. So I’ve got an eighth grader, a fifth grader, and a first grader. There is no way on earth that I am getting them the covid vaccine.
I don’t even think it’s fair to call it a covid vaccine anymore. It’s a covid shot. If you are, in my opinion… The great thing about being a parent is, at least so far, you get to make choices for your kids based on all of the data, all the analysis, everything that you have learned as an adult. And, by the way, every parent out there knows you make a lot of bad decisions, too, right? Parenting is about trying to limit the bad decisions and maximize the good decisions to allow your kids to have the best possible outcomes.
No parent gets everything right, and no parent gets everything right with every kid. But if you are getting your child who is under the age of 4 a covid shot, I think you are bonkers. I think you are banshee-level crazy based on all the data that I have seen. Now, unlike all these mask idiots out there, I’m not telling you, “Hey, you have to wear a mask.” Even still, I see a lot of young kids wearing masks. I think it’s awful, but that’s their parents’ right to make that the choice.
I’m not saying you can’t do it. And I’m not anti-vax ’cause somebody’s gonna grab this audio and they’re gonna be like, “Clay Travis is antivax! He’s an awful parent! He’s trying to kill kids!” No. I look at the data and decide in a rational, not fearful, not emotional (loss of audio) that I can make for my family. And there is no way on earth based on the data that’s out there that my young kids are in danger from covid or in need of a covid shot.
Not antivaccine, measles, mumps, rubella, all that stuff when they’re young, I got my kids the vaccines, okay? But I am anti the covid vaccine for young children, and I can’t make it any clearer to anyone than saying that’s the choice I’m making for my family. You have the right as a parent out there to make your own choice. But, Buck, remember in the press conference when some loser reporter, idiot reporter out there asked Biden, “Hey, when are we gonna be able to get covid shots for kids that are under 5-year-olds?”
And I was thinking to myself, “Who are the parents out there that are clamoring for their under 5-year-old kids to get the covid shot when they have zero risk whatsoever?” And, by the way, when, frankly, I don’t think these covid shots are giving them very much protection. As Fauci himself just said, they can’t even figure out how to get the right immune response. The right immune response is get the virus and get over it. That’s the perfect immune response. That’s how kids handle most viruses.
They make zero allowance for this whatsoever. They have no interest in addressing this whatsoever, and you can just tell all along there’s been this completely unscientific approach to pretending natural immunity. Now study’s come out that lets you know four or five months ago when the big Delta surge was happening, it was better if you had natural immunity from the previous covid infection than the vaccine. Fact. That’s now come out.
What do we think we’re gonna find out in six months? That that was some one-off in the world of nature? No. But, Clay, they don’t care, even though we used to be told that 40% of covid cases were asymptomatic. So that was the CDC’s figure in the summer of 2020. I’ve never forgotten. That’s part of how they justified masks, by the way. It always changes based on whatever restriction they need, right? So they said 40% are asymptomatic. If 40% of cases are asymptomatic in the general population, what percentage of cases are asymptomatic among children who we know all along have been much faster at clearing this? They make no effort to get us that data, those numbers whatsoever. It’s disgraceful.
CLAY: We really should have, since they’re using kids like pincushions out there to test them on the covid vaccine, Buck, why don’t we have testing to know what percentage of kids have covid antibodies? Wouldn’t you like… I would love to know that. My kids — two of my youngest — are in public school. I would love to know what percentage of kids — I think that would be instructive and knowledgeable data that parents would like to have.
What percentage of kids in any given city or in any given school district already have at this point antibodies to covid? That seems like it would be a wildly useful statistic. And you can test inside of a school. I would be comfortable if they sit in and said, “Hey, we’re thinking about testing at your kids’ public school, your elementary school. Would you allow us to take a blood sample and check and see if your kids have had covid?”
Wouldn’t that influence in many ways the public policy discussion surrounding masks and also surrounding kids being able to attend school? Because it would limit what risk factors are actually in play for so many people out there. And obviously a lot of kids 12 and up have gotten the vaccine. That’s the choice you can make. I just think this is madness, young kids, newborns, 6-month-olds, I mean, what are you talking about? It’s insanity.
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