
Things You Can’t Say: Owner, Master, Cloth Masks Don’t Work

BUCK: Clay, that billionaire that we talked about yesterday, the part-owner of the Gold — Is it? Yeah — Golden State Warriors, he’s in the midst of quite a walk-back. It turns out saying “nobody cares” about the genocide of human beings in western China is not a popular thing to say in general, and particularly unpopular among the very international-focused, woke left wingers that I’m sure this guy was trying to impress with his supposedly knowledgeable commentary on global affairs, which obviously everyone said, “Wait a second. No one cares about genocide? You gotta be… You’re out of your mind.” Have you ever heard of this guy before, by the way?

CLAY: I had a little bit. Chamath. I think he’s @Chamath as on Twitter if I’m not mistaken. So, first of all, he’s donated six figures to Joe Biden. So he’s a huge left wing…

BUCK: Obviously. Of course.

CLAY: Yeah. Huge left-wing donor — and for people out there who missed this, he’s a minority owner. I think he’s like 10% of the Golden State Warriors so it’s not as if he’s the managing owner of the team. By the way, they don’t even use the word “owner” anymore. You knew this, right, Buck? They said the word owner was too offensive — this is 100% true in the NBA — because of its connotations to slavery, and so they refer… This is 100% true. I’m not making this up. They refer to all owners in the NBA now as “governors.” So you are a team governor as opposed to a team owner to avoid the offensive word “owner.”

BUCK: And that’s amazing. You know that now when you’re getting a tour of an apartment in any city in America, it is likely that they will tell you it is no longer a master bedroom. It’s called the primary bedroom because master bedroom was offensive as well. We look at the language changes and it can seem —

CLAY: Is a master’s degree, by the way, now offensive too?

BUCK: That’s a good question. I don’t know.

CLAY: The word master overall, we just have to write it out of existence.

BUCK: You know there’s that big, what is it, on YouTube? It was called Master Class I think where you could learn —

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: — how to be a deejay or learn how to be a world class chef. By the way, pro tip. You can’t actually learn how to be a world class chef on Master Class. But, anyway, yeah, they’re always gonna be… It’s about the power to change language more than it is to make changes that will actually be consistent, right? So it’s… Oh, by the way, a perfect example of this: Senator Rand Paul has been banned from YouTube — or I should say suspended.

Banned, suspended, it’s tough to keep up, but he’s been kicked off of YouTube in the past, and only I believe he’s been kicked off again for saying cloth masks don’t work. What’s fascinating is that now you actually are seeing the double standard unfold in real time. You are not allowed to say in Big Tech world that cloth masks are ineffective or don’t work against Omicron. You are only allowed to say — if you are a Democrat and in service to Fauciism — “Cloth masks don’t work, therefore, we need N95 masks,” or even, Clay… You just told me this one. What’s the latest from the geniuses of our educational establishment for kids and masking?

CLAY: Yeah. It’s crazy, Buck. So a lot of educators out there have been saying for a long time that kids learn by seeing adults move their lips, particularly when it comes to enunciation, when it comes to learning how to read. The CDC now is saying, “Oh, by the way, after two years of requiring kids to wear normal masks,” however you want to classify a normal mask, “it may actually makes sense for young kids to wear clear masks because they are learning how to read and/or learning a new language.”

And for young children, seeing the lips of their instructor and of their classmates makes total sense. I’m not an expert in language, but covering up the face does not allow them to learn how to read and so their ability to read or learn a new language is curtailed. So if you are a young kid who is an immigrant and you are trying to learn English, being able to watch your teacher, have her mouth move or his mouth move is wildly important.

If you are a young child being taught to read, enunciation, consonants, you can see the way the lips move is a huge part of learning that. The CDC, after two years, Buck, is suddenly saying, “Oh, yeah, there’s probably some truth to that. We need clear masks,” like masks so you can actually see the mouth on the other side in order to avoid inhibiting learning. This is all madness, but basically that’s acknowledging now two years of further learning deficit for children that have been attending masked schools with masked teachers.

BUCK: It’s amazing, isn’t it, that they never stop to think for a second, “Wait. Wait. Hold on. Why don’t we do a randomized, controlled trial in the same city, the same place?” We can’t have the, “Oh, but that’s ’cause of population density,” or, “Oh, that’s ’cause of compliance.” Let’s have some schools with masks, some schools without masks and really be serious and honest about whether there’s any difference.

And, by the way, it’s not enough to say it’s inconclusive, because if it’s inconclusive from the data, that means stop doing the annoying lunacy that you’re forcing people to do. They should have to prove the benefits of these things. Instead, we’re in this opposite land of unless we can prove beyond any reasonable doubt there is no efficacy from these things, we have to keep doing them. This is where the mental illness situation — mass mental illness — really comes in.

CLAY: There’s no doubt. It’s the biggest failure of American public policy, shutting down schools in any of our lives, just about. I really believe that. All of us failed in allowing this to happen. Democrats obviously failed far worse. Left wingers are to blame for why it happened, but everyone out there who wasn’t able to stop it from happening also failed.


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