CLAY: Yesterday afternoon what we have referred to as the Spirit Airlines of the covid shots — the one that our own Buck Sexton got so that he could attend his brother’s wedding — was effectively pulled from the market because it was unsafe. I want you to just think about what that means. Our government was mandating that people get these covid shots — 100% healthy people — or they lose their job.
And now they are saying, “Oh, wait. These shots actually have potentially significant health consequences for healthy people who never needed the shots in the first place.” And all of this combined with the fact that our government told us two covid shots would solve everything and keep us from getting and the spreading the virus, Buck. They told us it wasn’t safe for our kids to go to school in person, even though it was.
They told us that we all had to wear masks to stop the spread of covid — even though masks didn’t work — including, by the way, 2-year-olds. All of that was wrong. And if you dared, as Buck and I did, to call into question any of this, you were labeled a purveyor of disinformation, and you were in danger of having the full-throated roar of the Blue Checkmark Brigade members come after you.
And their cohorts in the mainstream media could decide that they were gonna try to dox you. You weren’t allowed to say any of this. And on our friend Rand Paul, senator from Kentucky, pointed out something that is quite true and we’ve been saying on this program for some time. Even as they are creating a Ministry of Truth, the biggest purveyors of disinformation in this country over the past several years has actually been your federal government, particularly in this covid era.
Listen to Senator Rand Paul make the case.
BUCK: And yet here we are being told, Clay, that there should be a disinformation governance board within the Department of Homeland Security, that we shouldn’t all think that that’s something to be really concerned about, that the left will sit around and claim that there’s a constitutional right — as we know to — abortion that will be infringed upon which there no longer is a constitutional right, if the Supreme Court decision comes down, but free speech rights they don’t actually believe in. There is a First Amendment. It is quite clear. Freedom of speech is there. It is in the text.
CLAY: Thank God.
BUCK: It is really the basis of English common law in seem ways and has been for hundreds of years. And yet that’s a right that they entirely nullify and negate whenever they feel like it even on core political and policy issues. I mean, the notion of vaccines in this country as beyond the realm of discussion when you’re mandating vaccines is so contra the heart of the First Amendment.
It was such an egregious trampling of free speech, and it wasn’t just corporations engaged in this. It was corporations at the behest and encouragement of, directly from the White House. They trampled on free speech rights, and not only did they do that, they trampled on them and were wrong, which is the part, I think, that we have to hammer home.
CLAY: And they’re saying Johnson & Johnson now. Buck, what’s gonna come out in the future about the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccine? This was such a radical unprecedented idea, that a company would get guaranteed buy-in mandated by the government to a for-profit company. Look at the money that Moderna and Pfizer have made off the covid shots, and now they’re suddenly circling back around and saying, “Well, you know, that Johnson & Johnson…
“The health benefits don’t weigh in your favor.” Buck, you were mandated, in order to go to your brother’s wedding, you went and got the Johnson & Johnson shot. It’s something that you would have never chosen to do otherwise but for governmental action mandated on you to be able to go to that wedding.
BUCK: It’s worse than that. In the City of New York, you had to get the shot to go in to your job.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: If you were working in an office building of any kind, you’re not allowed in. No office building in the city would let you in without proof of vaccination for months and months at a time. So if you were going to be a New York City resident and still do your job — unless you were at a company that was gonna make special accommodations for you to work from home or whatever — you had to get the shot or else. It was get this shot or else.
Now the federal government is finally admitting, officially, it was, “Get this shot” that didn’t last for more than a couple of months anyway that you probably didn’t need and actually did put you at risk for thrombocytopenia syndrome — thrombosis with thrombocytopenia, a blood clot that can kill you. Did actually put you at risk for that. The government said, “You must get this or else,” and the social media giants said, “How dare you bring this up!” .
I got dinged, I got shut down, I got suspended. I had to fight with them on Twitter, on Facebook, for exactly these kinds of discussions. Our friend Alex Berenson got booted off of Twitter forever for saying that the vaccines don’t work that well and actually have more side effects than they want to be honest about. You don’t have to… All this stuff, “Oh, you’re not a doctor!”
First of all, the doctors, the medical community that was a part of all this stuff failed us, let us down. I’m sorry. There was a systematic cowardice of the public health experts who pushed this stuff. They wouldn’t speak the truth to people. Even the surgeon general now, you see this surgeon general, Clay, is saying, “Yeah, we probably should have had a more honest discussion about covid and the risks and everything else.” Now they’re saying this, now that it’s all over, basically?
People say, “Well, why does that matter?” Well, oftentimes, Buck, lawsuits against drug companies are how we become aware of what they knew, when they knew it, and the overall risk parameters because these drug companies often try to cover up any sort of negative influences that come from their drugs. I’m not talking just about the covid shot. I’m talking about the entire history of the drug industry in America.
Look at how many class-action lawsuits have ultimately been brought against companies, and the government gave them immunity from being sued, they guaranteed them billions of dollars in profits, they mandated that many of us had to get these shots in order able to keep our jobs or to go to school or to go to events.
And now we’re finding out there was no reason for this. And, by the way, Bill Gates was one of the top proponents of the covid shot, and now Bill Gates is coming out and saying, well, turns out covid wasn’t as dangerous to most healthy people as we thought it might have been. What! Did he never look at the data?
BUCK: Here he is.
CLAY: We’ve been talking about this for years, Buck! This is pretty easy data to look at, but here’s our buddy Bill Gates.
BUCK: The walking pregnant man emoji. Here he is.
BUCK: Clay, this is a lie, and it’s a lie that’s obvious for so many reasons. One is that we can go back in our own respective shows, tweets. You and I knew. I’m not formerly the richest man in the world.
CLAY: I’m not an epidemiologist either, Buck, and I knew.
BUCK: I might upgrade my electric scooter at some point to an actual automobile ’cause, you know, things go well. But you and I knew somehow. Why didn’t they know? And in fact, in 2020, in February of 2020, I want to remind everybody that the Diamond Princess cruise ship was essentially a perfect encapsulation of what covid is, which is that there were 3,700 people roughly on board, okay, 700 became infected.
This virus is very contagious, 700 became infected, and they think there were seven deaths total of senior citizens at the time. It was all older people. So we had some sense of what the actual fatality rate was. Now, I actually think the seven deaths is way high, if you looked at comorbidities and what they actually died of.
Did they die “of” covid? But it’s astonishing to see that they act like we didn’t know at the beginning that this was not a danger to young people, that the fatality rate was going to be very low overall, and if you look at Dr. Ioannidis… I’m not sure I say it right. It sounds like I’m talking about the football guy, right?
CLAY: Yeah. Johnny Unitas, yeah.
BUCK: Dr. Ioannidis from Stanford University, he essentially said, “Look, we’re looking at probably about a .1% to .01% fatality rate, something in that range” early on. That was in the very beginning! We did know.
The Johnson & Johnson is the canary in the coal mine as it pertains to the covid shots. And, again, it is madness that we have, even in the midst of this, the Biden administration — which has spread more misinformation on covid than anyone and been proven wrong on covid more than almost anyone — is going to argue that they are the arbiters of what science is and what’s acceptable to say and what’s not acceptable to say? It’s infuriating. It really is.
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