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They Promised Vaccinations Would Stop the Spread

20 Dec 2021

BUCK: They promised it would stop the spread. And this is the critical distinction we have to make today. They promised us that if we only listened — and people sometimes didn’t and then it was you have to — we’re gonna force you because they were so sure they were right, if you’re wondering how certain they were, I don’t want to just vocalize this to you.

I want you to hear them because right now you’ll think, hold on a second. We see what’s happening now, and we remember what they told us then; so they were wrong. And either they lied or they were reckless. Either they can be criticized for pretending to be certain or they just knew they didn’t know but didn’t care because they knew that a lot of people would comply when force was applied.

They think like that’s a genius new strategy. “Oh, we’ll fire you unless you do what we say.” Yeah, that will work a lot of the time. Not all the time. There are people who said, “Not gonna do it.” Brave people stand on principle out there who just said, “I refuse.”

But here’s what they were saying. I think it’s really important to remind people. When I say “they,” not talking about random individuals on the internet. The president, the head of the CDC, Fauci himself, St. Fauci, little tyrant. He is becoming the Michael Avenatti of public health officials. I can assure you, give it time, they will turn on him because nobody who is paying attention can really think that this is what was promised. Here’s what they were saying.

BIDEN: You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.

FAUCI: These vaccines are highly, highly effective.

WALENSKY: Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick.

FAUCI: They’re really, really good against variants.

GATES: Everyone who takes the vaccine is not just protecting themselves, but reducing their transmission to other people and allowing society to get back to normal.

WALENSKY:  Get your first shot. And when you’re due for your second, get your second shot.

GATES: A key goal is to stop the transmission to get the immunity levels up so that you get almost no, almost no infection going on whatsoever.

FAUCI: When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected.

BIDEN:  If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized. You’re not going to be in an ICU unit and you’re not going to die. If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.

WALENSKY: Anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities large or small without wearing a mask or physical distancing.

BUCK: Is there anything they said there that turned out to be true? That was the CDC director. That was Joe Biden. Is there anything they said — that now, remember, that was from June, July, maybe May. Within six months, after the mass vaccination campaign — and, remember, their certainty was used as the basis, the moral and policy basis for the mandates: This will stop the spread.

You aren’t allowed to make the choice. And this is so critical. We have to separate these two things. Because the way we deal with them is very different. The way we look at these policies changes dramatically they couldn’t separate out stopping the spread from individual protection against severe disease.

Let’s start with the individual protection against the disease. So far the data shows that if you are unvaccinated you are at around a 10 times greater risk of hospitalization and death from covid. That’s substantial. Which is why I sit here and Clay when he’s with me here day in and day out we sit here saying please, if you are at risk, get this vaccine. I would never mandate it for anybody, but please, if you are 65 and up or you have serious comorbidities, think long and hard about this data. Now, that’s a discussion that we’re used to because that’s true for seasonal influenza as well. People who are senior citizens at high risk, compromised immune systems, they are told please got the shot. You know, my parents have been getting the flu shot for years now as they’ve gotten into their older years, right?

But then there’s the “stop the spread” component of this because that alone if it’s really just about individual protection what’s the policy justification for saying get the shot or you’ll get fired? I mean, you’re the one that’s deciding your own health risks. You’re making your own decisions. But it’s not about other people.

The state is forcing people and the federal government tried to force — remember this, my red state brothers and sisters — the entire country they tried this on. Now, I know it’s stuck in the courts, but they tried a nationwide mandate. And the basis for the nationwide mandate was that this will stop the spread. I played the sound bites for you. You heard it. Stops the spread. Won’t get infected. You have 87% of people 65 and up currently vaccinated. Sixty-one percent of all ages, a massive and rapid vaccination campaign that has already been underway.

Now, what is their explanation for what’s going on here? That’s something we’ll have to spend more time on, because they’re throwing a lot of things out there at you. One of them I one of them is the vaccines don’t work for very long, very well. Except as individual protection. Stopping the spread, there are vaccinated people getting sick all over the place. You know this. And now there are famous ones who are big vaccine mandate advocates — remember, there’s vaccines, there’s vaccine mandates. There’s what’s safe for you, there’s stop the spread.

They don’t want to conflate these because they know they’re losing ground right now on the “stop the spread” ’cause they’re not stopping the spread, they didn’t stop the spread. And they had their way. And they had the masks on.

Does anyone think masking policy is gonna stop what’s happening in New York, or even bring it down so that you can see it on a graph? I would come out here and say, “I’m surprised, mea culpa, maybe I must have missed something,” if they even showed a 10 or 15% case reduction because of a mask mandate over the next two or three weeks. I’d say, “Oh, wow, actually does have some…” Nothing! We all know it. We’ve seen it a million times already.

So you sit here and you say, well, what are they now telling me? What’s the explanation for all of this? Why did they go to this extreme of government overreach, mandating vaccines at a national level when we see that it does not stop the spread?

Fauci is the absolute worst. I’ve been telling you all along. This guy is a nightmare. He’s a sanctimonious nightmare. Has he ever admitted we were wrong? Have you ever heard him say, guys, we got that wrong? It’s actually not very effective at stopping the spread at all.

And if you’re wondering who’s starting to figure this out, it’s people like Elizabeth Warren, Senator from Massachusetts, vaccinated and boostered, sick with covid right now. Cory Booker, Senator from New Jersey, vaccinated and boostered, sick, not asymptomatic, sick with covid right now. Jim Cramer, the guy who wants the military over at CNBC to make you get the shot, maybe make your kids get the shot too, sick covid right now. He is vaccinated and boostered.

Calling these breakthrough cases now is laughable. The vaccines obviously have a pretty big hole in them when it comes to infection and spread. How big, we’ll find out. But to say that this is an effective vaccine at stopping the spread — and they can say, “Oh, Omicron.” But, “Oh, Delta plus Omicron,
all these things. Yeah, that’s not what they were saying three or four months ago.

We knew there would be variants. There are always variants. And it looks like the Omicron variant is a more mild version of covid, which is actually cause for optimism. But instead they use it as cause for greater panic and say now we need even more shots.

There are currently bills – that are making their way through the process in the New York State legislature — you can see this; it’s online — about mandatory boosters statewide. So does that mean mandatory boosters forever? Probably. That’s their idea. That’s the best they’ve got now. Okay, we said we’re just gonna make you get the shot once. Now it’s we’re gonna make you get the shot forever, now it’s shots, shots, and more shots. As we sit here and say, “But it doesn’t stop the spread. Look what’s going on.”

New York is the most heavily vaccinated large population state, and it has an all-time high in cases right now, more than in January of 2021, more than in March and April of 2020. All-time high. If this is not failure, friends, what does failure to stop the spread look like? I ask you that question.

Everybody, please, think for yourselves on this. Look at these clowns scrambling for explanations at the CDC and elsewhere. They were wrong. They’re not as smart nor as moral as they thought they were. And now they have two options: Accept that, be honest about it, say to people like me who’ve been talking about natural immunity and the lack of efficacy of masks for many, many months, “Wow. You actually had a point. Maybe we should have talked about this like adults.”

Or the other option: More, more, mask up harder, more shots, maybe lockdowns.

Which one do you think the commies are going to pursue right now in this Biden regime? I’m just putting that out there for you.

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