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BUCK: New York is on the very front lines of the vaccine mandate fight and — no surprise — the authoritarians of the collectivist left like Bill de Blasio, the worst mayor in America… I’m sorry, Los Angeles. I know you think you’re able to compete with us on this one, and I know Portland’s got something to say, too.
But I think de Blasio is number one, the worst mayor in the United States — worse than Lori Lightfoot, worse than Garcetti, you name it — and here he is coming up with a very de Blasio line, which is: Wow! When you use the force of government to threaten and coerce people, they do the thing that you make them do.
DE BLASIO: The mandates have worked. John, I would say everybody out there, private sector, everyone should move to these mandates because they’ve been so strikingly effective. In the end when it comes down to you have to choose: Keep that job, keep that paycheck, do the right thing, get vaccinated, the majority of the people choose to get vaccinated.
BUCK: It’s like, hey, if I put a gun to Buck’s head and say, “Give me all your money” it’s an effective way of taking his money.
CLAY: Correct.
BUCK: Wow. Wow, Bill. Good job. This is wild. The fact — and I want to hit this data on Florida that I meant to hit last time, Buck, ’cause I think it’s significant as it ties into Australia and also to de Blasio saying, “Hey, this works.” You’re not gonna see this or hear it talked about. This is according to the New York Times. Florida cases are down 57% over the past 14 days.
The covid rate in Florida, 41 other states have a higher covid rate than Florida right now. Do you know what Florida did to make that happen, Buck? Nothing. They didn’t change the way that they were taking and allowing people to live in that state. And the fact that they didn’t do anything and the cases still plummeted…
And, by the way, the fact that the kids who didn’t wear masks had a roughly equal or even lower rate of covid infection than the kids that did wear masks… Again, you have to have comparable data in order to find out whether something works or not. So the New York people are gonna say, “Oh, this is what happens. It’s fantastic. The vaccine works perfectly.” But New York right now has a higher rate of covid than Florida.
Since the beginning of this when we thought hospitals were gonna be overwhelmed and we need to a million ventilators and everyone was, “Oh, my gosh. The world is coming to an end!” Vermont has more cases now than it did then. And, of course, we all know it’s Ron DeSantis’ fault.
CLAY: Yeah. And, by the way, Buck just some data here as I look at it: The states that are increasing the most right now, blue states with Democratic governors. And all of a sudden, the story is disappearing as to what they’re doing that’s so wrong. I can’t believe Ron DeSantis infected these people all over the country.
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