
The Science Changed Just in Time for Biden’s Big Speech!

CLAY: I want to talk about with you what we are not going to allow to happen, which is what is attempting to occur right now, Buck, which is, “Hey, oh, masks are just gonna go away and let’s just pretend that we didn’t sell you on a lie. Covid vaccine mandates are going away. Let’s just pretend that all of that wasn’t a lie.” We are not going to allow it to happen on this show, and we don’t want any of you out there to allow this to happen in the midterms. There must be severe consequences for all of the people who got this 100% wrong.

BUCK: Clay, anybody out there — any lib — who continues to believe the official line — which, I want to be very clear on this. The official line for everybody for everybody from the Fauci… Where is Fauci? So good —

CLAY: He vanished. He was doing every show, Buck. You couldn’t escape him. And all of a sudden — since Ukraine — they’ve been dialing back all these restrictions; Fauci has vanished.

BUCK: It’s amazing how that happens. It’s been at least 24 hours since I’ve seen him on CNN saying some total nonsense. So here’s what they want you to believe, everybody. They want you to believe that after two years of this — just days, really, in the case of New York State, hours before Biden’s State of the Union address — the science changed. This is the official line. This is what they really are saying.

I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that their claim here is that this had nothing to do with politics. This is something that you can see over and over again from their actual official line, the way that they talk about this, they seem to really believe that there is gonna be no connection made in the public’s mind between the timing of this and the State of the Union. Here’s Kathy Hochul, definitely among the dumbest, maybe among the worst governors in America. Here she is. Play.

HOCHUL: No, it has to do with when the CDC came down with their decision and the fact that on January 25th, I saw when the numbers were trending downward. I did say after that winter break — which just ended today — that we’d be assessing this. So absolutely no connection. But I will say, uhhh, they have been pounding on this for —

BUCK: Absolutely no connection. Yeah. Sure. Nobody with an IQ higher than a toaster believes her. When she’s still out there saying this, because, Clay, the alternative is, once people realize that the folks in charge — the Fauciites — will make decisions now based on politics, there’s this little part of the lib brain that goes, “Wait a second. Maybe they were making decisions based on politics and pretending they were based on the science a lot sooner than yesterday.”

CLAY: How about just the fact that Wednesday you don’t have to wear a mask in school, but Monday and Tuesday you still do? So the science is saying that it’s not safe in New York State on Monday or Tuesday, but suddenly on Wednesday, miraculously, you can take your masks off inside of schools in New York? And, by the way, this is the right result, but it’s the right result that should have happened everywhere in this country for every school student this year. And this is not a new argument for us to have been making.

You’ll remember, I went to my local school board along with many of you out there listening to make the argument against masks when my kids went back to school — and after about a week, they tried to reimplement masks. And so many people looked at the data and said, “This is an unforgivable sin on some level that we are putting forth on our kids.” And as a result, you gotta fight back against this. This is a failure of public policy of epic result. And, Buck, just think about how crazy this is right now.

We got a ton of people listening all over New York. In New York right now, your kids have to wear a mask on Monday and Tuesday but miraculously on Wednesday, they don’t have to anymore, and the same thing in New York, New York City. On March 7th. whatever day that’s gonna be, like Saturday or Sunday, suddenly you don’t have to show any evidence to get into your gym or to get into a restaurant but prior to that you do? It’s all nonsense.

BUCK: I almost want to run the experiment and videotape it of walking into — and there are certain places. I’ll never forget there’s a restaurant in my neighborhood — and this was during Omicron, so this was recent — where they told me not only did I have to mask up for the walk to my table after checking my vax passport, but that they insisted — and they actually insisted — that I stay masked until my drink arrived.

I got a class of wine, and I remember I said to them, “Okay, but there’s water on the table. So what’s…?” and they’re like, “No, sorry, only drinks that you order,” and they had come up with this completely arbitrary, idiotic rule, and they were serious about it. I could walk into a number of restaurants in the next few days in New York City, and I guarantee you there would be people, there would be patrons…

Forget about the restaurant ’cause they can always say, “We don’t want to get a big fine from the city,” which is fair. That is fair. I understand. You know, some of my favorite places in New York have gone out of business and I’m sure there are a lot of other people in cities if you live in have. Not in Florida where we just were for… I was I just there for 10 days.

CLAY: There’s higher employment in Florida right now than before the pandemic, I believe. They’ve regained every job plus more.

BUCK: Yeah. No great restaurants that my friends in Miami and Tampa and, you know, in West Palm, no great restaurants that have closed for covid forever in those places. But in New York tons of them have. But patrons, Clay, would still feel virtuous, they would still feel like they’re the good people shouting at me to put on my mask while I’m walking to the table or show my vaccine passport for the next few days, as if that’s in any way reasonable.

Their brains have been melted by the Fauciite lunacy. They’re gonna need help. I mean, they actually need… They’re gonna need long-term therapy and they’re gonna have to talk this stuff out, because they were brainwashed. I mean, these people — the libs in major cities across America who believe all this Fauci, double mask, get your fourth booster bullcrap — they have emotional difficulties now. They have problems.

CLAY: Have you also seen, Buck, in New York City, Kyrie Irving, who is a basketball player for the Brooklyn Nets, when they implement the new New York City guidelines… I want you to think about this. I’m not even sure if you’ve seen it, but I saw and I was like, “This can’t be real,” but it is. Kyrie Irving can go and watch a Brooklyn Nets basketball game as an unvaccinated spectator, but he’s not allowed to play in the game.

This now is on top of the fact that everybody who is unvaccinated that travels into New York can play in the games. But think about this, Buck. He could get some popcorn and a soda and sit courtside at the basketball game eating and drinking — no mask, living his normal life — as a fan watching the game, but he’s not allowed to actually play in the game. Just think about how mind-numbingly broken is the science. Just think.

I wish… I hope Kyrie Irving is willing to do this. I’m sure there are some Brooklyn Nets people who listen to this show. I have confidence in that. I would love for them to say, “Hey, Kyrie, here say front court seat right on the front row. I want you to go just eat some popcorn, have a soda. Sit there as a fan. That is permissible come March 7th in New York City, but you can’t actually play in the game.”

BUCK: I want to get this message out as much as possible. You and I are completely united on this mission of not just letting this go because memories are short and okay and we’re happy to be freer in some places. Remember, if you live in Florida, Texas, Tennessee, the Dakotas, Wyoming, okay. It hasn’t been as bad for you. But every time you get on a plane still, by the way, and in the airport, you’re still masking up. This needs to be… Anybody who does not vote… I mean, I’m a single-issue voter at this point on this.

CLAY: I’m with you.

BUCK: If you are not going to slap down the moron Democrat Party that made us do all this stuff for two years by voting against every single Democrat, you deserve to mask up for the rest of your life on airplanes. You deserve to have your children masked in school. You are getting what you deserve. I want everyone to remember that” You are voting to perpetuate the abuse and the lunacy and the authoritarianism. I’m a single-issue voter on this.

CLAY: And we need to reiterate because some people are saying, “Well, now they’re changing. You’re starting to get some of what you’ve been arguing for for years, honestly.” Yes, that’s true, but look at what happened last May. They said no more masks, and then what did they do? Within a couple of months they brought them back. So my fear is they’re going to do away with masks and they’re gonna try to say, “See? We beat covid! We’re back to normal.”

As soon as the midterm elections happen, come November as we get cold again and as virus season and cold and flu season goes up — and there will be more covid in December and January as there was this year and as there probably will be for years and years to come — they’re going to try to bring back all of the restrictions that they’re walking back now.

Don’t let them do it. Give such an ass kicking to every Democrat that was remotely connected to masking up your kids and masking up with covid vaccine requirements and everything else — such an ass kicking — that they’re terrified to do it because otherwise they’re gonna do their best to bring it back. That’s the reality that we’re dealing with.


BIDEN: There’s a phenomenal negatively psychological impact that covid has had on the public psyche, and so you have an awful lot of people who are, notwithstanding the fact that things have gotten so much better for them economically, uhh, that they are speaking — how do you get up in the morning feeling happy, happy that everything’s all right?

BUCK: (impression) “Yeah, why don’t you realize how great it is? No joke. It’s great. It’s amazing. You’ve got emotional problems. Yeah, I’m telling you the truth here, folks. Stop being crazy. It’s awesome out there. You just don’t see it.” Can I just say…? That was Biden and then my version of Biden. Welcome back to the Clay and Buck show, and another area where I’m not gonna let this slide is the people seem a little overwrought and maybe emotionally damaged by the hysteria over covid.

The Democrat Party — and this became — and all the polling shows it. Very quickly, by April of 2020 effectively, covid was a partisan issue. March, fog of virus war, the stuff going on, two weeks to slow the spread, Trump was in charge, okay. By April, certainly by May it was a partisan issue. Democrats weaponized it. They used it as a club to bludgeon their political opponents at every opportunity. Big Tech used it as an excuse to censor and shut down people on the right they did not like who were questioning the narrative.

Clay, I’m just… I know I keep saying I’m not letting this go. They created… Biden is correct that there are people who are emotionally unwell now because of covid. I see them walking around New York City to this day outside with masks on, with N95 masks on, N95 masks on their 8-year-olds they’re walking with on the street. It is a psychological disorder. It’s obvious that basically what Biden is saying, but they created the psychological disorder component of this by never being honest with people about the real risks, by shutting down everything, and by making masks some virtue-signaling lunacy. So, Biden is the worst, and tomorrow will be the State of the Dumpster Fire Address. Sorry.

CLAY: No. I can’t wait to hear what he is going to say, honestly, because you nailed it. They don’t know how to turn off the panic that they have created, what I called “fear porn,” the idea that everybody was going to die of covid, and if you got triple vaxxed and if you wore a mask, you were going to be perfectly fine. The mask is totally worthless, and I would venture a massive amount of money that in the years ahead more and more people are going to come around to the position that you and I have been in for a long time, Buck, which is arguing, “Hey, yeah.

“We knew the masking never really worked, but we just wanted to send a message of how important it was to try and fight back against covid.” No, no. A huge percentage of people out there argued that masking worked, including Joe Biden himself, who as recently as January of 2021… Let’s not forget, Buck, when he took office, Joe Biden’s first comments were, “If everybody would just wear a mask for a hundred days, covid would go away.” That’s what he said. It was totally a lie, even as people were getting vaccinated.

And that’s why I’m not willing right now, as suddenly on Capitol Hill, you don’t have to wear a mask for the State of the Union address, which… Come on. You can’t…? I mean, I know Kathy Hochul in New York tried to say, “Oh, it’s totally not connected.” The CDC comes out on Friday saying, “Hey, basically masking is over for people with a functional brain, and then on Sunday in the Capitol they do away with it? Come on.

BUCK: Yeah. Aggressively stupid. That’s what they’re doing right now.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: It’s aggressively stupid.


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