
Clay and Buck

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The New Reagan Democrats Are Sanity Democrats

16 Jun 2022

CLAY: Welcome back, by the way, Clay Travis, Buck Sexton show.

CLAY: That is Ronald Reagan, and I gotta be honest with you. I think there’s a possibility… I don’t know that we’re ever going to have an election in this country like 1984 where you have a total Republican dominance or a total Democrat dominance based on the way we are right now. But I do think it is possible and we are trending towards it being as close to 1984 in terms of a Republican wave, in terms of there being a lot of — what was the term then? — Reagan Democrats.

I think there are a lot of covid Democrats. I think there are a lot of sane Democrats who are leaving that party and are going to vote red. And one of those guys, Buck, who is doing that is Elon Musk. And I think there are a lot of Elon Musks out there who are fed up with what they have seen from Democrats.

BUCK: Not quite the bankbook, but, yeah.

CLAY: Yeah, not the money, not the ability to buy Twitter — and, by the way, Elon Musk is speaking at Twitter headquarters on a public meeting of sorts with the entire Twitter apparatus. But if you look at the trajectory that we’re on right now, I think that there is a revolution afoot, and I don’t know that Democrats are aware of what is coming for them or how significant and sweeping the repudiation is going to be the day after November 8th, I believe it is, when people wake up all over this country and recognize that things have changed. Because all of you out there — and so many of you who are new listeners who are desperately craving sanity — are going to make your voices heard in a way it’s gonna be impossible to ignore.

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