Covid Experts Were Wrong Then. What Are They Wrong About Now?

BUCK: I had to take a moment here, Clay and I are going back and forth on just how are we really gonna do this thing where we allow the people who were wrong about everything when it comes to covid after…? In one year… Think of the transformation in the narrative here in one year. Last summer in July, if you were — and many people in this audience were — hesitant to get the shot.

And I could say, I have family. My parents got shots. But I have family that were… I have a pretty big family when you look at cousins and everything else. They were very hesitant, to put it mildly, to get any form of covid shot. They didn’t want to do it. So, I told them get it — and refused to do it, I should add. I know people that didn’t want to do it, didn’t care what rules were and just weren’t doing it, they didn’t live in New York City.

CLAY: That’s like me.

BUCK: Well, but you don’t live in New York City, right?

CLAY: Right.

BUCK: So, depends on where you are. In Nashville, they weren’t gonna send the vaccine stormtroopers to your door. Here in New York, it felt like that was just days away. But when you see how much the narrative has changed, a year ago at this time if you didn’t want to get the shot, you were a reckless person. This is the official narrative, I’m saying. They were telling you you were a reckless person, putting people at risk, didn’t care about science, didn’t care about health because the shots were amazing! The shots were gonna stop everybody from even getting covid, never mind “severe disease.” So this is a montage of famous people, world leaders, who were saying, “Get the shot; it will protect you,” and now are, in the last six months or so have had to say, turns out they got covid.

BUCK: That’s just a smattering of world leaders. You had Biden, Trudeau of Canada, the prime minister of Australia, Anthony Fauci himself. “Get the shot! You’ll be fine; you won’t get covid.” Oh, they got covid.

CLAY: And that is a phenomenal video. I tweeted it out, I think, on Sunday. I enjoyed watching it just because they did a great job of juxtaposing the “you’ll never get covid” with them announcing they all got covid after the shots. The reason why I think it’s also significant is because that was about a year ago that they were all saying that. All of those leaders who were mandating and forcing you to get covid, remember, they initially said, “It will keep from you getting and spreading covid.”

That was the justification for why they needed to have mandates. That effectively covid would end if everybody got shots. What are they gonna be saying a year from now? Just think about that. We had Alex Berenson on July of last year about this time. He came on and he was one of the first people and we were one of the first shows to be willing to say, “Hey, this covid shot, it isn’t going to end covid. There are going to be a lot of breakthrough cases.

“There are gonna be a lot of issues with it.” At that point in time, you were barely allowed to even mention that. Those of you out there listening know we were on the front edges of telling you where we were headed. Buck, I’m concerned that a year from now… This is my concern. I’m not saying that I know it. I’m saying, this is my concern. I’m concerned based on the data that a year from now it is going to become widely accepted that the covid shots have led to faster mutations in the covid virus, because remember —

BUCK: That would be a version of… People talked about — Joe Rogan talked about last summer — Marek’s disease in chickens, and even the chief researcher for this came out to say, “Oh, that would never apply to covid.” I’m just… To be clear, these are things you weren’t allowed to say, and you’re saying it might be heading to a revisiting?

CLAY: If you just look at the trajectory of what was being said last year compared to what is commonly accepted wisdom today… Remember, go back in time, your Back to the Future machine. “It’s gonna stop and prevent anybody from getting covid. Covid is over! It’s a hot vax summer. Everybody go out and celebrate.” A year later, everybody now knows it doesn’t stop the spread. You’re gonna have to get boosters forever.

And now they try to say, Buck, “Well, it still prevents you from getting seriously ill or needing to be hospitalized.” I think that argument — the seriously ill and hospitalized argument, I think — a year from now is gonna be mostly gone too. And so my concern is not just with playing that clip to show you how wrong a year later all of those people who told you those things were. My concern is, what are they wrong about today that a year from now is gonna sound just like that?

BUCK: And a lot of things that are… These are facts. These are observable facts that you don’t have to have a medical degree of any kind, of any specialty to know vaccines never get approved this equally. We approved this vaccine at a speed that is completely unparalleled in history, right? There’s never been a vaccine that has gone this fast. Originally, we were told, “Oh, well, that’s because it’s so amazing.” But as we all see, there was lot that they clear… Either they didn’t know, or they just blatantly lied to really billions of people about the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Those are the only options because it is not as effective as they told us it would be. But they’ve never gotten a vaccine done this quickly, and they have also never had such a broad-spectrum global vaccination campaign based on a vaccine that was done this quickly. Point here being, we were in uncharted territory, never before done in the history of the human species. And if you had any questions, you were treated like a troglodyte.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: You were treated as if you were an anti-science monster. And a lot of the people who were asking questions, particularly about efficacy, were 100% right.

CLAY: And let’s play this, because your point on either they knew and they lied, or they just didn’t know… I’m inclined to think most people didn’t know ’cause they didn’t have a long enough track record of data and it looked like these vaccines did work really well for the few months that they tested them and then certainly the protection fades rapidly. But Dr. Birx said, “I knew these vaccines weren’t going to protect against infection. I think we overplayed the vaccines.” Now, she says lots of crazy stuff of late. But I want you to play this. This is Dr. Fauci’s compadre. This is one of the top experts in the entire (glitch) on covid and now saying, “Hey, you know what? I knew they really, really gonna work that well. Listen.

BUCK: No, no. Just notice the twist there. Very important. Oh, it made people worry. What you’re saying is you lied to us and then people, in response to the lie, had questions about the other things you said. That’s called rational. That is what an intelligent person would do. If someone tells me, “I’ve got a stock pick if you, Buck, hundred percent guaranteed it’s gonna go up,” and I lose my ass on it, then they tell me the second time,” I’ve got another stock pick!”

CLAY: So you’re not gonna listen to my next stock tip?

BUCK: I mean, I wasn’t thinking about you there, but we’re gonna have to do a little more due diligence there, Mr. Clay Travis.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Point here being, she is taking no responsibility for the initial vaccine. She says it was “overplaying.” They either were incredibly wrong or lied. And also, this is interesting, ’cause people like Fauci and Birx always referred to as top experts. And I want to remind everybody, as someone who worked in the federal government and will tell you that at the… I can only speak for the CIA. The smartest people I knew in the CIA were overwhelmingly being harassed by the bureaucracy for something stupid and very rarely made it past 10 years, usually past five years, right?

The people that I knew — it’s true across the federal bureaucracy — want to leave because they just can’t deal with the bureaucracy and the madness anymore, okay? They can’t deal with the stupidity. There are people in very high places. John Brennan was a CIA director. John Brennan is an idiot, okay? He worked for Obama as the counterterrorism czar. DNI Clapper. Not a very smart guy. You could say they were “top experts in the realm of intelligence,” but you would just be talking about their longevity in the bureaucracy.

Not being right. Not being smart. Not knowing the way to go. In the health bureaucracy, it’s even more the case. If you’re there the longest, you’re the most respected. You know, in the actual medical field, you know, there are some guys who are the best heart surgeons; you gotta wait six months to see them ’cause everybody knows they’re the best heart surgeon. Birx and Fauci are bureaucrats. Nothing more.

CLAY: Yeah. And they were bureaucrats who were a hundred percent wrong. So if Fauci and Birx told us this would prevent and stop the spread — keep you from getting it and stop you from spreading covid — a year ago, why do you believe them now when they say, “You still should go get the covid shot because it’ll keep you from being severely ill or dying”? Buck, you know this. Our data is not very well shared or distributed right now in the United States, but it there are an awful lot of countries out there where people who got the covid shot and people who got this idea that they were gonna be protected are dying at high rates. So my concern is a year from now we’re gonna be saying that the covid shot also doesn’t protect you that much from severe illness or death. A year from now, I think that’s where we’re gonna be.

BUCK: So there were things that you were not allowed to even discuss publicly about the vaccine all along. I brought up Marek’s and the New York Times and all this — when I say I brought up, I mentioned before, right? Joe Rogan famously talked about Marek’s disease, which is a disease of chickens, where there’s effectively a selection process for a more virulent strain of the virus, a more dangerous strain of the virus in response to a vaccination campaign. It took like 10 years for this to actually manifest. He just brought it up, and I think that was some of the most heat he’s ever come under for that, right?

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: It was last summer he talked about Marek’s on his show. If you even brought up something… There’s something called antibody-dependent enhancement. These are things I’ve learned. I’m just Googling these things. I’m not a doctor or whatever. But if you learn about this, it’s existed where — or, rather, it’s happened where a couple of times a vaccine has actually resulted in a second exposure to a pathogen, a virus that essentially made it worse. Now, that would be the absolute worst-case scenario situation of a vaccine.

It doesn’t seem like that’s happening here, to be clear. That’s not what seems to be happening. My point in bringing it up is just you weren’t even allowed to talk about it. You weren’t even allowed to say, ‘Hey, is this a problem?” and doctors should have said, “No, no, guys, don’t worry. Yes, that’s a real thing, but it’s not happening in this case based on the data.” What you’re talking about, though, could be — we talked to Alex about this — the concept of original antigenic sin.

Which means that your immune system is trained based upon a vaccine in a way that can wrong foot it when it encounters the virus a second time so you have a slightly slower response. Is that happening? We need to look at the data. But you brought up any three of those things before, Clay, people wanted you fired from your job!

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: People wanted to ruin you, instead of saying, “No, let’s talk about this,” and explain why it’s not happening.

CLAY: And also, I think it’s just relevant because if you’re that wrong a year ago, why should you trust that what they’re telling you today is accurate? And Alex’s Berenson has been right abuot this, and he asked a good question. The mutations of covid seem to be accelerating. That is, we are getting newer variants more and more rapidly. Why is that? I don’t claim to know the answer.

BUCK: I’d also say this. I said this to friends. I talked to some friends of mine over the weekend about this. If a doctor wears a mask because they have to wear masks ’cause it’s hospital policy, I’ll give them a pass. If a doctor actually believes that me wearing a cloth mask for our close, face-to-face interaction is doing anything to help anybody, I no longer trust their professional judgment. It’s a rule now for me. Just saying.

CLAY: I think that’s a right rule.


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