Terry McAuliffe Sides with CRT Over Virginia Parents
11 Oct 2021
BUCK: Terry McAuliffe — boo — is running against Glenn Youngkin. Glenn Youngkin is supposed to be with us on this show tomorrow and we are hoping that he will be the next governor of Virginia. I can say that for me; I’m sure Clay agrees. McAuliffe is a classic Democrat kind of operative guy and very close with the Clintons.
That’s really all you have to know. Anybody that could spend enough time around Hillary Clinton… (impression) “Hello!” You don’t want to be around somebody like that. Remember when the What Happened tour? “What Happened.” She’s still out there. She may come back. You think you’re free of the Hillary forever, but you may be wrong.
Anyway, here is Terry McAuliffe, who is saying that critical — ’cause Glenn Youngkin’s made a lot of gains based on the credits backlash by parents in schools because now we know the DOJ’s got the FBI on it in case you say a mean thing about CRT teaching, here’s Terry McAuliffe saying, “Oh, it’s not even a thing.”
MCAULIFFE: I really hate to see what Glenn Youngkin is trying to do with Virginia — what Donald Trump did to our country. I really hate to see the division, the hatred. We’re putting these children in this horrible position. Let’s — let’s just be clear. We don’t teach critical race theory. This is made up. This is a Trump/Betsy DeVos, uh, Glenn Youngkin plan to divide people, and — and it really bothers me.
BUCK: You know what really bothers me? When Democrats are caught with their hands in the cookie jar when we know what’s going on we finally get enough people to wake up to it that they’re facing consequences, the consequence being the prospect of a loss of power for the power-mad left, which bothers them more than anything else and they start saying, “Why are you being so divisive? Why you being so divisive?”
Oh, sure! (laughing) Yeah. First of all, the teaching of CRT is itself a real thing. We all know it’s a real thing. It is happening in places in Virginia. There are a lot of parents who aren’t even Trump supporters who have showed up at Loudoun County school board meetings, for example, who hate the stuff that’s being taught their kids in school and it’s divisive.
Teaching kids that they should be in any way judged or treated differently based on skin color — worse or better than anyone else — is divisive and wrong. That’s a classic Democrat ploy for McAuliffe, who is the slimiest of politicians. (impression) “Why are they being so divisive? We’re all friends, right?” Yeah, right. Please.
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