BUCK: We have some breaking news for you here, and it has to do with, well, someone who’s been known as “America’s Mayor,” someone who I know personally and have known of since I was a little kid and am friendly, as well, with his son, who is running for governor in the state of New York.
This is why this is an important story. Rudy Giuliani has had an appeals court in New York suspend his law license because the court claims that he made false statements to try to get courts to overturn Donald Trump’s loss in the presidential race. Now, I want to get Clay’s perspective as a lawyer — a licensed lawyer, someone who has practiced law — on this in a moment.
But I also just want to put out there as a preface to all this, the entire media and the Democrat Party lied for four years about the president working with Russia to steal the 2016 election with no consequence, really. I mean, no one went to prison.
The only people who went to prison were those caught up in the process crimes of the deep state, people like Roger Stone with dozens of armed FBI officials showing up — I don’t know if it was local police along with them — to arrest him. CNN got tipped off, of course; pretended they didn’t.
And there was no problem with the Russia collusion lies and people losing law licenses, people facing consequences. To me, Clay, it looks like this shows once again the bare-knuckled use of power that Democrats will engage in when they can to send a message to everybody, “You represent the wrong client, you say the wrong things, we’ll pull your license.”
CLAY: So this is… As I like to say sometimes when we talk about legal issues on the show, “This is me putting my lawyer hat on.” This is terrifying. The reports are — and I think we have Andrew Giuliani. We’ll play audio for you here in a little bit, explaining. I haven’t read this. Let me just be clear: I haven’t read the decision that led to his law license being suspended.
But I understand the motivation behind it. And this is me speaking as a lawyer. I have represented people accused and convicted of murder. I have represented people accused and convicted of domestic assault. I have represented people accused and convicted of the most heinous crimes that you can describe in our country. And that’s my job.
That’s what a lawyer does. Lawyers are advocates, not just for people who are always on the right side of the law. And so the idea that you would decide, first of all, that Rudy Giuliani’s opinions and also legal representation of the then-president of the United States are unacceptable is downright terrifying.
Because the end result of this is you are saying, effectively, “Some people who are making legal arguments don’t deserve the right to have an attorney,” and you are also saying that the attorney is responsible for the arguments he is sometimes making behalf his or her client. This is a big leap, Buck, and this is politically motivated.
I don’t think there’s any doubt. But it’s also scary. Because the essence of being a lawyer is sometimes being willing to defend to the utmost of your ability people who you may or may not agree with. This is what the ACLU, Buck, used to stand for. “We’re gonna defend the rights of Nazis to march in Skokie, Illinois.”
Think about historically. Even before we were a country, John Adams defended the British soldiers at the Boston Massacre. He defended the people that we were going to go to war with because defending people who may have done heinous acts you might disagree with to the utmost of your ability is what many of us as lawyers signed up for.
So this is, I believe, a terrifying extension of what we have already seen from Big Tech deciding to shut down Trump’s Facebook page, his Twitter page, all of these different apparatus by which he can reach his audience. And now you’re saying, “Advocates for the president of the United States are not allowed to make arguments because we don’t like those arguments and we’re gonna strip your ability to be a lawyer because of it”? It’s flat-out wrong.
BUCK: Just to go on the record, I know Andrew Giuliani, and he’s a friend. He’s a son of Rudy Giuliani. He’s running for governor, Andrew is, in New York state as a Republican. He spoke earlier today about this, and we wanted to hear what his defense is for his dad under the situation. Play the clip.
All five of them are Democrats, three of which were appointed by Andrew Cuomo, five-to-nothing, ultimately, Democrats, with zero Republicans on there. Again, this is just unbelievable to see just how politicized all of this has become. I am infuriated by all of this, and any American that believes in an independent justice system… This is going after one of President Trump’s closest allies.
That’s exactly what this is. And any American that doesn’t believe that, they are just biased. This is unacceptable, and I stand by my father. He did everything ultimately by the book. And the fact that there would be this politicization in our Justice Department is disgusting. It is a cancer that needs to be cut out, and it needs to be cut out right now.
BUCK: The politicization of courts, of prosecutors, is one of the most terrifying things that can happen in a free society. No one can ruin your life faster in America than a power-mad prosecutor or a judge who decides to make an example of you for political reasons. There’s very little recourse against this, especially on the prosecutorial side.
The weaponization of deep state elements within our government is something that should send a chill down every American’s spine. The uses of these apparatuses of censorship and just politically punitive measures is something that should concern everyone.
And, Clay, I believe this is also something you have to put in the context of sending a message to everybody. You rightly point out that the social media companies… Remember, they also shut down the lab leak theory from Wuhan. You couldn’t say that! I got dinged for that. I got dinged for a whole bunch of things about covid, all of which I was right, and Facebook and Google and the rest were wrong.
They’ve also taken this position on elections.
This is a new thing in America where you have these mechanisms of politically motivated censorship and payback in this way operating so brazenly that they would go after Rudy Giuliani for, as you point out, essentially making a case on behalf of a client, and this sends a message to everybody. This sends a message to you that if you stand with MAGA, if you stand with Trump, we’ll get you later. We’ll come and burn down your village even after everyone else has passed through.
BUCK: Rudy.
CLAY: Rudy Giuliani — Andrew Giuliani’s dad, who’s now running for the governor. I just… This is going to be, I think, a major story going forward. And I don’t know how it can be justified based on all of the evidence of Rudy Giuliani’s representation that I have seen so far. And again, the end result here is there are certain people or certain legal arguments that would not be allowed to be made if this is the precedent that the state of New York is going to apply for lawyers.
BUCK: I’d also note that that isn’t the first time we’ve seen something highly irregular when it comes to going after someone in Trump’s circle. Cyrus Vance, who’s a district attorney in New York, keeps on pushing and pushing this investigation of the Trump Organization. And remember, they seized Michael Cohen’s records. They went into a Trump lawyer’s records, and they seized stuff. There’s no prosecution that resulted from all this. These are police-state tactics that are still being used against Trump people and those in his orbit.
CLAY: Yeah, there’s no doubt, Buck.
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