Team Biden Says the Open Southern Border Is Great
17 Nov 2021
BUCK: How are things going at the southern border? Gonna address that in a second here. Welcome back to Clay and Buck show. The Biden administration thinks they’re going great, just so you know. You probably haven’t heard this one but it’s true. They think they are doing a great job making sure that as many illegal aliens flow into the United States as possible through as many loopholes and back door entries as possible. We’ll get into that in a moment.
I just want to say first that the Rittenhouse jury asking the judge four questions. So it does not seem right now like as we’re speaking to you, that we’re gonna have a verdict that is imminent. That’s not where we are. Looks like the judge is being asked questions by the jury so they go back and keep deliberating. It is, to me, disconcerting — disconcerting that we are at a place right now where the jury hasn’t already come to a verdict.
I do think that the pressure, the threats against the jury are certainly playing a role in this, but it could be more than that. We’ll be watching this very closely. We’ll jump in with any update for you during the show today as they happen. But I mentioned to you… You’ve noticed I’ve said for a long time, we are in a different place now when it comes to the southern border, which in a lot of polling is a top-three issue right now in terms of illegal immigration in this country.
It is a top-three issue. Right after the economy and jobs, immigration is right there. We don’t want the same things the Democrat Party does. They’re an open-borders, pro-illegal immigration party, and they won’t say it because a majority of the country is not with them, but they want that as the de facto status. And if you think I’m overstating — although I talk to the Border Patrol and ICE people and been in contact with them and have been on the border numerous times and can tell you that is going on.
But let’s just assume for a second you don’t want to take my word for it. Given that you have an almost all-time record of illegal crossings this year, what kind of grade do you think the head of the Department of Homeland Security would give the Biden administration on the border? Well, here is Alejandro Mayorkas, chief of DHS.
“Do you believe that the Biden immigration policies are successful?”
MAYORKAS: “We’re on the road to success”
“How would you grade yourself?”
MAYORKAS: “I give myself an A”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 16, 2021
SEN. TOM COTTON: Let’s just pull back a little bit and just ask some basic questions. Do you believe that the Biden immigration policies are successful?
MAYORKAS: Senator, I think rebuilding a broken immigration system and rebuilding a dismantled one takes time and we’re on the road —
SEN. TOM COTTON: So you think we’re on the right track as a nation?
SEN. TOM COTTON: Okay. How would you grade yourself?
MAYORKAS: Senator. I’m a tough grader on myself and I give myself an A for effort. Investment in mission and support of our workforce.
CLAY: I don’t think he’s that tough of a grader, Buck. I’m just gonna toss it out there. I’m trying to think. Every now and then we got a progress report for one of my boys, right, and it gets sent home. We have to sign it and, hey, we’re seeing all the grades and everything else. And if my boys were being as lenient a graders on themselves as Mayorkas is here, they would all have perfect scores.
That’s embarrassing. It’s funny and ridiculous, but the fact that he would give himself an A is… He should be removed from his position just based on that. I don’t even need to know anything else. If you think you’re worthy of an A grade based on what’s going on at the border, the worst the border has been, Buck, in decades and most of our lives? It’s shameful, it’s embarrassing, and you are so clueless, you shouldn’t have the right to continue to be a cabinet member.
BUCK: He did another thing during this testimony yesterday before the Senate, the Senate committee that was asking him questions about all this, Senate Judiciary Committee, and you can see there’s this repeated effort to take an area of failure under the Biden administration and then say, well, the way to address it is to do this other thing that we want you to do. An example:
When we see the numbers for inflation and for what’s going on with the economy right now, what do a lot of Biden appointees go out there and say? “Well, you just need to get the shot. You need the vaccine mandate to go into effect and then the economy turns around.” Oh, that’s really convenient. Here’s another one. Here’s another one where he says that if we want to get our economic recovery going, we need a mass amnesty, Clay. Look at that!
SEN. DICK DURBIN: I’m working to pass immigration reform through reconciliation and still unresolved what that will be, but I hope it is achieved. The overwhelming majority of Americans support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, many of whom risked their lives to get to America and to stay here and risk their lives again during the pandemic. This is a critical component of our economic recovery and rebuilding communities, and it cannot wait any longer.
BUCK: Obviously that’s Senator Dick Durbin, but the same point stands, which is that they look at the immigration and they say, “Oh, you want to fix the economy? Give us amnesty. You want to fix the economy? Everyone gets the shot. You want to fix the economy? Spend trillions more when you have high inflation already.” They do the exact wrong thing.
CLAY: They lie and they lie and make you start to question whether you’re the crazy one. That’s what I hear so much from our listeners is there’s so many lies out there, and the lying is delivered with such confidence that all of you out there say, “Wait a minute. What am I missing?” and the allies in the media who propagate the lies… Just think about all the lies that we have been told by the media, Buck, and how shamelessly they’re delivered.
And when they all fall down — and we can use what happened with the Steele dossier as a recent perfect example of this — they just move right along and pretend that it never actually occurred. The shamelessness, the duplicity, the downright despicable nature of these lies. I’m not sure it’s ever been more pronounced than what’s going on right now. I mean, you’ve got the worst border in any of our lives.
And in front of Congress the head of border responsibility, Mayorkas, the cabinet secretary responsible for this disaster gives himself an A? Dick Durbin just lied and said the vast majority of Americans are in favor of amnesty and that it should be able to go through reconciliation, something that’s already been shot down?
BUCK: The lawlessness at the border has so many effects on the rest of the country, and that’s why it is such a high-level issue. It also goes… In terms of Americans’ concern, it also goes to is the state an honest — the big S state, the federal government — an honest broker in all of this with issues like covid. We have all these restrictions; we have illegal immigrants coming in, hundreds of thousands a month.
And a lot of them are either untested for covid, they have covid, whatever it may be. People have been distributed to places across the country who already had covid. And this is all going on, Clay, at a time when a lot of people feel like the focus should be on the American people who are already here. An example of this is over a hundred thousand people now — you’re looking at the numbers, the highest numbers ever for overdose, drug overdose.
A vast majority of those drugs that Americans are dying from overdoses on and sometimes they’re so-called hot batch, right? They’re poorly made drugs, the cartels will fret fentanyl in vats, in labs in Mexico, and, you know, there’s no quality control. They’ll make whatever they make, people take it, they’ll die, even if they didn’t take what they thought was a lethal dose. You got between 90 and a hundred thousand I think is the latest number.
And that’s partially a function of you can’t stop the drugs from flowing into the country when you’re processing thousands and thousands of illegal migrant crossings every day for people who are pretending be to getting asylum in this country when they’re just gaming our system. So there are all these second-order effects, too, that people — whether you’re in New York, L.A., Houston, or Nebraska — all across the country know these drugs are flooding in their communities, know we don’t have a secure southern border, and can see the Biden administration is still prioritizing the rights of non-Americans, which is what an illegal alien is, as a policy priority.
CLAY: Not only that, Buck, this is also directly tied into covid policies. When we come back, one of the reasons why all of these overdose deaths have skyrocketed is because we’ve created isolation for so many addicts. They can’t go to church. They can’t go for long periods of time to meet with other people in their addiction groups. We’ve isolated people who are most in need of direct contact and support and help with our covid policies.
BUCK: You’re absolutely right, Clay, but I also want to get right the statistic. I said it was between 90 and one hundred thousand. It’s actually over a hundred thousand. This is the report that came out today from the CDC: Over a hundred thousand overdose deaths in a 12-month period for the first time in the history of the United States. We just had the worst month ever of drug overdoses. And why is that happening?
Fauciism and the isolation and despair that it unnecessarily causes with all the social distancing and mask up and all nonsense, and a lawless southern border where we have Border Patrol — and they’ve told me this. I’ve seen them do this process. Border Patrol is gathering up thousands of people at a time, families, who are showing up saying, “Where’s my sandwich and my water?” and, “Send me to New York. Send me to L.A.” at taxpayer expense.
CLAY: Under night covering, right, so they can land without being seen.
BUCK: “Put me on a plane,” and when they’re doing that, they’re not stopping the drug cartels from flooding our streets with illegal fentanyl and these other drugs that are out there that are killing now over a hundred thousand people a year. Do you think Fauci stops one second and says, “Hmm. Maybe deaths of despair should be factored into whether I’m telling everybody to get boostered and double masked”?
CLAY: Especially, Buck, if you factor in the age of the deaths of despair. Very often people in their twenties, their thirties, forties with decades of life ahead of them, where if you look at lives, years of life lost, which I do believe is a big factor here, because most people who are dying with covid are over the age of 80, most people who are dying of drug overdoses are relatively young and theoretically would have decades of life ahead of them.
BUCK: And what is the government policy on this? Is there any focus on this? Are they securing the border? Are they dealing with overdose deaths as though it’s an imminent crisis? Nope. Not at all. Rather talk to you about how you need amnesty and get the shot — and if you got a problem with that, they’re gonna send Merrick Garland’s FBI at you. Don’t say too much at the parent board meeting. Oh, no, that’s the big problem they’re flag here.
CLAY: Buck, you were just playing a lot of the audio of the disaster at the border with Mayorkas testifying. What’s fascinating about this is, Biden is a disaster on virtually every issue right now, if you look at polling. The worst response anywhere in the nation to any individual issue is what’s going on at the border. And, by the way, for those of you out there who are just getting in the cash just starting off your day with us, good news for those of you who have been fighting against vaccine mandates.
OSHA, as a result of the Fifth Circuit ruling, has ceased implementing their covid vaccine mandate right now. They just posted that on their website. And one of the things I’ve been saying, Buck — and some people who have listened to us talk about this for a while — Mayorkas finally got asked about it. And the question I’ve been asking is” If it’s so important that everybody be vaccinated in the United States, why are we allowing hundreds of thousands of undocumented, illegal immigrants into our country and at a bare minimum not vaccinating them too?”
If there’s so much authority for Joe Biden, why would you not be vaccinating illegal immigrants who have no right to come into our country? My argument is because they know they don’t have the legal authority to do it, and as soon as a lawsuit got filed — which would happen, by someone the challenging the constitutionality of that mandate for illegals — it would obviously become a precedent. Look, you can’t vaccinate illegals enter the country. Why can you mandate vaccinations for American citizens? It’s a fair question.
BUCK: That seems like a fair question to ask.
CLAY: Very fair question. So Mayorkas got asked about this, finally, and I would encourage other politicians — a lot of staff listens to this — to go after that inconsistency in American policy. “Wait a minute, Joe Biden. You’re mandating that citizens get vaccines or lose their jobs, but you’re not mandating — as a condition of bringing illegal immigrants into the country — that at a bare minimum we give them the covid vaccine?” Listen to Mayorkas’ tortured explanation on why you — all of you out there who are American citizens — should be held accountable for the vaccine mandate but all the illegal immigrants who are pouring into our country, well, no, no! They can’t get vaccinated. Listen to this.”
SEN. THOM TILLIS: We got a president who’s implementing a national mandate for vaccines, for any employees over a hundred employees and all federal employees. Why shouldn’t we mandate that somebody who comes across the border illegally shouldn’t be vaccinated or that’s a reason for expulsion?
MAYORKAS: (sputtering) Well —
SEN. THOM TILLIS: Under Title 42 or any other law?
MAYORKAS: Uh, um, Senator, uh, um, the analysis for, um, uhh, migrants encountered at the border is quite different, uhhh, than for, uhh, the federal workforce that leads by example.
DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on why Biden’s vaccine mandate doesn’t apply to illegal immigrants: it’s “different”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 16, 2021
CLAY: What? That’s your answer? This dude is an imbecile.
BUCK: But this is what the Biden administration wants, right? He’s the implementor of their lunacy, and I just think it’s fascinating. First of all, why isn’t the straightforward policies…? He mentioned Title 42. That’s the CDC authority to effectively protect the United States during a pandemic, which has been used sparingly in some ways to prevent some migrants — illegal — from entering the United States but the family unit issue essentially overrode that, were no longer using it. They weren’t using Title 42 to expel families and the Biden administration wants to stop using Title 42 entire these guys in the process of implementing that just so everybody knows. Why isn’t the policy, “Get the shot or get out?”
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: It’s very straightforward. And what is the possible justification for that? We’re not making you get the shot. You’re not supposed to be here in the first place.
CLAY: At a bare minimum, if you’re gonna enter into our country, given the fact that we’re mandating vaccines for citizens, why wouldn’t that be a condition of entering the country?
BUCK: We will fire members of the military, apparently, in this country who risk their lives, risk being maimed in killed in battle for us!
CLAY: Yes, yes!
BUCK: We’ll fire them for not getting the shot, but illegals can come in and it’s, “Well, it’s complicated.” No. “Get the shot or get out” should be the official policy of the Biden regimen. But it’s not.
CLAY: And reason that it’s not, Buck, is they know they’ll get shot down in court if they try to do it, and they don’t want the precedent out there for citizens, either.
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