
Carl Sagan’s Warning: Skepticism Is Key to Science

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BUCK: I sent this to the team last night, and I thought you would like it ’cause you often bring up here the basis of science and how while people like Fauci walk around saying, “I am science,” the reality is that they’re actually undermining the scientific method, scientific inquiry and — just on a philosophical level — the right to ask questions.

And then have answers that are based on data and that can be tested and retested through hypotheses. And there’s a quote that’s been circulating back from 1996. This was Dr. Carl Sagan on the Charlie Rose show. And here’s what he says about science.

SAGAN: Science is more than a body of knowledge. It’s a way of thinking, a way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility. If we are not able to ask skeptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true — to be skeptical of those in authority — then we’re up for grabs for the next charlatan, political or religious, who comes ambling along.

CLAY: Wow. That’s so well said. That ties in right now with… We didn’t talk about this a lot yesterday, but YouTube is now censoring anyone who says anything negative about covid the vaccine.

BUCK: Think about who’s going to be doing this, by the way. They outsource this to what they called independent fact-checkers. I know something about some of these fact-checkers. They’re people… They’re like the rejects from Media Matters. These are people that are generally the bottom of the list of those in journalism and media that you would actually want to be doing anything like this.

But they’re given tremendous power, and it’s because they’re the hatchet men, so to speak, and they’re the attack dogs of the left under the guise of being independent fact-checkers. I’ve come under attack from them before for stuff online. They’re all idiots. They don’t care about free inquiry — and they don’t care when they’re wrong, by the way. Because as we know, Clay, the purpose isn’t really about what’s true and what’s not true for these people. The main goal, the main purpose is to get you to comply.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: It’s about power.

CLAY: It’s totally about power. And I’m with you. The fact-checkers should be the smartest people in all of media because the power that they’re being given to determine truth or falsehood is so important. But instead, oftentimes they are partisan hacks who are just seeking to score political points. I’ve had this happen to me; I know you’ve had it happen to you. You can share an opinion on Facebook? Not allowed. Can share an opinion on Twitter? Not allowed.

BUCK: I’ve had predictions. I’ve had predictions.

CLAY: Not permitted.

BUCK: Not permitted. I think this will happen in six months in this regard with covid. “Ah, nah, no, not allowed to do that! Misinformation!” They’ll put a little misinformation tag below it or whatever. The YouTube CEO recently, Wazowski or whatever her name is —

CLAY: Susan Wazowski or something like that, I think.

BUCK: And she’s saying, “Oh, the First Amendment’s an important principle for us.” These social media platforms were built on a lie. That’s what people need to remember. They became so prominent, they got where they are by pretending to be pro-free speech and platforms for the free exchange of ideas. They are now effectively DNC-controlled fiefdoms, when it really matters.

Not on everything. Yeah, if you’re Republican you can put something on your Facebook or whatever but when Hunter Biden is about to have a big story that might blow up the Biden campaign right before the election? They know they can be counted on. They know that they’re supposed to step in and tip scale to one side. Really, it’s like they’ve lied to society. That’s the way I view it. They are false in the premises they use to become successful. So I do not like them, Clay. I am upset with the social media platforms.

CLAY: It’s one reason I’m excited we have this show because I expect fully at some point for you and/or I to come into the ban hammer with some of these social media sites ’cause we’re saying things that are uncomfortable truths for them.


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