
She’s Lurking Out There: Hillary Clinton Trashes Clarence Thomas

BUCK: Hillary Clinton is still out there. You know, we’re talking a little bit about Gavin Newsom and some of his possible aspirations, the unctuous governor of California. He’s slick, I will give him that, but look what he’s done to that state. I can’t help but remember growing up in the eighties and nineties in this country and California was just the promised land.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: California was where everybody was having the most fun. It was all these beautiful people getting sunshine and loving life. I wanted to learn how to surf. Gosh, surfing looked so dangerous.

CLAY: When did you see California first time as a kid, do you remember?

BUCK: Oh, my, I can’t even remember. I obviously didn’t spend time there. I’m just talking about what you pick up from movies and pop culture. I spent no time out there.

CLAY: I’m the same as you. I had never even been to the state of California until I was in college. So I made the trip out to California when I was in college. And, at that time, it was the late nineties, early 2000s. That was right as the tech boom was starting off in the Silicon Valley. I had a roommate from San Francisco. We had an incredible time out there and I was like, “Man, this place is amazing,” and then I worked and have spent a lot of time in L.A., probably the city that I’ve been in the second most other than my hometown of Nashville. And it’s just so disappointing to see it all falling apart.

BUCK: Yeah. They’ve destroyed cities in California. San Diego is still doing pretty well. I’ve spent a fair amount of time out there. We’ve got a great audience in San Diego. But Los Angeles, San Francisco have just been driven into the ground by bad Democrat policies, as we all know. Same thing with New York City, although it feels like New York — I don’t know — is it starting to turn the corner? We’ll see. But Hillary Clinton, along with Gavin Newsom, are getting talked about these days as a possible out-of-nowhere candidate if Biden doesn’t run.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: A lot of Democrats are going on TV to say —

CLAY: He can’t run.

BUCK: — “Biden really can’t do this, guys.” Now, I thought this was true two years ago, and they still put this guy forward, and we all see what the results have been. So who knows? Democrats… The good news for the Democrat Party is it has no integrity to protect as an institution; so they’ll do whatever they think will work. Hillary Clinton, speaking of no integrity, had this to say about Clarence Thomas who is a national treasure and a intellectual and jurisprudence hero for all Constitution-loving Americans.

BUCK: Less babies will die is the whole point of what the Supreme Court law will actually do in the aggregate. “Fewer,” I should say. But, Clay, he’s horrible. Honestly.

CLAY: I don’t think it’s fair, first of all, to go back. It’s been 50 years since they were in law school and they weren’t even in the same class.

BUCK: She didn’t know him. They weren’t friends. Such a cheap shot.

CLAY: That part is ridiculous, and take away Clarence Thomas’ jurisprudence. He is, I believe, the most beloved Supreme Court justice inside of the Supreme Court almost there’s ever been. He knows every employee. Even the liberal justices… I think it was Sotomayor who just came out, Buck, and said that Clarence Thomas was an incredible guy inside of the Supreme Court. So when you actually hear people who know Clarence Thomas — his clerks, the people who work inside of the Supreme Court.

Whether you’re the janitor or whether you’re a fellow Supreme Court justice with him, he’s beloved as an unbelievably likable guy. And so going back 50 years ago and saying he was filled with grievance? Clarence Thomas was, by the way, not even a conservative for much of his college years. It wasn’t until, I believe, he got into law school that he really started to develop his own philosophy on judicial processes. And so, this is all just… It’s trumped-up BS from Hillary Clinton, who does feel like, Buck, to me, she’s angling to be back in the discussion in a big way as Biden becomes increasingly incompetent.

BUCK: It’s also just so dishonest the way they discount… Clarence Thomas’ personal story? For anybody who doesn’t know, if you want to talk about someone who overcame hurdles, real hurdles and poverty and disadvantages early on in life to become a giant of the Supreme Court and of American jurisprudence, Clarence Thomas, as far as I understand, he grew up in a house with dirt floors. He grew up speaking kind of a local dialect in a community near Savannah that… I forget the name of it, but it was known to be founded by former, freed slaves after the Civil War and came from tremendous poverty.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: He wasn’t the son of university professors who raised him in Palo Alto or Cambridge, Massachusetts. He’s a guy who did it all on his own, built it all. Honestly, his pen, I think, is the mightiest, along with Alito, of any of the justices.

CLAY: He’s getting attacked, it seems to me… There were five justices in the majority. He’s getting attacked on a different level, and he has been for much of his career, because the message needs to be sent from Democrats, “You can’t be black and be conservative.” That’s the message that they try to push. Look, the attacks that come out… You heard Lori Lightfoot yesterday saying, “F Clarence Thomas.”

BUCK: It’s what Joe Biden said when he was running, which was absurd.

CLAY: Yes. You just heard Hillary. These Democrats are aware that their entire political party collapses if 25% of black voters ever voted Republican — or voted libertarian or voted Green Party, just weren’t voting Democrat. So, anyone who threatens that political power gets attacked in a much more noxious fashion than anyone else, and that’s certainly what we’re seeing happen to Clarence Thomas right now.


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