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SF Mayor Suddenly Wants to Cut the Bullcrap, Stop Crime

15 Dec 2021

BUCK: We have been talking to you about the rise in crime — notably, homicides and shootings — in major cities across the country. I think it’s about a dozen cities set their all-time record this year. Just like with inflation, folks, when the results come in, what you find out is the Democrats were wrong. And not only that, they were lying to you as the numbers were coming in about what the conclusions and what the obvious analysis should be about all of it.

They took soft-on-crime policies. The BLM movement created a lot of political cover to push that stuff even further. More people were shot, more people died, more people had their homes broken into, their stores vandalized and robbed — and, yes, their scooters stolen. It has been bad for the country across the board, right? We’ve all seen that Democrats’ crazy ideas about crime have really negative consequences, and it has finally gotten to the point…

Because the numbers are in, the data’s in, and we could take you through — and we’ve tried to — all over the country. What are we looking at? Rise in murders here, rise in thefts here, rise in burglaries there. But what are the Democrats gonna do about it? Because it turns out even soy latte-drinking libs in San Francisco get upset when someone steals their bicycle out of their front yard, right?

It turns out even when someone who votes Democrat or lives in Chicago or lives in Baltimore or New York or, you name it, has to be in fear of using public transportation. There was a horrible attack — I just saw this — a woman strangled and punched in the face and robbed. She’d just come to this country from Thailand. She’s a young model, aspiring young women here in New York, attacked — brutally attacked — in New York City subway.

I was in the subway, I can tell you, last week in New York for the first time in a little while ’cause I try to walk around — and, yes, I had other means of transportation as well that we don’t have to talk about. But I tried to go around the city. The subway was deserted, depressing, and the cars were gonna take 30 minutes to get there. It’s dangerous. Okay. Democrats are realizing that this is no longer tenable for them. Even London Breed, the mayor of San Francisco, is saying, guess what, folks? Time to get tough on crime.

BREED: And it’s time that the reign of criminals who are destroying our city… It is time for it to come to an end. And it comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement, more aggressive with the changes in our policies, and less tolerant of all the bulls(bleep)t that has destroyed our city. We are gonna turn this around!

BUCK: Can I just say that when we tell them, the libs, that their cities are being destroyed by these ideas, they say, “That’s exaggeration! You’re lying. That’s right-wing talk.” It’s almost like London Breed has been listening to the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.

CLAY: That’s exactly what I was gonna say. I don’t know how popular we are in San Francisco. I bet we’re more popular than we used to be in San Francisco ’cause there’s a lot of people out there — as you said Buck, Democrats, Republicans, yes. There’s also Team Reality and Team Insanity, and we are on the side of Team Reality, and increasingly I think the Democrats are looking at their poll numbers. This is what’s going on, right?

Because when you’ve got a black woman mayor of San Francisco saying that we need “more aggressive … policing,” that was called racist when anybody said it for the last year. When you even had the idea, Buck, they took COPS off of TV, the television show COPS, which had been on for two decades because they said that cops were all awful in the wake of Derek Chauvin.

They don’t want to potentially… Some people did. For those of you out there who watch Paw Patrol, they wanted the cop puppy. They wanted him to not be wearing a police uniform. This is what people were arguing last year in May and June, and it’s amazing how quickly this pivot has happened. Defund the polic, they’re trying to tell you, never happened, right?

In many places, they’re saying, “We never made that argument! What are you talking about?” and a lot in the media are allowing that to occur. But from major city mayor like London Breed in San Francisco, of all places, to be saying, “Hey, we gotta get police back to being able to do their jobs. They gotta aggressively police to make us safe,” it’s a seismic land shift here.

BUCK: I mean, you could see this even with some of the blue check beta males of the corporate media out there making arguments about how — and specifically in the case of San Francisco. I think it might have been a piece in the San Francisco Chronicle. I can’t remember now. It was a couple of months ago. “Is it really a big deal if someone breaks into your home and steals stuff from you while you’re home if they don’t, you know, attack and brutalize you physically?

“Is it really that big a deal?” And you finally started to have what needs to happen for libs to care. Here’s the sad little reality, folks. Murders go up while the left pretends to care so much about “social justice,” and particularly social justice as it affects minority communities. Most of the multimillionaire libs that you see on MSNBC and CNN, the editorial pages of the San Francisco Chronicle, the New York Times, the Washington Post, they live in safe neighborhoods.

CLAY: Super-white neighborhoods.

BUCK: They send their kids to generally overwhelmingly, almost entirely white schools, right?

CLAY: Gated communities.

BUCK: They go to schools where there’s no diversity whatsoever. They live in gated communities. They pretend to care so much about minorities because they want minority votes, and they also want the virtue signaling about being fighters against oppression. The murder rate goes up in the South side of Chicago, murder rate goes up in tough parts Oakland, tough parts of Baltimore.

It’s disproportionately affecting minority males, and specifically young African-American males are being killed at a higher rate because of their stupid lib ideas they’re pushing in these newspapers and on these channels. Why do they care now, Clay? Oh, because, you know, Sephora and Anthropologie and Starbucks and CVS in the fancy neighborhoods are being robbed.

CLAY: The Nordstrom in San Francisco is getting looted and all of a sudden there are all these people out there saying, “Hey, we need to do something about these mass robberies,” ’cause you’re right. The chickens — the proverbial chickens — have come home to roost. When it is primarily an inner city-crime issue, when Black Lives Matter has primarily led all of the protests to more black lives dying, left wingers don’t pay attention. But as soon as their city’s quality of life starts getting impacted, all of a sudden, they start to raise issues and they want for there to be some sort of response.

BUCK: It is amazing, too, it’s the Democrats pushing for what is often the exact wrong idea, right? Crime? You want less violence in our streets. Undermining cops and defunding them but also making it clear they’re not politically supported, that is something you do if you want in more murders, in fact.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: And that is what BLM did, you know, making it easier to take in the country and get into the country illegally. That is what you do if you want in more illegal immigration. Same thing with inflation. More spending. I mean, you look at this, the things they do cause the problems quite directly — and we’ve been warning them. We’ve been saying, “Hey, guys, it’s pretty crazy. Don’t do this.” Now they turn around; they go, “Oh, yeah.” What a shock! It turns out if you let the criminals run wild everywhere and do bad things, you get a lot of crime. Oh, okay.

CLAY: Well, and what’s amazing also on this is a lot of people aren’t gonna be held accountable for this. If you argued in favor of defund the police, you should never be elected to another office for the rest of your life. What’s gonna happen? Those people are gonna get reelected and they’re gonna pretend they never argued to defund the police.

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