BUCK: Senator Ted Cruz of Texas joins us now on Clay and Buck. Senator Cruz, you’ve got a new book out: “Justice Corrupted: How the Left Weaponized Our Legal System.” And you are on your Truth and Courage bus tour, which is currently in Tennessee. So, the book. Tell us a bit about this one, because we talk about the weaponization of the bureaucracy and the judiciary on a regular basis. You’re a man who knows how this stuff works in detail.
You know, the book starts off with what happened in Loudoun County, Virginia. And we all remember Loudoun County, Virginia. A 14-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in school by a boy wearing a skirt in the girls bathroom. The school denied it happened. In fact, they transferred the boy to another school where he assaulted another little girl. And the parents went to the school board expressing outrage because the school was lying, insisting it never occurred. The father rightly pointed out, he said, my daughter was raped at your school and you’re not doing a damn thing about it. They responded by throwing him to the ground, handcuffing him and arresting the father.
What followed was the National Association of School Boards sent a letter to the Biden administration asking them to target parents who go to school boards, target them as domestic terrorists using the Patriot Act. And six days later, Merrick Garland moved like quicksilver, sent a formal memo directing the FBI to go after and target parents. That was an abuse of power. And they’re doing it right now if parents are going to school boards and speaking out against sexual assault, speaking out against critical race theory, speaking out against schools that shut down for months or more and refuse to teach. And the Biden administration is using the FBI as their enforcers. We obviously have seen the FBI raiding President Trump’s personal home in Mar-a-Lago. That’s never happened before in history. We see the FBI raiding pro-life activist homes, arriving with machine guns drawn and arresting them in front of their crying children. It is profoundly dangerous and it’s getting worse and worse each day.
CLAY: Senator, I appreciate you coming on. Last time Buck and I hung out with you was the Texas and Alabama football game, which was an outstanding game. I just saw that you were watching your Astros. You’re a big Houston Astros fan. They’re in the World Series. Watch them take out the Yankees. And you also went on The View. So I’m curious for the combo there. Were you surprised that The View let you all in and was the reception better in Yankee Stadium or in front of The View audience from your perspective, I give you credit for going into the lion’s den in both cases.
What was interesting is there were probably, I would say, about 150 people who came up and wanted selfies with me. Yankees fans, most of them said they couldn’t stand the Astros, but they wanted a picture anyway. So the reception, by and large, was actually quite remarkably positive, although of course people had fun also yelling because I was not a shy fan. You know, you and I have been to sports games together. And when Texas played Alabama, I root loudly for Texas. And when Houston plays New York, I root loudly for Houston. So every time we got a hit or got a Yankee out, I was standing and cheering. But that, you know, that’s part of sports and part of the fun.
The View was an absolute circus and it was great fun. I went on there to discuss the new book “Justice Corrupted,” and the reason I did is because I think conservatives, we need to reach out and connect with a lot more people than just the party faithful, than just the folks watching Fox News each night. We need to talk with young people and Hispanics and African Americans and suburban moms. And there are millions of viewers, many of them suburban moms who watch The View and who get one very, very partisan dose of propaganda. And so I think it was valuable to go on there and present an alternative view.
I encourage folks, I said, “read the book, read the book, “Justice Corrupted,” and learn the facts about how Barack Obama used the IRS to target conservatives. How Joe Biden has used the Department of Justice and FBI to go after and persecute his political enemies and understand.” And it was lively. I mean, I have to say, the hosts went after me would be a mild statement. We actually had multiple protesters stand up and scream expletives, ironically, the same expletives that the Yankees fan had screamed the night before.
BUCK: Expletive collusion.
SEN. CRUZ: (Laughing.) Okay. For example, Whoopi Goldberg, like most hardcore leftists, is obsessed with January 6th, and at one point she was yelling at me that, you know, “Your side riots, engages in violence, our side doesn’t riot.” And I just started laughing and I said, you know, “Did I miss an entire year of Antifa riots as cities burned all across America?” And Whoopi looked at me and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know what an Antifa riot is,” which is just bizarre. But that’s the kind of political propaganda that the people who watch that show receive. And so it was a good chance for them to hear the truth and get around the propaganda.
BUCK: We’re speaking to Senator Ted Cruz. His book just came out yesterday. “Justice Corrupted: How the Left Weaponized Our Legal System.” Senator, we got a big election in less than two weeks. We talk about it here every day in detail, so we wanted your view of what you’re seeing and what you’re expecting is going to shake out.
SEN. CRUZ: We’re going to win. We’re going to see, I think, an historic victory. As you know, I’m in the middle of a month long, nationwide 17-state bus tour. We started in Texas. We went from Texas to New Mexico to Arizona to Nevada to Utah, to Kansas to Missouri to Iowa to Ohio to Maryland to Virginia to North Carolina. We’re in Tennessee right now. We’ve got a big rally tonight in Tennessee. Then we then we go to Georgia, then we go to Florida, then we go to Michigan. Then we go back to Utah. Then we go back to the great state of Texas.
Everywhere we’re going, we are seeing packed houses. We’re seeing people energized. I’m doing rallies for Senate candidate and House candidates. I’m not on the ballot this time, so I’m just trying to help others win. I think Republicans are going to retake the House and we’re going to retake the Senate. And I think people are really unhappy about the path we’re on and the radical policies coming from this White House.
CLAY: So everybody out there who’s listening to us right now in the Nashville area, I’m going to be there with Senator Cruz, also the next congressman from the fifth Congressional District in Tennessee, which includes much of Nashville, Andy Ogles. Should be a lot of fun. We’re going to have a big turnout and that’s going to be in Franklin, Tennessee, at The Factory tonight starting about 6. It may already be sold out. I’m not even sure. I know they’re going to have like 1,000 people there or something, I was told. But just FYI, for anybody in the Nashville area that wants to go.
Quickly here, Senator, you guys, as part of your campaign, endorsed, I believe, 25 different congressional candidates. We were talking about the over-under of how many of those would win. How do you think those 25 that you guys have supported all over the country are going to do based on the trend lines that you’re seeing?
SEN. CRUZ: Look, I feel really good. I think all 25 could win. And I think we will see a substantial majority of them are likely to win come November. What I’m trying to do is support the strongest conservatives who can win, because we need not just to take majorities, we need real leaders. When we have a majority, we need to use that majority. I’ll say regarding the rally tonight in Franklin, Tennessee: You can get the information TCBusTour.com. It gives you all the stops on the bus tour. So come out, the tickets are free and and let me also just encourage your listeners on the book, “Justice Corrupted.”
One of the things it does is it gives the inside story of January 6. It’s the first book that’s been written by someone who was an active participant. I was standing on the Senate floor leading the Senate objections. I describe how President Trump asked me to personally argue the U.S. Supreme Court case had the court taken the case and I walked people through the facts, the facts of voter fraud, the evidence, the law. I walk them through the abuses of power in the Biden Justice Department. What’s happening right now, the leak of the Supreme Court decision. And so this book is designed to give you the tools when you’re talking to your friends and your colleagues and your neighbors and urging them to come out and vote. This book is designed to give you the information to counter the media propaganda.
So, go to Amazon, go to Barnes and Noble, go to wherever you buy your books and buy “Justice Corrupted.” It’s a fun read. It’s very readable. It has a lot of facts in it, and it brings you behind the curtain, behind the scenes to know what’s really happening in these fundamental battles.
CLAY: See you tonight. And it should be a fun next 13 days, I’m sure, for you on the bus tour.
SEN. CRUZ: I’ll I’ll see you tonight. Look forward to it.
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