
Sen. Paul: Why Won’t They Change the Covid Shot Like the Flu Shot?

BUCK: Another science fact or science reality is that every year, there are these new flu vaccines. And we just know this, and people who are at risk get told may be a good idea for you to get the flu vaccine. Some years, it works pretty well. Some years, it barely works at all, ’cause they’re essentially guessing at what strain of flu will be predominant. Rand Paul, he’s a doctor. Dr. Rand Paul. He is asking a question that I think everybody should wonder about, which is, “So, we’re still getting the same covid shot but we have new flu shots every year. What’s going on here?”

BUCK: Pfizer, Clay, is working on new shots for Omicron.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: But they’re also telling us simultaneously from the CDC there’s probably gonna be a new variant this fall.

CLAY: Well, and this is why they’re actually destroying covid shots now. Wall Street Journal last week, I believe, reported that there were 10 million covid shots that just ran out ’cause nobody wanted them. And this is the question I was asking. We need to get Rand Paul on again (laughing) becuase I’d actually be curious what he would say here. I’ve never gotten the covid shot. I had the Alpha version and then I had the remix Omicron.

I’ve had covid twice. Would Dr. Fauci tell me that I need to go all the way back to last year and get the two original covid shots, which were designed for the Alpha version that I’ve already had and had virtually no impact on BA.4 and BA.5, I think that we’re on right now, the variants? Or do I get to skip those now and I just get to skip right to the fifth shot? I don’t even know what they would say to people like me.

BUCK: Clay, you’re like the laptop that has missed so many of the updates that you’re just gonna get the pinwheel of death in the middle that keeps spinning and spinning and spinning.

CLAY: I don’t want any more updates! I’m so far behind I couldn’t catch up. I’d have to be a pincushion now ’cause we’re on shot five or whatever it is.

BUCK: It is remarkable. Just get ready for it. You’re gonna have Fauci telling everybody (impression), “It’s really shots six and seven that are the game-changer. You’re talking perhaps 4% to 8% increase in efficacy over a two-month period.” He’s gonna be saying and people are gonna be like, “Oh, that sounds great!” The libs are gonna be saying, “Sign me up! I want shot eight.”

CLAY: Do they even still offer the shot that you got? Is the J&J shot even on the market still?

BUCK: No, which makes me wonder, “How am I even considered to have been vaccinated in that vaccine is no longer even in distribution for being ineffective?” I got the shot that was practically recalled. I got the lemon of shots. That’s not good.

CLAY: Well, they’re all lemons. But you got the lemon of the lemons, which is a bad combo there.


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