Sen. Johnson on the Miserable Failure of the Covid Cartel
11 Feb 2022
CLAY: We are joined now by Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Senator, Aaron Rodgers won the MVP last night — I don’t know if you saw that in your state — and I did notice this, and it got almost no attention. After all the anti-vax negativity that he took for not getting the covid vaccine, he was sitting in a crowded L.A. arena.
He went up on the stage, accepted the award, and I didn’t see a single media member complaining about it. I just thought that was kind of an interesting trajectory there. I don’t know if you saw any of that. But L.A. seems to have, now that the Oscars are gonna be allowed to happen without covid vaccine required, no masks… I mean, everything is falling apart in the covid narrative, isn’t it?
SEN. JOHNSON: I think so. Listen, Aaron Rodgers and the MVP, he deserves it for playing football but also for defending his personal health autonomy —
CLAY: Amen.
SEN. JOHNSON: — for defending his freedom and pushing back against the assaults and the attacks and the vilification he had to put up with. He didn’t back down. I really appreciate that about him.
CLAY: What’s the latest from your perspective that you are hearing — and we love to talk with you ’cause you are one of the few actual politicians who has looked at the data. Have you been surprised by how quickly all these Democratic governors are suddenly this week ending mask mandates and ending many of their covid restrictions? And they’re claiming the science changed. But you think it’s just finally the poll numbers have gotten so bad that they recognize that they’re going towards a disaster, and they had to change something?
SEN. JOHNSON: Well, it doesn’t surprise me at all. I mean, they politicized covid from the start, and they’ll be politicizing it all the way through the end. I personally think the greatest sin perpetrated by the covid gods… I actually heard somebody start calling it the covid cartel. That’s maybe a better description.
CLAY: Oh, yeah.
SEN. JOHNSON: The health agencies, Big Pharma, the news media, the Big Tech social media giants, I think the greatest sin was in blocking, sabotaging early treatment — 900,000 people died; they didn’t all have to die — but then also not exercising caution when it came to the vaccines, not watching their own safety or surveillance systems. I just got my update on my chart from VAERS: 1.1 million adverse events, 23,615 deaths reported on VAERS associated with covid vaccines.
I know that doesn’t prove causation, but 30% of those deaths — that’s holding pretty solid — are currently zero, one, or two. It certainly concerns me. I don’t know for the life of me why it hasn’t concerned Fauci and Collins and Walensky, Dr. Woodcock, Dr. Marks. I think the thing that will be lingering will be the vaccine injured. They need acknowledgment, by the way, because as long as the CDC won’t admit that the vaccine could be associated with some of their harms, doctors won’t treat ’em.
They just treat ’em like they’re mentally ill or something. This is a travesty what is happened, what has happened — and anybody that would look at 900,000 deaths, the human toll, the economic devastating, what we’ve done to our children. I saw the video. (laughs) It was joyous. I love to see their smiles. What did we do to our children? So anyone that would take a look our response to covid and call it a success is out of his mind. It’s been a miserable failure, and they need to be held accountable for it.
BUCK: Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin with us now. Senator, totally agree with you on that. I’m not… As a New Yorker who’s been put through a lot of the madness of Fauciism, really a concentration of lunatic, maniacal Fauciite policies here, I’m not willing to just move past it. I want to know what you think of the Canadian freedom convoy, and also the continued chatter in this country about a similar protest movement of truckers standing up not just about vaccine mandates, but basic freedom in the era of covid?
SEN. JOHNSON: I love it! They’re standing up and they’re fighting for freedom. They’re doing it peacefully. My wife said that people were complaining they’re honking their horns. They stopped honking their horns. They’re making a point. It’s a point that, again, the covid cartel, the legacy media, the Big Tech social media giants, they won’t let it be made. So we’ve gotta make it on the streets. But the people fighting for freedom are doing it peacefully, they’re doing it respectfully, and God bless them for doing it. I hope we see more of that here in the United States, quite honestly.
CLAY: Senator Johnson, I appreciate you running for reelection. I know we’ve mentioned that, before but just want to reemphasize that we’re number one in the Milwaukee market and I want people to come out and make sure they support you because you’ve been willing to fight battles that, frankly, a lot of politicians have run and hid from, and we needed more voices like yours instead of fewer.
What should happen? Let’s presume that you and the Republicans are able to take back the Senate and take back the House. What should happen to Dr. Fauci and all of the people who have enabled him, from your perspective? Is it a 9/11-style truth commission? Is it an investigation really in-depth into Fauci and the NIH and all of the gain-of-function research? What would you, if you are a part of a majority in the Senate, want to do as you began 2023?
SEN. JOHNSON: Expose the truth. I’ve spoken with Senator Paul. I’ve spoken with Jim Jordan. It’s what we are trying to do right now, but we’re being blocked. I asked for all these emails that were granted under FOIA requests, but all fully redacted. So we took about 400 pages of 4,000 and said, “We want these unredacted.” They’re letting us review them in camera, about 50 at a time. It’s taking about six months.
We’re down to last 50 pages and they won’t show us that. Well, what’s under that? So we need to expose the truth but the solution has to be, we need to reinstall doctors at the top of the health care pyramid again. Right now, they’re at the bottom! This is we’ve got our health care system completely backwards right now. Right now, it’s the covid gods, the cartel that’s reigning supreme.
The pharmaceutical companies, the health care agencies, the hospital associations, the medical journals. We need doctors to take the Hippocratic Oath whose loyalty is to patients. They have to be at the top! They have to be allowed to practice medicine, to be able to use their full off-label prescription rights without being harassed, without their licenses being threatened or taken away. What has happened is a travesty, and people have to recognize this.
Nine-hundred-thousand people, not all those people had to die. They wouldn’t have had we embraced thoroughly explored early treatment. There’s literally a cornucopia of cheap, generic, repurposed drugs, widely available that could have been used, are being used. They are being used successfully. It could have been used in a widespread fashion, hundreds of thousands of people I believe would be alive today had the covid cartel not blocked early treatment, and they’re still blocking it! We’re still gonna need early treatment, ’cause this isn’t something that’s going away.
CLAY: Senator Johnson, for people out there who may not understand how much difference there is between being in the majority and being able to hold Fauci accountable and not being in the majority. How much of a difference would it have made the last couple of years if Republicans had been in control all the time, and how much different will it make for you in January of 2023 compared to what you can do now? How seismic is that change?
SEN. JOHNSON: It’s pretty significant. Obviously, I would have held official Senate hearings as opposed to the events that I’m holding anyway. By the way, my events on January 24th, “Covid-19: A Second Opinion,” over two million views on launched. That’s the full, five-hour event. We have a 38-minute highlight reel that I put it up on YouTube, honestly just seeing how long they take to remove this.
They haven’t yet. So 1.2 million views on that. So if you don’t have five hours, at least go to YouTube and watch the 38-minute highlight reel. It will open your eyes. These are eminently qualified individuals. They are rational. By the way, even a first opinion, wouldn’t you rather go to doctors who actually have the courage and compassion to treat patients as opposed to these knuckleheads that have mismanaged covid in the ivory towers in their little bureaucratic offices?
This is insane what we’ve listened to! I don’t know why anybody would keep listening to Fauci and Walensky and Woodcock. At this point, 900,000 deaths! What we’ve done to our children. So, no, it’s about exposing the truth, it’s about holding people accountable, but then it’s about reestablishing and putting doctors back on top of the medical establishment pyramid. They have to be in charge.
BUCK: Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Sir, we always appreciate you coming by Clay and Buck. Thanks so much.
SEN. JOHNSON: Stay well.
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