When you see headlines like this one, understand what the left is trying to do.
It wasn’t “covid” that did this to children. It was the disastrous decision to shut down the schools and keep them shut down.
Remember these are the same people who told you over and over again that the covid shot would prevent you from catching the disease.
Do not let them get away with this. These policies must be repudiated and investigated when Republicans take control of Congress.
C&B look at Donald Trump's art of the public deal in foreign policy.
The Chairman of the Judiciary committee exposes illegal behavior by Biden's IRS.
Watch Clay and Buck analyze the ongoing meltdown at MSNBC.
Miss Clay on The Will Cain Show? Watch it here.
The new EPA administrator gives us the specifics on the tremendous waste at EPA.
The view from inside the White House where things got heated, as Democrat staffers acted…