
Salt Lake City Trib: Call Out Guard to Imprison the Unvaccinated

CLAY: So shout out to everybody who is in the Salt Lake City region, one of the 10 cities that we are number one in the country in right now, and I appreciate all of you out there listening right now. The Salt Lake Tribune, in an editorial — this is something that theoretically represents newspaper as a whole. Buck, this is what they said, and I think it ties in with all of those percentages you were just sharing with us. Reading from the Salt Lake Tribune:

“Were Utah a truly civilized place, the governor’s next move would be to find a way to mandate the kind of mass vaccination campaign we should have launched a year ago, going as far,” listen to this, Buck, “as far as to deploy the National Guard to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.” Buck, they want the National Guard called in to ensure that people are locked down and not allowed to leave their homes if they are unvaccinated — and they think they are the good people!

BUCK: This is the terrifying part, Clay, “Their animus toward the unvaxxed” — and by that, remember, it’s always just white Trump supporters when they talk about the unvaxxed. Any member of a minority community who’s chosen not to get vaccinated, that’s okay! Distrust of the government? The Democrats have a totally different view of that, but their animus toward unvaccinated has actually increased as the vaccine efficacy has been shown to decrease over time.

So, as the vaccine program fails in some of its core promises and as it is clear they want not two, not three, probably four, maybe forever shots, they get more and more angry at the people who all along were saying, “I don’t think we should go down this pathway. I don’t think this is going to work out the way you say it will. I don’t think you should be able to make me do this.” They get more vengeful toward them as those people are proven to have been more correct as time plays out.

CLAY: Yeah. It’s absolute madness.


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