BUCK: Senator Marco Rubio got in on this. We’re down here in Florida, senator from Florida. Here we go, Clay. It all adds up. Here he is, clip 21, Marco Rubio on whether people will even believe the CDC the way they should going forward. Play it.
REPORTER: They didn’t report that 18 to 49 years olds, the group least likely to benefit from these extra booster shots. Why do you think they left that out? They’re saying because it’s not ready for prime time. What’s the real reason?
SEN. RUBIO: I think because it goes against the public narrative. I think because it goes against the public guidance. For the same reason that Dr. Fauci told people not to wear masks, then he said ever been had to wear masks, and then you had to wear two masks and then two masks, and a face shield and a space suit: Because I think they think they can tell us whatever they want.
The damage they have done, the public health authorities in this country and extraordinary. You know, in the future we’re gonna have another pandemic, potentially, far worse than covid, potentially, and no one is gonna believe these guys because they’ve treated us like little children, lied to us, manipulated us, and just done tremendous damage to people’s confidence in public health officials.
BUCK: He’s completely right, Clay.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: This is part of the legacy Fauci and all the rest of these health apparatus bureaucrats is that the next time around people will — rightly or wrongly, depending on the situation — wonder they could listen to the same guidance that they got. And also notice, he’s mocking it because it deserves mockery. Two masks, one mask, no mask, three masks, N95 masks. It’s absurd what they put the country through.
CLAY: Well, not only that, it’s all over the place, right? And we’re gonna talk about the state of Nevada and what was going on there where one day everybody has to wear masks — and you probably saw, a lot of you did, that video of all those kids in elementary school who suddenly get announced by their teacher, “Hey, the mask mandate is over.”
But what’s going on here, make in mistake about it, and I think you are right, Buck, about the difficulties the CDC is going to have ever regaining the public trust because essentially what they did was allow politics to govern the choices that they made, and as parents have finally gotten fed up — and I don’t mean just Republican parents. I mean Democrat parents. I mean middle-of-the-road, independent voters.
I think there’s a huge number of people listening to us right now who were middle of the road or maybe apolitical and then they saw what was happening at their local school board. They saw their kids being forced to wear masks. They are listening to us right now in California certainly, Buck. The entire Super Bowl, 70,000 people, all those celebrities, everybody who could afford those multithousand-dollar tickets, they’re not wearing masks. You’re telling 5-year-olds that they have to have a mask all over the state of California the next day?
BUCK: Here’s my hope, Clay, because I was — and I know you were, too, and I keep reminding everybody that the first time we ever actually did a show together you were a guest on my radio show before we teamed up to talk about this issue, kind of the mass hysteria around all this stuff, very early on, maybe month two of the pandemic.
I was quite frustrated by how long it took people — and I was frustrated at the time by the fact that they had not yet, not a solid majority of the American people — at least expressed by their votes and expressed in the public opinion polls had — took longer to realize how serious the assault on their freedom was than I had certainly hoped for or anticipated. I do think that, though, now… I thought it might take one year, Clay.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: It looks like it has taken two, but I do believe that the reckoning is upon us, and which also brings us to our conversation about now is time for consequences. Now is time to run up the scoreboard against the other side, because otherwise, why even have this system of voting that we do? If you can just get away with doing a catastrophe, what’s the point? We need to actually hold everybody to account on this.
I think the American people have woken up to it now, and I think the CDC hiding data? Think about that! Think about another federal agency, “Oh, you know, we’re not gonna tell everybody how many opioid overdoses there are because some opioids are prescription and sew don’t want people to be scared to take them so we’re gonna hide the fact that a hundred thousand Americans died.” Imagine if that happened, imagine hiding data like this. It’s absurd.
But you are having your federal government — think about this — mandating that you take a vaccine and that potentially you continue to take a booster, or you continue to take a yearly shot in a way that has never occurred before and is effectively providing an annuity to all of these pharmaceutical companies for years into the future. We created dozens of potential billionaires over this situation and didn’t give the American public the right to make their choice — and the CDC hasn’t even given us all the data to allow us to make the most informed choices. It’s disgraceful.
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