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Regime Freak Levine: Empower Kids to Change Gender, Be Afraid of Covid

19 Jul 2022

CLAY: Biden assistant secretary for health — this is a man who is now arguing that he is a woman, now known as Rachel Levine — it’s fair to say, right?

BUCK: A man. Name is Rachel Levine. It’s a man. Yeah.

CLAY: Yeah. I mean, the things that they are saying are pretty crazy. He said yesterday, she said yesterday, however you want to define it, we need to empower kids to change of their gender. Kids changing their gender. Listen to this.

LEVINE: So we really want to — to — to base our treatment and — and to affirm and to support and empower these views, not to limit their participation in activities to sports and even limit their ability to get gender affirmation treatment in their state.

CLAY: There you go. We need kids who are kids to be getting gender affirmation treatment. That means if you’re 14 or 15 years old — this is a Biden administration official — you’re 14 or 15 years old and you believe that you need to get puberty blockers or you need to start changing your gender, this is what should happen.

This is pretty radical, crazy things to be saying. Not even adults who are changing their gender, kids, and some kids who have barely hit puberty at all.

BUCK: If this is a medical issue, why do they keep changing all the terms? Why is it now gender affirmation surgery? I would also want to know, what would it be if somebody has that surgery and in this case kids — and let’s be clear, they have lied to you so much and gas lit you so much all these issues, everybody, because when we talk about it, when we engage, what do they do? “Why are you so focused on this? Why are you such a anti-trans bigot? It’s just about acceptance.”

No, this is about policy. This is coming from the White House. This is what they are advocating to be standard of care in the medical community– by the way, it’s a medical community that can’t afford any more politicization or being deeply wrong postcovid. That’s an aside.

But, Clay, what would it be if you wanted to go back afterwards? Is it even possible to go back after you’ve had your gender affirmation surgery? What do they say about people — and there are people — who deeply regret having had that — having had that — that surgery, that transformation, which cannot actually transform you into a woman.

They change the terms. It’s no longer gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder. You know, now they keep changing the language to make it seem like this is already a debate that’s happened in the public and we all agree that children should have puberty blockers. This is horrible. It’s going to sterilize people as they get older. It’s going to prevent them from having full sexual function as they get older. And we’re gonna trust 12-year-olds to make these decisions. And if you’re an adult that tries to stand athwart the madness, the Biden folks want to come after you. You’re the problem.

CLAY: I just would ask everybody out there, think about this in your own lives and your kids’ lives, grandkids’ lives, how often have you made a choice at 12 or 13 and then later regretted it to a great extent? Often, right?

I mean, that’s part of what being 12, 13, 14, 15-year-old is. You’re experimenting, you’re making choices without a fully developed consciousness, without an adult ability to discern fact, truth, and analyze things intelligently. That I say wild, crazy proposition to be putting out there, that kids who are under 18 should be receiving gender reassignment surgery. That’s where the Biden administration is. That’s what Rachel Levine is arguing for.


BUCK: Lot of masks popping up here in NYC. Welcome back to Clay and Buck. You can tell the covid anxiety is rising among the libs. The face diapers are proliferating. People are turning back to the covid 1.0, “If we only just take it seriously, it’ll be okay. You got Biden assistant health secretary Rachel Levine — we just talked about this individual — saying covid is not done.

LEVINE: So we are certainly still concerned with covid-19. The pandemic is not done yet and we’re concerned, as you said, with the rise of it — particularly the BA.5 variant which seems to be the most contagious variant yet. But we know what works. We have the tools in the toolbox in order to address this, and that includes our safe and effective vaccines and boosters, as well as testing which is available throughout the country and then wearing masks, according to the CDC guidelines, depending upon the amount of community spread and the area in which you live.

BUCK: Yeah. So everyone needs to really pay close attention to those CDC bulletins to know what days they should mask, what days they shouldn’t mask. This is idiocy. It’s as though we’ve learned nothing, or they’ve learned nothing in two years, Clay.

CLAY: Yeah. And I think that’s where we are, frankly, is we’ve got men who now identify as women lecturing us with needing to follow the science. I mean, let’s be honest here.

And I don’t understand how the public health apparatus is ever go to get back the trust of the vast majority of the American public because it’s one thing if they had been giving their opinions, but they’ve been telling us things that have clearly been factually inaccurate for years now.

And the fact, I believe, what is so staggering out there — and you hardly hear any media talking about it, the perfect approximation of this is where are parents most responsible for their young kids? When they are 6 months old, babies, up to about the age of 5. Two percent of parents are getting their 6-month-old to 5-year-olds the covid shot, 2%. One in every 50 parents out there is actually trusting the CDC on whether to get their kids the covid shot.

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