Psaki Won’t Say: Does Biden Approve of Abortion at 9 Months?

BUCK: Jen Psaki is asked a very straightforward question. Not a complicated thing. How does President Biden, the leader of the Free World, what does he think as the chief executive of the United States government about abortion on the issue of — whether abortion should be legal at all stages, all nine months of a pregnancy? It is a “yes” or “no” question.

If I asked Jen Psaki, “Does President Biden think that the corporate tax rate should go up,” it’s a yes or no. It’s not, “Well, the president has talked about the corporate rate…” No, no. This is a “yes” or “no” question. Does Joe Biden, on the issue of abortion, support any restrictions? Here is the absurdly evasive Jen Psaki.

BUCK: Did you catch an answer? I didn’t catch an answer.

CLAY: No, and, to me, this is where Republicans should be hammering on this. And this is why I think all 50 states being able to make their own policies as it pertains to abortion is actually going to get us to a real conversation here. Because we were talking about this off air, Buck. Anybody can have a variety of different perspectives.

For instance, a lot of people are gonna say, “I’m okay with an exemption when it’s rape, incest, or health of a mother.” That’s a small number of potential abortions. But I think a lot of people out there listening to us right now — I would be one of them — would say, “Hey, I believe an exemption is there.” Similarly, I think almost everyone, all political persuasions, believes that if you have an abortion in the ninth month of a pregnancy, that’s murder.

BUCK: Yep.

CLAY: And Democrats, like Tim Ryan — I think we were talking about this yet — Beto in Texas, didn’t he come out and basically say that he supports abortion —

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: — all the way to the ninth month?

BUCK: Yes, he did.

CLAY: For anyone that has had children, when you are going through, looking at sonograms, watching babies move inside of bellies and everything else, eight or nine-month or seven month, when these kids are viable outside of the mother’s body, to me that’s murder. And I think the vast majority of the American public agrees. And so this is the kind of conversation, instead of arguing, “Hey, what does Roe v. Wade mean? Is the Supreme Court opinion righ?”

These are the kinds of conversations — and a lot of them are gonna be uncomfortable — that politicians and individual voters need to be having as it pertains to what abortion law should exist in their states. And if Democrats are going to say you can, one hour before you otherwise would be having a delivered baby, decide that you want to have an abortion, that’s a radical proposition. And if Tim Ryan is saying it and if Beto is saying it and if Jen Psaki is avoiding trying to say it, they know that the vast majority of American public doesn’t agree with that proposition.

BUCK: There’s been a narrative for a long time that I think is part of an attempt to politically blackmail, if you will, the right, to scare the right off, to say, “Oh, well, if Roe is overturned, then all the…” No, actually. I don’t think we’re going to see that. I think that’s been a very convenient story to try to get people to back off of this. But there are a lot of evangelicals in the country, a lot of conservative Catholics…

I just mean Catholics who believe in Catholic doctrine, a lot of people in the pro-life movement, a lot of Mormons, a lot of people who believe very strongly on this on the pro-life side. Now, I’m not saying they’re going to be — you know, they’re going to — it will largely, I think, cancel out as a voting issue. Put aside, like, the moral question. The voting issue, I don’t think it’s gonna make that much of a difference.

But there is going to be a challenge in states like California or in Colorado, which is not a… Blue, purple, the blue, Colorado just passed a radical abortion law at the state level, all nine months of a pregnancy any reason or no reason. States are now gonna have to justify it beyond saying it’s the law of the land because of the Constitution.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Which is gonna force exactly what you’re talking about, Clay, which is this discussion, this argument. And I think the left is gonna lose a lot of ground on this. I mean, yeah, there may be a lot of states including states that are red where they say, “Fetal heartbeat,” you’ve got 12 weeks, or that may be what the law turns into. It’s not gonna be in a lot of these places all nine months of a pregnancy. mentioned this before. I have a friend who just had a baby two months premature.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: Two months. It’s a baby. That’s in month seven. So, you know, the left, it’s scary, Clay, what they’re willing to argue. It honestly is.

CLAY: And they need to be held accountable for it and they need to have to answer these questions. They shouldn’t be able to tap dance around them like Jen Psaki did.


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