
Psaki Plays Cleanup for Biden Again

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CLAY: I wanted to play this, too — because we talked about this some yesterday, Buck — before we finish off the show. Jen Psaki had to try to clean up for Joe Biden. We talked in the second hour of the program with Representative Andy Biggs about Kyrsten Sinema and the way she was being treated in the state of Arizona, both in the bathroom in Arizona State and also on an airplane flight back to D.C.

Yesterday, Joe Biden said it was, quote, “part of the process” to be tracked into the bathroom and have people there harass you while you’re in the privacy of a bathroom. They sent Jen Psaki out to aisle 4 to try to clean up that Biden disaster. Here’s what she said. Play cut 11.

PSAKI: The protection of the freedoms of protest to speak out examine to criticize is fundamental to our democracy. The president believes that. Maybe he shorthanded it, but he wanted to make that clear this morning. What happened this weekend was that her classroom — her students, in the safe and intellectually stimulating environment she’s worked to create during the years she’s… uh, she’s created at… at ASU was breached, that’s inappropriate and unacceptable.

DOOCY: So does the White House condemn these protesters who chased her into the bathroom?

PSAKI: I just said it was inappropriate and unacceptable!

BUCK: Why not just condemn it? There’s always a little, “We don’t really like it, but I don’t want to get too rough on the situation,” because within the political culture of the left, harassment, intimidation, coercion, Alinskyite destruction of the system and abuse of good faith within the system, these are all things they do. This is not aberrant, I guess, Clay, is what I’m trying to say on the left. This is actually the ethos of the Democrat left today. This is who they are.

CLAY: Yes, and I love… You know Joe Biden’s doing a bad job when Psaki gets called out to try to clean up what should have been — and again, I just want to emphasize this over and over again. I think we all know that Joe Biden is in many ways incompetent when it comes to basically every important issue of his presidency.

But, Buck, even with an entire team of media advisers — even with a complicit and cowed media which is going to mostly question him in a favorable fashion — he is unable to answer a basic question like, “Is it appropriate for a woman senator to be chased into the bathroom and berated while she literally is in the stall going to the bathroom?” Joe Biden couldn’t even manage to answer that question which should be a complete and total layup.


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