
Psaki: Jan. 6th Is Rallying Cry for Dems to Change Voting Laws

BUCK: This is what Jen Psaki said. We were talking about this. She just had her White House press conference. There’s one thing that she said I thought was interesting and wanted to play it for you. Go for it.

PSAKI: And that we have to ensure January 6th doesn’t mark the end of democracy but the beginning of a renaissance for our democracy, where we stand up for the right to vote and have that voted counted fairly, uh, not undermined by partisans afraid of who you voted for or try to reser– reverse an outcome.

BUCK: A lot of bullcrap meandering. Here’s the point, Clay. You see it; I see it. Everyone listening needs to know this: January 6th is now the rallying cry for changing through federal law, which would override hundreds of different laws in states across the country. When it comes to ballot harvesting, when it comes to ID requirements for voting, override all of that, which upends our system, actually, to make it more similar to the covid pandemic year — or else you’re an insurrectionist and you support January 6th. That’s what’s going on.

CLAY: It’s also unconstitutional, and even if you want to talk about whether or not this is gonna pass — and it does not seem like it’s going to pass because they’re not gonna change the filibuster rules to allow it to pass. Even if it were to pass, if you look at recent Supreme Court jurisprudence as it pertains to local voting rules and regulations — state law in other words — this federal mandate, I do not believe, is remote constitutional. So that in and of itself is a huge part of this story that no one takes the next step towards.

I think you’re right, Buck. Look, the storyline here is going to be — based on where we are right now, lots of things can change. But it appears we’re gonna see a red tide in 2022. All of you should get out and vote, and we need to have consequences for defund the police, for lockdowns, for your kids not being in school. That’s the way you win long term is by holding politicians responsible.

That’s the essence of democracy. But when Republicans dominate in 2022 and when there is a red tide — which I believe is going to be roaring across the country representing sanity — what is going to happen is, Democrats are going to say, “The reason why we lost is ’cause racism,” and that’s gonna be their storyline going into 2024 to try and justify why they lost in 2022.

BUCK: And then they’re also probably gonna have to explain why they might pass over the first female black vice president for a different candidate in the Democrat Party because they think that Kamala can’t get it done. Won’t it be fascinating, Clay, to watch the, “We lost because of racism — oh, by the way, we’re not actually gonna have Kamala Harris as a standard bearer of the Democrat Party because we have no confidence in her.” This will be an interesting situation they put themselves in.

CLAY: They’re hoping, because Biden’s already pledged to put a black woman on the Supreme Court, that Stephen Breyer is going to step down — this is my thesis — and then they’re going to try and put a lot of pressure on Kamala. And that would need to happen, by the way, Breyer stepping down at some point this summer to allow, theoretically, the Democrats to muscle in a replacement for Breyer before we get into the midterms, and it becomes virtually impossible to replace anyone.


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