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Politico: Kamala Harris Is a Terrible Boss

1 Jul 2021

There’s an interesting Politico story that came out last night: “‘Not a Healthy Environment’: Kamala Harris’ Office Rife with Dissent.”

People inside of the Biden administration are basically shoving Kamala Harris off the mountaintop. This is a devastating piece about her management style. Nobody wants to work for her because she’s such an abusive boss and now they’re leaking it all to their buddies at Politico.

As Clay said, “It flows all downhill. And Kamala Harris, her presidential campaign was a disaster. She’s thoroughly unlikable. Everyone on her presidential campaign — they brought in, the Biden people did, an entirely new team for her as a vice president because she had run off everybody else. And now there are a lot of people fleeing the vice president’s office because the whole thing’s a total mess.”

Buck points out: “Do you remember all the stories also about Donald Trump and how everyone’s fleeing this White House, and there’s so much turnover, the White House was in disarray?”

We do remember — but there’s no such hysteria over this story about Harris.

Listen to Clay and Buck Discuss the Politico Story:

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