
Pelosi Blames “Putin Tax” for High Gas Prices

BUCK: We talked to you yesterday about how they’re gonna try to spin the situation — I don’t just mean what’s happening in Ukraine, I mean in general — for this administration. You’ve got effectively 8% inflation. You have the massive failures of the covid vaccine mandate regime, where they’re talking about masks, vaccines, you name it, to stop covid this past winter.

You have the world it seems closer to World War III than perhaps at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. You have to wonder, when was the last time we were having a really serious conversation about, “Oh, what if they fired nukes”? People are having that conversation now every day. This is all from a Biden administration that was supposed to unite us all, calm things down, and return us to normalcy.

Remember, that was the promise, that was the promise just over a year ago. Well, that’s not working out so well. So what are they gonna do? Well, it worked for them for a few years when Trump was president. Blame it all on Russia. Here’s Pelosi with the gas prices you’re paying: Oh, it’s just the Putin tax. Play it.

PELOSI: Let me just get back to you the question, the larger issue about Putin’s tax that’s — (sputtering) th-th-th-that’s really P-p-putin’s gas hike. That’s his gas hike. (sputters) So much of this increase in the gas tax — , uh, gas price started (sputters) weeks leading up to what happened there.

BUCK: Clay, this won’t work with this audience, but do you think it will work with enough people that they’ll be fooled by this in America that the Democrats get away with it?

CLAY: No, I don’t think it will because even back in Harry Truman days, “The buck stops here” was on his desk. The president gets more credit and more blame than he deserves, frequently, and your average person is not analyzing larger geopolitical positions as it pertains to why it costs so much to fill up their gas tank. I think it might work for left-wing loons who are trying to desperately to convince themselves that Joe Biden is not the worst president of their lives, and that Donald Trump was not the cause of everything that was going awry for them.

And so I think that what’s gonna happen is the average person is not going to buy into this. There’s going to be a desperate attempt to try to convince people. But if you look, the trend lines on the price of oil and gas were skyrocketing even before the Ukraine incident occurred, it’s not gonna be accepted by the vast majority of people.


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