BUCK: They always say on SNL, “There’s nothing to make fun of,” so they just end up making jokes about how awful Trump is still or something. Right? It’s garbage, propaganda. There are some comedians out there. Ty Fish… Tyler Fischer does great stuff. Ryan Long does great stuff. Who was the gentleman who did the amazing Trump impression? I’m gonna give him a shout-out on here.
CLAY: People loved him.
BUCK: Shawn Farash. Great.
CLAY: We should get him on for an actual interview.
BUCK: Yes.
CLAY: Make it clear that it’s a Trump impersonator.
BUCK: Right. Interview him as Trump would be phenomenal. I’ve heard a lot of Trump impressions. His Trump impression may be the best, and also it’s clear that he also like likes and respects Trump, which is why I think also I like it. But he just does it well. It’s funny.
CLAY: Yes, yes.
BUCK: Trump would like Shawn’s Trump impressions because it’s very good and it’s not meant to just be an attack on the president, former president. So here is Ryan Long, who I don’t know if… I think he’s just an actual comedian. I don’t think he is conservative. He just makes jokes about things that are out there. I could be wrong.
CLAY: He’s just anti-woke comedy.
BUCK: Anti-woke comedy. That’s right.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: Anti-woke comedy, which is such a ripe place.
CLAY: Fertile. Fertile area.
BUCK: Yeah, it’s amazing, but here he is ’cause you’ve noticed this: There are all these people who were terrified of getting covid. There were like 35-year-old urbanites who were terrified about getting what for them would essentially be a sniffle during covid — and they’re double masking, freaking out — and now they’ve turned on a dime and they’re, “Hey, no-fly zone, shoot down Russian planes? No big deal! #IstandwithUkraine, #ImWearingAT-ShirtInTheColorsOfUkraine.” He has some thoughts about this to share, Ryan Long.
BUCK: There’s a lot of insight in that. Can I just say, the “moving right on,” Clay? There’s an amazing correlation right now between covid lockdowners, people that get caught up in the mailbox hysteria and, “If we have to shoot down Russian planes, no big deal.” What?
CLAY: The number of people that were terrified of a virus that had no danger to them that are not afraid of nuclear war is… I don’t understand. If you’re a fearful person, it would seem to me that you would overlap there. Like, I am way more afraid of nuclear war than I am of covid, right? And I’m not that afraid of nuclear war, ’cause, honestly, what am I gonna do?
It’s not as if somebody’s gonna call me up and say, “Hey, what do you think we should do here?” I can’t control what Vladimir Putin does. But if you were terrified of covid and didn’t leave your house for most of the past two years — which many of these people did — and you’re totally okay with World War III, I don’t understand that mind-set. I really don’t.
BUCK: I don’t either. I don’t think they do.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: But they don’t stop to think about it, which is the what they got going for them, which is nice. They don’t have to actually think. I note that he says, “They just move on and never account for maybe getting caught up in covid hysteria was a bad idea, and now getting caught up in a kind of war fever on behalf of Ukraine as an American is also a bad idea.” Like I said, there are people pushing actively still right now for a no-fly zone for U.S. planes to shoot down Russian planes. So this is not over, folks. This is not. We’re not out of the danger zone on that, not by a long shot.
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