New Poll Registers All-Time Low Biden Approval Rating

CLAY: Civiqs has a brand-new poll out. Just came out, Buck. Approve or disapprove of Joe Biden as president? New low — I believe this is an all-time low for Joe Biden, at least all-time that I have seen — 34% approval rate, 55% disapproval. The things that are interesting the most about this, Buck, to me, at least, are he is in so much trouble — meaning Joe Biden — in the states that are going to potentially be deciding this election, in particular the states in 2024 that they have to be looking at. Here is the approval rating for Joe Biden right now in Arizona.

Hello, Phoenix. We’re number one in your market. Thirty-two percent approval rating. Nevada. Hello, Las Vegas. Number one there. Thirty-three percent approval rating. And how about Georgia, Buck, where you have got Reverend Raphael Warnock trying to hang on against Herschel Walker? We talked a lot about this primary. Joe Biden has a 31% approval rating, 31% approval rating in Georgia.

You talk about Georgia, Arizona, you start looking at the all these states that are going to decide 2024, I don’t see any way that you can elevate Biden to the point where he is competitive. But even worse, all these Senate seats, the toss-ups? This is a unmitigated disaster for Joe Biden that is only getting worse. One other data point that I wanted to hit you with, what is Joe Biden’s approval rating for independent voters, Buck? Twenty-three percent approval for independent voters right now. Even women, talking about losing space with suburban women, women are usually a strength of the Democrat Party, 40% approval, 48% disapproval for women. And men, 30% approval. Biden’s losing on every front right now.

BUCK: If you look at the Cook Political Report, there are congressional seats where Biden won by double digits upwards of sometimes 15, maybe even 17, 18 points, in danger of losing this time around, which is a huge swing, right? When you’re talking about a district that Biden won by 15 points, by almost 20 points, that that could go in the other direction? But you look at it and you see that there’s also about three-quarters of the country thinks we’re on the wrong track.

CLAY: Yep.

BUCK: Now, obviously that includes a whole lot of Democrats. But for a fair number of those numbers, it’s, “It’s not Biden’s fault. It’s a really hard job! The Republicans are really mean. They stand in the way,” and we all know that’s just self-justifying nonsense, right? At least they’re aware of the fact, this is not the way things are supposed to be going.

We’re not supposed to have record-high homicides in all basically of the top 25 American cities by population. We’re not supposed to have the worst inflation in 40 years. We’re not supposed to have 70% of baby formula out of stock, a war raging in Europe still that Biden says things that makes everyone going, “Oh, my gosh. You know, hit the deck, what is he doing?” This is not good, Clay. Even the Democrats know it’s not good.

CLAY: And, by the way, even for black voters in this, 65% approval. You may say, well, that’s high. Obama was 95, right? Basically every black voter was going to have Obama’s back no matter what. When a Democrat president is down to 65% approval in black voters, if 20% of black voters voted Republican, the Democrat Party collapse. It doesn’t work. And so these numbers have to be setting off alarm bells, which is why the big discussion not only is about what’s gonna happen in the midterms, it’s really, Buck, about when will Joe Biden announce whether he’s going to run for reelection? (laughs) And I’m laughing because I can’t imagine a weaker incumbent in any of our lives than what Joe Biden is likely to be facing if he decides to run.

BUCK: Only the mercy rule is acceptable, Clay. The mercy rule! I want kids in the dugout crying on the Democrat side.


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