
New Darling of the Left Liz Cheney Targets Cruz, Hawley

BUCK: Liz Cheney just had about as rough of a primary election as I think you can have. I don’t know if anybody in recent memory has lost by almost 40 points in that way in a primary that she had —

CLAY: I bet that’s never happened before, Buck. It’s a great point. Has anyone who was a sitting incumbent ever lost their primary by almost 40 points? I’ll bet that’s never happened before. I’m trying to even think when it could have occurred. I bet that’s never happened.

BUCK: It’s definitely unusual, right?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: We know that. I mean, is it unprecedented? I don’t know. Is it close to unprecedented? Almost certainly. But there’s this narrative, of course, that this is about principle, that this is about Liz Cheney is willing to do what’s best. She loves the Republican Party so much that she’s willing to smother it with a pillow and put it out of its misery. That’s basically the Liz Cheney approach to the GOP, and you say, “Well, hold on a second. But isn’t this really just about Trump?”

No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, it’s much more than just Trump, as we’ve been telling you all along. This is what happens. Trump usually personally offends, particularly — you’ve noticed this — people for whom politics is a dynasty, for whom politics is a family sport? You know, “Well, my dad was, or my…” They hate Trump because Liz Cheney I’m sure thought that she would run for president at some point before, in the pre-Trump era. Got the last name, got the political connections. GOP royalty, such as it is.

But then Trump comes along, and that, then, diverts; that, then, messes up the plan. And so she climbs that it’s all about principle, it’s all about saving conservatism from it’s or whatever. But as Clay and I have been telling you all along here, it isn’t just about Donald Trump. And now that she lost her primary, what is she doing? She’s raising now — she’s gonna raise — millions and millions of dollars so that she can actively go after other Republicans. Here she is blasting friends of this show, Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz, on an interview over the weekend. Play 5.

BUCK: So now Liz Cheney, Clay, gets to raise millions of dollars to tell us what other GOP officials are unfit for office. Doing the work of the left.

CLAY: Look. Her dad’s biggest decision of his career he was a hundred percent wrong on: WMDs in Iraq. Biggest decision of Dick Cheney’s career was that we had to go to war with Iraq to get weapons of mass destruction out of there. He was a hundred percent wrong. Him beating the drum, that’s him driving that argument. I think that Dick Cheney’s failure on Iraq is far more significant than anything that surrounded January 6th, right? When you look at the amount of consequences, the amount of lives lost, the amount of money spent, the amount of futility that came out of his leading the war charge on Iraq, Buck.

Why in the world should any Republican trust his daughter, who is only there, because, to your point, of her family name, and now she’s arguing that anybody who pointed out that 2020 was a rigged election or questioned anything surrounding that election is untrustworthy? I’ll tell you who’s untrustworthy. The Cheney family. And we told you this was going to happen. Keep in mind what unusually happens. People who come after Donald Trump aggressively almost never stop at Donald Trump.

BUCK: Nope.

CLAY: They rapidly expand. “Oh, Ron DeSantis has got problematic ideas. Josh Hawley’s got problematic ideas. Ted Cruz has problematic ideas.” Liz Cheney’s career as a Republican is over. But, in the meantime, she’s going to get the MSNBCs, the CNNs, the New York Times and the Washington Posts of the world to slowly milk… I really think this, Buck. I think she is going to raise $100 million or more before all is said, and she will use that to attack everyone inside of the Republican Party, not just Donald Trump.

‘Cause Donald Trump could decide tomorrow, Buck. If Trump said, “You know what? I’m 76. I’ve seen how bad Joe Biden is as president. We don’t need people my age to be president anymore. I’m gonna step down and I’ll endorse whoever wins the Republican primary,” do you think Liz Cheney would disappear, Buck, or would she say, “Whoever Trump endorses is unacceptable and too much of a threat to democracy?” Her life, her livelihood now, is predicated on being the person who is opposed to anyone at all who is popular in the Republican Party.

BUCK: No, the grift must continue, of course, because this is the process, progression, you see with all Never Trumpers. It’s really amazing, actually. I don’t know. Do you watch zombie movies ever? Do you know how there’s usually in a zombie movie, they go, “Oh, man, we just escaped.” Look at their arm, like, “Oh, I guess it did bite me a little bit.”

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: And then a couple of hours later there’s ah movie all the suh it’s like, oh, I’m feeling so hot and I’m feeling dizzy. And then it’s starts to get a little Twitchy and then, “Arrr!” the zombie attacks somebody. Never Trumpers go through this same process every time. It’s like all about the Constitution and Founding Fathers because I know and all this stuff. And by the end of it, they’re going on MSNBC talking about how abortion all nine months of a pregnancy is a basic American right and really what we need is wide-open borders and a mass confiscation of guns.

But they’re the real Republican. This is what happens every time because it’s like really about those… For those individuals, it’s all about them. Liz Cheney’s whole mission is actually about Liz Cheney. It has nothing to do with the voters of Wyoming, which, to their credit, they obviously knew. It has nothing to do with the benefit or the betterment of the Republican Party. She is doing the job of the left. She is effectively a false flag operator trying to kneecap the Republican Party for the amusement of New York Times subscribers so that she can get a little golf clap at the cocktail parties in Northern Virginia where she spends almost all of her time.

CLAY: And how delusional have the anti-Trump people gone that they are willing to embrace Cheney family now? I don’t think we can underrate this.

BUCK: It is amazing. Yeah.

CLAY: He was the single most detested Republican by the left wing in this country for a decade or more.

BUCK: Bush was like a puppet and Cheney’s hand was up his back, making all the moves for him.

CLAY: That’s right, and now all of a sudden they’re like, “Thank God for this Dick Cheney and his daughter and everybody else, the whole Cheney family! They’re the only thing protecting American democracy.” Buck, they made entire movies… Did you see the movie? I think it was —

BUCK: Veep? No, not Veep. Vice.

CLAY: Vice.

BUCK: Wasn’t it Christian Bale playing Dick Cheney, which is pretty —

CLAY: I think you’re right. And, by the way, was kind of an entertaining movie. Obviously, it was agenda-driven film. But that was what he represented. He was the worst human being on the planet to the left wing, and now all of a sudden, they can’t get out of a sloppy embrace with him just because they hate Trump more than they hate Cheney so they will fall in love with anybody.

BUCK: It’s a reminder. It’s worth it to step back sometimes to remind ourselves of this. Bush administration, the narrative of the left was stolen election in 2000. They said that was stolen; Al Gore should have won. There are whole montages now floating around about all the stuff that’s been said about 2016 by the libs, about 2020 by the libs, stolen election is fine when they say it. And then Bush was a war criminal who should have been in prison and our European allies should have, like, locked them up when they were on family vacation when he left office.

Same thing about Dick Cheney. It’s never just, “Oh, yeah, we disagree with them; we think their policies are bad.” Every Republican who ever achieves power is basically worse than Hitler as far as the Democrat left is concerned. They don’t believe that, but they say it, and they indulge in this derangement syndrome. And you mentioned before, we all know that they’ve already opened the floodgates to attack others. “Ron DeSantis is just like Trump with a different haircut! Ron DeSantis is Trump but 30 years younger!” I actually think they’re very different in a lot of ways. I think it’s unfair to just pretend that one is the same as the other because you’ve created a machinery of attack.


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